my palace
By 230338
Decided to put my plant feeders in racks in my GH. Lucy appeared i started to sing lucy disappeared quite rapidley. Alone in my palace i made the rack,s and took them to the GH . I broke into song again and my audience sat on my water can very smart in his waspy yellow and black striped vest. Don,t mind Wasps but heck he seemed to like my voice. He moved to the left i moved to the right ,i lifted my wellie he gave me a buzz. What a team i thought , we could hit the charts him a buzzing and me a singing. My fuchsia cuttings seemed quite contented, and my Rose cuttings were racked with joy. Holey moley its Tony and buzz the chart toppers 2011. Alas i opened the mesh door and buzz buzzed off . Alone again i went back to my palace(shed) just in time to see the dust from Turbo,s little legs (tortoise)swirling around my Vinca (periwinkle) as he motored home for dinner. Now that’s one heck of a happy afternoons work and most enjoyable. Take care all enjoy Tony
23 Aug, 2011
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Oh no! Turbo motored home for dinner?! Don't tell me Tiny's converted him to petrol now? I wonder is he petrol or diesel, and does he get it from the 'Shell' station? I think Tiny should do the right thing and covert him back to lettuce power, with all this speed, he'll not have a bottom on his shell worth talking about! And he'll be really tyred!
Have to go to bed now, I've gone to the dark side...;0)
23 Aug, 2011
Are you sure he won the X factor Stickie! Everyone did a runner when he started singing,mind you if I sung in my g.h. all the birds would clear off and all the glass would break. I have a friend who at our New years eve party (just a select few) who almost wet herself with laughter when I sung!I wish I had your imagination Elizabeth,sweet dreams.By the way Tony that park looks very nice .Is that were Turbo goes for his morning run!
24 Aug, 2011
Turbo runs whilst tony takes a dip in the fountain!??
24 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie last years photo yes. Very good detective work, we love the walk, but i like to send a snap with blog as a rule. Take care enjoy Tony
24 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Turbo recentley was introduced to coal (this lady runs her computor on it)thats why he smokes around his ankles(LoL). Take care Tony
24 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose My singing could loose me some very good freinds. Recentley however i had a wasp for an audience. X factor here i come.(LoL). Tony
24 Aug, 2011
Xfactor is not always very kind to people ~ watch out tony they might sting you.
24 Aug, 2011
Haha lovely and funny blog:)
24 Aug, 2011
Lol! Nana d! It's a wonder you can make heads or tail of them! Sometimes they go so far off the wall, they fall over the other side! ;0)
I know, Sticki! Maybe Tony could recruit the Wasps Rugby team to cheer him on? They'd be cheering so loudly the Panel would realise he's so popular that he'd definitely be put through to the next round!! Then, next week, he could play 'Dance of the Bumble Bee' by trumpeting through his watering can! That'd be original?!
Thank you Rose! You're very kind! Poor you! You must have been mortified when your friend laughed! Sometimes when that sort of thing happens you just have to laugh with them, and at least she was your friend!!
Tony...the speed Turbo is going at the moment, he should be fuelled with 'doubles'! That is if he can see where he's going through the smoke billowing out of his little ankles! Lol!:0) Tiny will have be on standby, with his little Fire Budgie helmet and extinguisher, just in case Turbo accidently combusts!!
24 Aug, 2011
Tony we should sing a duet and see who is worse.You really don't want to hear my rendition of " sally" by Gracie Fields and actually Elizabeth, my singing is the highlight of the night, would you believe!The higher the notes , the louder and higher i sing!It gets everyone rolling in the aisles.Don't forget Tony even the wasp flew away!Apparently , now the New Year cannot be let in unless i sing.Its all in fun Elizabeth and thanks for your kind words. By the way Tony,looked for that radio station but couldn't find it, thanks anyway.
25 Aug, 2011
Hi Nana d Glad you liked the blog thankyou. just a bit of fun to enjoy. We are not barmy really but the two white coated chaps at the door seem to think otherwise. Take care enjoy Tony
25 Aug, 2011
hi Rose How about coming round the mountain as a oncore ?. Or going round the bend by kasimodo?. Please don,t forget the plum pie. Take care enjoy Tony Rose smooth radio is near another station so its 100. 4 Fm Not 104 FM.
