By 230338
Greenhouse ready for Winter now . Only Fuchsia cuttings sleeping in it . Managed to get a lge bag of vermiculite and Perlite today. Use both next year in my soil. No veg next year good lady put her foot down and its plants only for 2012. Still i have my pansy,s and fuchsia,s plus my Rose cutting and some Morning Glory seed,s to use. Even got a plant insecticide (very rarely use products on my plants) my fuchsias this year had a few unwanted fly,so i put a spray on them. Take care enjoy Tony
2 rose of sharon cuttings &1 variegata cutting
Fuchsias in greenhouse
4 fuchsia & 3 Regal Palergonium cuttings in my gh clotch
13 Nov, 2011
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I can't believe how organised you are Tony,I still have pots of plants outside which should really be coming in now.There's just not enough hours in the day now.Nice to have no. one back , isn't it.
14 Nov, 2011
They look really healthy Tony,heres hoping we are still admiring them nest April....
14 Nov, 2011
Lol, thats s`posed to say next April...
14 Nov, 2011
Hi all Don,t know how that number two got on the blog heading. Tiny usualey jumps on my back space key as a rule. Will have to tie him up and grill him under my computor light to get the truth(LoL). Or i could just grill him literaley (He He). Back to in box Tony
14 Nov, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Thankyou and points mentioned will be used. Yes i made the clotch earlier in year for the greenhouse. I was very disapointed last year on loosing my cuttings and am trying to correct that this year. New blog tonight if i can get round to it. Take care Number one Tony
14 Nov, 2011
Hi Rose Thankyou Rose but i probabley don,t have as many plants as you to bring in to the greenhouse. I do have space for plants problem due to the fact we love the lawns and the plants we already have. But its a case of planning for 2012 and i,m a devil for inventing garden implements. Yes its wonderful to have Elizabeth back and like yourself i am very greatful for the advice you both give me. Take care rose enjoy Tony
14 Nov, 2011
Hi lincslass Thankyou for comment . i did understand the error, but still don,t know how my number two got on heading. Blooming pair we are(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
14 Nov, 2011
I think we have had mild weather here for so long now, I am getting complacent.It only takes one night of frost and then I've lost the lot! Must get my finger out.I'm still trying to get my allotment cleared up and ready for winter digging and manuring.
15 Nov, 2011
Hi Rose Hope you have some dry weather to get sorted Rose. Must be nice to have an allotment. Grow all your own veg that's luxury without a doubt. I moved my few plants into the GH earley this year and am keeping my fingers crossed. Its very cold tonight so i am glad its all under cover. Still excited about next year though. Every year i get excited about next year i must be barmy. Take care enjoy Tony
16 Nov, 2011
No you're not barmy ,Tony as I am just the same.
18 Nov, 2011
So am I! It's youthful exhuberance again!
21 Nov, 2011
Ok Elizabeth and Rose now lets be sensible about this barmy business, you have both excelled the qualifications for a captain. I know because i am one Jack sparrow said so (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
21 Nov, 2011
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Gosh! Just call you the cutting King! That's a fine display of plants there, petal, is the cloche in the last picture, the one you built? I think it will do very well for overwintering your plants in, you can wrap it up with a couple of layers of bubble wrap, when the weather gets really cold. You could throw a couple of newspapers over the bubblewrap if we have another really hard freeze, but I hope not! Have you got a max-min thermometer in your greenhouse? I find mine really handy for keeping an eye on how low the temperature really gets overnight. It would surprise you how cold it's getting at night now! Brrrr!:0)
13 Nov, 2011