More cuttings
By 230338
First not a cutting but a very nice Fuchsia ( Eva borg) which recentley became a resting place for our resident squirrel but the plant is now in greenhouse. Then some more cuttings on my Palace window shelve,followed by a close up of my Eunonimus cutting taken this year and finaley my mini propagators(4 ins pots covered by plastic salad (crispy ) containers). Yes we love salads(LoL). Take care hope you enjoy blog Tony
Fuchsia Eva Borg
Eunonimus cutting
14 Nov, 2011
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Just make sure your greenhouse door is shut tight Tony. Ours was left open just a bit and the fox got in there and left me a present Yuk! I also don't think I will have many bulbs left as the squirrel had a baby and its in every border.I got fed up of chasing it ,so I thought ,what the heck,eat away.Your fuschia still looks lovely.
15 Nov, 2011
Hi elizabeth Yes Eva is nice and cosy now. Love the flower colour of all Fuchsias but as you know i lost a lot of cuttings last year and i think i am prep this winter. Not seen squirrel since his visit maybe he did,nt like the veiw. Ran out of soil today after taking 2 Rose tree cuttings so i am dormant (LoL) until next year. Used 180 ltrs J arthur bowers multi compost this year. Take care number one Tony
15 Nov, 2011
Hi Rose Thankyou Rose hope my Fuchsia cuttings survive the winter. Elizabeth and yourself have given me good advice so if i make a botch of it i can only blame my self. Cricky ! cheeky Fox hope all is ok now. We have Fozes and many squirrels on the prowl Rose so i will heed your advice and ensure allis secure. Take care enjoy and hope your grandaughter is recovering well. Tony
15 Nov, 2011
Thanks Tony and yes she seems to be a bit better now. I've been watching the squirrels chasing round the gardens ,there is a baby now and its into everything.Although we love to watch them they can be destructive.Hubby woke up last night to a loud crash and saw the squirrels running up and down the slate roof porch and they had caught one of the slates which smashed.
18 Nov, 2011
Hi Rose i beleive squirrels can be very destructive as you say but as yet we only see them passing by. One day we experianced one walking along our washing line and i thought ecky thump thats clever. Think i mentioned one in my Fuchsia. We havent seen one for days now. Take care enjoy Tony
18 Nov, 2011
Haha! Tony, that wee squirrel must have been brought up in a circus! Mind you, if he comes back, for another go, you'll have to rig up a safety net under the washing line, 'cause if he falls off...he'll sue you for every biccy you own!
19 Nov, 2011
I was walking across the garden and passed under the washing line when hubby started to laugh and one squirrel had run up the tree near me and at the precise
moment that I walked under it, it ran across the line straight over my head!
20 Nov, 2011
Flip! It's as well it didn't use your head for a stepping stone, Rose, you would probably be able to compete in the Olympics, the speed you'd be clocking up with a squirrel hanging out of your hair! Lol!
21 Nov, 2011
And thats not all , I decided to take a picture of said squirrel, looking up at the pine tree in our garden, came in and brushed a "leaf" off my shoulder tofind out it wasn't a leaf at all! I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Rose With a squirrel in your hair Davy crockets hat comes to mind(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
22 Nov, 2011
Ewwww! Rose! All your wild animals are leaving you little 'presents'! Between the fox in the greenhouse and the squirrel from on high, you must have really annoyed them about something! Lol! Yuk!
I think you'll find, Tony, that Rose might have the very animal with the very pelt, to make that hat out of! He's not earning himself any Brownie points at all! Lol!!
22 Nov, 2011
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You do love salads, don't you?! I remember you telling me about those wee containers, gosh, months ago, and don't they look fab, as well as doing a great job! If I was a wee seed I'd be very comfy in there! Lovely healthy euonymus cutting, it could really be called a plant now, Tony, it's done so well! They're a grand plant for a cheerful bit of colour in the winter!
That squirrel is going to get a terrible shock when it comes back to cosy up with the lovely Eva, and finds she's gone! I'd love to see the wee face! ;0)x
15 Nov, 2011