25 Aug, 2011
elizabeth Tiny is learning to read. If he cottons on to your mention of doubles i could be facing a mutiny. Stickie wants to stuff him in a teapot spout And i suspect Rose has him down for a roast, with plum pie afters. Bring it on Rose (LoL). Take care Elizabeth Tony
25 Aug, 2011
Oh no!! Tweety Pie!!
25 Aug, 2011
Arghh! Tiny Tweety Pie!! Why do you want to stuff Tiny down the teapot spout, Stick? Did he go to put the kettle on and find it didn't fit? Teehee!
Do you folks over on the mainland, call small lumps of coal, doubles? And big lumps are singles? Or is that just a Norn Iron thing?!
Tony!! Surely Rose isn't going to...gulp!...(Tiny! put your feathers over your ears!)...cook, Tiny, or question him roughly? What on earth has he done? And why is Sticki going to stuff him down the teapot spout?!
Rose! I can well believe that the New Year can't be rung in without your dulcet tones shrieking out across the frosty allotments! Such fun to be had, with someone willing to play the 'eejit' for her friends, is definitely an event not to be missed!!
25 Aug, 2011
Libet ~ it was suggested that we have a mad hatters tea party although why anyone could possibly think that we would fit in there is beyond me!! At that suggestion and invitation which I accepted I then asked who would be stuffed down into the teapot as we dont [as far as im aware] have a dormouse amongst us ~ yet! I believe it was Tony that accused me of putting Tiny into the teapot ~ I would never dream of doing such a thing!!!
I dont think we have coal any more Libet ~ be nice to have a roaring fire but its all central heating here. When i was little we had coal fires but i dont remember any doubles or singles.
so now we have a new years eve mad hatters tea party with rose the singing kettle ~ do i have this right??
26 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie When i was a little lad we were so poor mum got my clothes from our local fancy dress shop. i used to love going to school on a monday as a japanese Kama Kasey Pilot. Great on tuesday i could be Roy Rogers or Tonto but our headmaster was,nt very nice to me. Goodness me where on earth did those white coats come from?. Take care enjoy Tony
26 Aug, 2011
headmaster would have been even more worried if you had dressed up as a headteacher!
did you dress up in a white coat too?? is that what you used on fridays?? no wonder he wasnt nice ~ he was worried!!
26 Aug, 2011
And what did you dress up the rest of the week, Tony. The mind boggles.Elizabeth, some of us haven't caught up with the rest of the world yet and still have coal, but this will also come in handy for the lovely muffins we can toast (instead of poor Tiny).New years eve will definitely be one to remember, with Elizabeth running round the house with the coals(double or single Elizabeth?),Stickie looking for a dormouse,and Tony singing "coming round the mountain" with myself trying to sing "Sally"and giving out my lovely plum cake!
26 Aug, 2011
i think that will be a night to remember!!
26 Aug, 2011
Hi rose i thought of coming to the party as a cat with your menue and Elizabeths kitty treats Yipee. Take care Tony
26 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie He was,nt as worried as my sister and brother (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
26 Aug, 2011
dont tell me they had to take you to school dressed up??
i have attended school as 'Ridiculous the tortoise', 'Impy Ink the Imp' and a Victorian school teacher as well as made an outfit for 'the bad tempered ladybird' ~ for the headteacher to wear; worn an easter bonnet made like a splatted egg and another which was like a lily pad ~ with a frog on it! [all these were as either teaching assistant or teacher ~ not pupil]
i had better not tell you what i did to the 6th formers sitting in front of me in assembly when i was a pupil.
26 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Bit of a shock really i feel very well balanced now. Thought i was a bit eccentric but Inky imp and splattered egg, what a cracking education. Good job Rose did,nt get to your egg stickie she is frying tomorrow. Go on be a devil tell us what you got upto with the six formers?. I hope you were not a diabolic rotter . Take care am waiting in awe for more news. Tony
26 Aug, 2011
So am I Tony, my friend! Go on Stick! Tell us! Nobody's reading this! Go on, go on, go on!.....
