Well i,ll be blowed
By 230338
Wind caused havoc down the road but my little greenhouse stood firm by gum. Pinky and Perky (my knomes) were hugging my Rose cutting pot and my creeper was loving the wind to bits. Even my little shed stood like steel as the blasts continued. I ventured into my GH to inspect and found myself doing a jig to Randy crawford singing “Rio de janeiro” on my portable. My singing was interupted by my one and only admirer entering looking very wind swept, yes it was Lucy (the cat). She is a great judge of talent and who can dispute the fact that Randy crawford is great (LoL) . Fuchsia cuttings looked fine. Out onto our patio i tied the table to the garden tool box. Very windy now Knee,s were a knocking (It was quite cold ) so i went in to the lounge and Lucy wandered off on more adventures. Tiny (the budgie) tried to get freindley but in a moment of madness i put his favorite seed block in his cage and he tottered to it laughing i think. Any way i enjoyed the escapade. Take care all and enjoy Tony
12 Sep, 2011
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Hi Sheilar Think this year we were lucky. Year before last i lost several polycarbonate Greenhouse sheets due to winds but they blew into a neighbours garden and i got them back. Put extra tension pins in after that. Keep my fingers crossed also that your garden avoids the winds. Take care enjoy Tony
12 Sep, 2011
good to hear you are still singing tony
12 Sep, 2011
Yeah Tony - I like Randy Crawford too!
12 Sep, 2011
That's a lovely photo of Tiny :o)
13 Sep, 2011
Oh! that's why it rained Tony. LOL
13 Sep, 2011
Hello Tony! Glad to hear no damage on the western front! P&P sound as though they have seen the error of their ways, and were very kindly looking after your rose cuttings for you...have you taken that suspect one out yet? Go and do it now!! If you have...great!
I discovered your 'Smooth' radio station on my iPad, so now I take it out to the greenhouse with me to listen to along with you..."Singalong a Tony!" it's a nice wee station, but lots of adverts!! Right! Going out to inspect for damage, everything's been bent double, from what I can see from the windows, but sure, they'll bounce back up again next year! Byeee! See ya later!
13 Sep, 2011
hi Sticky Still singing but not ready for britains got talent yet (LoL)
13 Sep, 2011
Hi sheilar Always have radio at the ready sheilar. Like my music very much when in shed or greenhouse. Must admit i would be lost without it. Take care Tony
13 Sep, 2011
Hi terra Have more photo,s of Tiny on his playstation but have to download them yet. Tiny loosing feathers around his neck but appears in good health and very cheeky. Take care please give Crocus our best wishes. Tony
13 Sep, 2011
Hi granny b Yes my warbles are somwhat eye watering i beleive (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
13 Sep, 2011
Hi elizabeth Have sorted sleepy rose cutting out and wind has not caused any damage thank goodness. So can i expect you to do the 1000 pound minuet around 8 am on smooth radio then?. I can get 7 out of ten questions right but never the full ten. Hope wind has,nt done any damage to your garden. We were lucky this time but the birds seem to have gone its a bit scary that. Tiny says helloe by the way. Well number one its goodnight from me and same from the little yellow peril. He is talking away as i type. Take care Elizabeth enjoy Tony
13 Sep, 2011
im very disappointed you wont be on britains got talent tony ~ perhaps Tiny could be on instead?
13 Sep, 2011
Hi Sticky Sorry stickie Tiny would,nt sing for nothing where as when i sing they may pay me to retire. Its a rat race out there. Take care enjoy Tony
14 Sep, 2011
did someone mention Roland Rat?
14 Sep, 2011
Message to crew Rose has been given shore leave and is now on hols. Sticky is trying to get Tinys autograph(blooming miracle if she succeeds) and my good freind Elizabeth alas has vanished from the poop deck. Am short handed but tally ho i can use oars and steer by the stars. Take care all Tony
14 Sep, 2011
hope its not too cloudy then or you will end up in cloud cuckoo land!!?? or never never land??
14 Sep, 2011
Blooming heck that was quick
14 Sep, 2011
im very quick!!
14 Sep, 2011
I hope he's whispering sweet nothings in your ear...and not screeching abuse down your lug'ole!! Haven't got the full ten yet Tony, I'm out of bed, but I think sometimes my brain hides under the pillow when I get up! So I'm not fully plugged in for about half an hour!! I tried to put the milk away in the dishwasher this morning, and the doors' don't even open the same way! I thought "Coo! wonder what happened to the light? It's terrible dark in here!?" I know...daft bat!!
14 Sep, 2011
If i have a brain perhaps you have just found it for me libet ~ under the pillow!?
14 Sep, 2011
I'm not sure Sticki? This one's definitely mine...I remember the teethmarks I left in it, when I dreamt I was a zombie! (shudder!) Maybe your's is under your pillow, they can fall out of your ear at night sooo easily!
14 Sep, 2011
I'm not sure Sticki? This one's definitely mine...I remember the teethmarks I left in it, when I dreamt I was a zombie! (shudder!) Maybe your's is under your pillow, they can fall out of your ear at night sooo easily!
14 Sep, 2011
See! Flippin' brain's fallen out again! Didn't mean to put up two comments, Sticki! It looks like I'm shouting at you like you're deaf!! Lol! ;0)
14 Sep, 2011
i will go and have a look, but the cat is asleep on there and i dont like to disturb her ~ maybe she has my brain ~ that would explain a lot ~ she certainly has a lot of sense ~ she lies on soft beds in warm sun ~ whereas i get up very early in the cold and go to work; she makes a tiny little cry and what do i do? run round, get her food, get her little treats that she likes and turn the tap on for her to have a drink, she then takes a little food and lies down again ~ i on the other hand start the cooking which takes hours, then i do the washing up then i start the shopping again for the next meal
im going to come back as a cat!!!
15 Sep, 2011
Am a little confused Elizabeth, if your brain keeps falling out try putting it back in your other ear. I have a thinking foam pillow got it to replace the brain i don,t have. I forget things, am a little confusedElizabeth there you go i forgot i said that. Take care Rose ,sorry sticky , i appear to be on a roll. Take care Elizabeth Tony
15 Sep, 2011
Hi sticky Ok but i,m going to come back as a budgie our Tiny gets away with murder and everyone adores him. take care Tony
15 Sep, 2011
better beware then tony if i come back as a cat!!!
15 Sep, 2011
Hi Sticky Thankyou for warning me i shall get a extra bottle of milk in (LoL). Take care Tony
15 Sep, 2011
just cleaning my whiskers before a night on the prowl!!
15 Sep, 2011
Milk on saucer next to trapdoor at house side sticky. Lucy on other side of trapdoor waiting to greet all comers. Take care enjoy Tony
16 Sep, 2011
I shall be very careful!
16 Sep, 2011
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Glad to hear the wind didn't do any damage. It hasn't in my garden either (fingers still crossed).
12 Sep, 2011