Thanks for straightening me out Sticki, I think I get the gist! New years eve at Roses's sounds like a real mad hatters tea party, I'm going to set a lovely big fire of doubles, Rose! It makes a great muffin toaster! When we were young, we used to toast our bread in the morning, in front of the fire in the coal fuelled Wellstood cooker, using a three pronged fork, but, the number of slices of toast, that dropped off that fork into the fire, well, I couldn't begin to count! But if she was quick enough, Mum was able to fish it out of the fire, scrape off the burnt bits, the ash and the soot, plaster it with marmalade and stick it into one of our mouths on the way out to go to school! What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over! Still tasted sooty though!
26 Aug, 2011
Tony! Your outfits sound like typical school wear for someone of your superior intellect, so, how many did you get again? 15 B Levels! That's right! I don't know of anyone else with so many Barmy Levels! And all with top grades, it's a wonderful achievement! However, surely if you went to school on Monday dressed as a Kamikazi pilot, would you not be umm...dead? So in theory, you wouldn't need Tuesday's outfit, so, could I have it! I always wanted to be a cow girl! Yeeeehaw!
Sticki! If your outfits look as good as their names sound... they must be magnificent! I love the names!!
Rose, you supply the scuttle...I'll supply the doubles! Keep us all cosy!
26 Aug, 2011
B levels - now I could have tried for those - if only I had known - clearly I went to the wrong school.
When I was little we had a coal fire and one of those toasting forks - it was telescopic!
As for the sixth formers - not as exciting as Tony's outfits nor Libet's toast - I did warn you!
If you played for the first eleven hockey team - or the first netball team you wore a sash type thing - around the waist and then it fell at skirt length - I tied a couple of them to their chairs but when they stood up to sing a hymn or tried to leave - the chair came too - in rows of around 30 it caused a little traffic jam - oh and we are back to jam!
27 Aug, 2011
Elizabeth, are we talking doubles of....coal or something a wee bit stronger. After all it will be New year!Stickie, I can't imagine you being a teacher,I'll have to watch my p's and q's lol. Not a good idea to come as a cat, Tony, doesn't the cat always catch the bird! look out Tiny! Why can't I remeber what I did at school, must be getting old. All I remember is the puddings..chocolate concrete, spotted dick and butterscotch pudding...lovely.
27 Aug, 2011
oooh how do you make butterscotch pudding ~ dont remember that one but would like to try it.
being a teacher was in a past life rose ~ long story.
27 Aug, 2011
Lol!! That's brilliant Sticki! You scamp! I'd have loved to see that, it sounds like a heap of domino's falling over!
Oh noo! Rose! I leave the alchofrolicking to everyone else! I'll bring the coal and keep everyone warm from the outside! I'd love a nice cuppa though! Lol!
27 Aug, 2011
hot chocolate libet??
we are nearly sorted for the party arent we? libet bringing the heat ~ well, coal, tony bringing outfits, rose the jam and i will drive you all???????????? [drive you all mad!!]
what about the music??
27 Aug, 2011
Sticki! Did you not know Tiny can tweet the entire lifetime back catalogue of Tom Jones? He taught Tiny every note! Tiny paid him with boxes and boxes of Trill! Lol!
27 Aug, 2011
ooooh eeeer!! tom jones!!
im disappointed not to have some irish music tho ~ its my favourite.
27 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Tiny in his wisdom has forgiven you for the tea pot manouver but he does,nt remember any Trill. Infact he only remembers the inside of one box and i pushed him in that. Take care Tony
27 Aug, 2011
what box have you put tiny into tony???
are we going to have to play pass the parcel to find out?
27 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie irish music now there,s a thing. i learnt a little from my father goes somthing like "oi be coming round the mountain be gorra" there you go. I can do a jig as well. Take care Tony
27 Aug, 2011
the music i can well imagine ~ arranged by your good self of course!!
but the dancing i have to see!!!
27 Aug, 2011
Stickie now you have done it Tiny is very upset and that leads to danger for me. I think he can read but h e got very excited at Elizabeth,s mention of Trill then blooming heck pass the parcel did,nt go down well. I could loose me number one.(LoL). Take care Tony
27 Aug, 2011
Rose Come back i loved your plum whatsit. Please don,t desert us our party is narder without your jam rolly polly. I have my chisel at the ready. Take care be good Tony
27 Aug, 2011
might be a parcel of trill?? Tiny are you reading this??
tell tony not to push you into boxes.
27 Aug, 2011
Fellow crew members My heads spinning , i am going from one blog to another and my fingers are letting off sparks. Rose has mutinied, stickie has got me into trouble and my fair lady Elizabeth is in my chair at the captains table. Its time to retire sleep well all and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorry i dropped off. Take care nice people Tony
27 Aug, 2011
Very entertaining blog, I have to keep popping back to see what you lot come up with next..LOL...
27 Aug, 2011
I cant come back they made me walk the plank.
27 Aug, 2011
27 Aug, 2011
I do NOT snore!! Zzzzzz...zzzz...zzz...
27 Aug, 2011
I'm still here,Tony,had really busy day yesterday being the little housewife,blanching all my own homegrown veggies, making celery and tomato soup (all home grown) not the soup! By the time I had gone from one blog to the other, I thought ,I'm going to have early night.Stickie ,I've always got time for a long story.Quite upset now as I thought you would let me do my rendition of "Sally" at our shindig!(or was that on the other blog?)I'm all muddled up like you Elizabeth.But I think you should do the Irish dancing.Haven't got the butterscotch recipe, need to find a dinner lady for that.We are all mad as hatters Lincslass!Anyone for tea?
28 Aug, 2011
Tea and soup please Rose and I'm sure you can sing your song!
Long and sad story not right for here - sorry Rose.
28 Aug, 2011
Thats ok Stickie , I didn't mean to pry.I hope I didn't bring up some sad memories.I will have to sing my song now in the hope it will cheer you up. Where are you two retrebates,I.m here and now you've disappeared!
28 Aug, 2011
Very sad memories that I can't forget - think about it every day.
They think I have walked the plank Rose!
28 Aug, 2011
Reward for the capture of stickie stuck on the plank by Roses plonked jam , ugh I cannot move . Golly gum drops i,m stuck. Nice to see you back Rose have you access to a chisel? Take care Tony
28 Aug, 2011
Hi rose One has to be barmy to be on our blog wavelength, its classed as normal. And i have 15 Bs to prove it. Take care enjoy Tony
28 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Honestly i didn't say you snored. But can you vouch for your two pussy cat,s?. i fear a great disaster is on its way to Tiny. He said that honest. You were right about my good lady she was upset about the squirrel, but i will not let her approach the baskets again. Rose has made me ponder the thought if she had suffered a bite, so now i do all the plant feeding. Rose cuttings appear ok but won,t disturb pot at the moment. Have room now to bring plants into the greenhouse so may put bulbs in the baskets. Hope all is fine at your garden. Take care enjoy Tony
28 Aug, 2011
have you been chiseling and cutting rose Tony???
28 Aug, 2011
Hello! I'm here! Sticki!! You were only dreaming! You didn't walk the plank! You must have been dreaming about gymnasts walking the beam? Wake up Sticki! Come on! Wake Uuupppp!
I agree, Rose, Tony should definitely do the Irish dancing! I went to schools that would never have taught that! I can dance a mean Polka though, or a Waltz? But only if you sing 'Sally'! I'd love some soup Rose, but please could you take the celery out? Bleurgh!
Where are you stuck Tony? I can't fly to the rescue if I don't know where you are! Tie a wee note to Tiny's leg, and send him to me! I haven't got a chisel though, would a big fish slice do? Rose! Sticki! Wake up Stick! It was only a dream! You're Ok! Have you two any suggestions? We'll have to hurry...Tony'll will be getting hungry...Rose, bring soup! Hurry!
28 Aug, 2011
hi Stickie Am trying to get jam off my wellies ugh its solid and a hole is appearing in my boot surely its not , it can,t be ,good heavens it is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Take care Tony
28 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Tiny also stuck by my side. Please set your sat nav to suez canal left bank. Its urgent that you engage hurry to your approach. Rose is on her way with soup in a basket. Be careful. Tony
28 Aug, 2011
It's ok Tony!! The hole appearing beside your boot is...Turbo! He was able to get into the palace and fetch some tools... He has borrowed your bench saw...and your bench, and has set up beneath the plank! Watch out he doesn't accidently whizz through your toes!! My wee car doesn't have a sat nav, but never fear! I'll ask the nice people in uniform where you are! I'll be about a week? Is that ok with you? I expect all of Rose's soup will have dribbled out of the basket by now, so I'll bring a sarnie for you and some millet and a cuttlefish bone for Tiny, oh, and his mirror, he'll want to feed his extended family too. Now, if you're very good, I'll bring you a fig bar for afters, if I can get it prised out of Muffin's jaws, heeeave...there we go! Good! only slightly's grand! Right! On my way...where'd I put the car keys?...Keith?..where did I ...
28 Aug, 2011
Don't worry Rose to the rescue with the soup,it won't leak out of the basket because I lined it with my jam.By the way Elizabeth, I meant for you to do the irish dancing while Tony sings" coming round the mountain " and Stickie ,poor love can only jump up and down because she's still stuck to the plank.
29 Aug, 2011
Elizabeth you have the makings of an admiral. Your offer of supplies was well noted and Tiny is overjoyed. Anything muffin can eat so can i (sorry don,t bring any wuf,wuf biscuits or Pal). Are you wearing a headscarf? a lady on a broom just past towing a tortoise. Have one leg free now OOOPS have just sent Tiny head over heels into Rose who has dropped her basket on the empty end of the plank and iam now at very high velocity on my way back head first. What a rotter that bird is . Take care (just past cork en route) Take care enjoy Tony
29 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose You have the makings of a true deck swabber (Thats a compliment on boared our ship)and of course ye shall be rewarded for your efforts. I am afraid stickie was,nt on my plank Rose but not to worry several six formers were seen leading her north to alaska. Tally ho. Take care enjoy Tony
29 Aug, 2011
Hi Stickie Have contacted fire service to put out fire in you ears. Lot of talk about a knee,s up at roses soup kitchen. Am now decending to earth at slow speed. Followed by Tiny, Rose, and Elizabeth, blimey Elizabeth,s waving . Take care enjoy Tony
29 Aug, 2011
This is so funny Tony! Suffering from bad migraine tonight, so be bouncing back tomorrow!xx
29 Aug, 2011
Do you know what ,gang, I'm always catching up in the morning and now realise that you are on this at night .( always was slow on the uptake!),still catch up i do.I agree Elizabeth ,very funny,hope you have recovered from your migraine. I sympathise for you as I use to suffer years ago.Tony, what is my prize, you never said.I'm not sure I want to be a deck swabber! Make sure when you come into land that it is not back into my jam! Stickie ,please come back from Alaska, we need you.
30 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose By gum your onto our wavelenth. Don,t say please dont say your as barmy as a mad hatter, its the title i thought i had been given. its blooming good nothing is safe these days. Rose it appears Stickie has vanished somwhere in iran but alasker why when she gets back. Have you got smooth radio yet? if not type it in on your comp it may be its on a diff wave in your area. Blinking feet are stuck again. Take care enjoy Tony
30 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Have a good rest Elizabeth , my sister in law suffers very bad migraines and she puts all the light out for comfort. We will be hear when you feel better . Fingers crossed for your quick recovery. Take care number one Tony
30 Aug, 2011
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So now that you have won the X factor ~ despite being let down by Buzz at the last minute I see you have become a millionaire and bought a fountain!!
But do i see daffodils? Was this last year's X factor??
23 Aug, 2011