By 230338
So there i was nice and warm in the lounge listening to our Tiny (Budgie) nattering down my ear and veiwing the wet cold environment outside. The birds seemed happy, my cuttings seemed happy, even my two gnomes looked happy. My good lady was definately happy as i had offered to do the washing(Pots) and in a flash she had vamoosed. Tiny made a quick exit to his cage also but i did,nt flinch as i put the rubber gloves on and with reckless abandon hit the suds . This is the life i thought until a voice gentley uttered" you,ve missed a bit on that saucer" blooming cheek i don,t think i,ll offer again(LoL). What a dull wet cold day but surely those little birds must have been cold. Take care all Tony
12 Dec, 2011
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Agree nice one Andrew :)))
13 Dec, 2011
Well ,what else can you do on a wet day Tony.Perhaps with practice you won't miss any more bits! lol.
13 Dec, 2011
Hi Rose Only you Rose could come up with that(LoL). Any way i am used to getting the sack in our kitchen. Tiny and i are barred from most things quite often. I have never turned down a toasted muffin though that surely counts for somthing. Me thinks Rose is going to replie to that > take care enjoy Tony
13 Dec, 2011
Hi andrewr I have handed my gloves back (LoL). Take care Tony
13 Dec, 2011
That's a nice subtle way of saying you're not doing it again Tony :-)
13 Dec, 2011
Oohhh, Tony! You rascal! I know you only missed a bit so you wouldn't be asked again! You should have made Tiny do the washing and you could have dried, he makes a lovely dish mop when he gets all bubblied up with a wee squirt of fairy! He's great with his beak on the burnt bits!! Lol! ;0)
14 Dec, 2011
hi Elizabeth So my cover is blown. I have a number one that can read my mind and a number two (Rose) that wants to mutiny. Blooming parrot gets it in the the neck as well. Tis not a good omen i foresee. What a crew! Tiny was very upset at the mop referance but his eye,s popped out at being mated with a fairy. I explained it was a cleaning fluid (LoL). Hope the weather your side is not bad. Acers well and truly chilled . Take care Elizabeth Tony
14 Dec, 2011
Ooh poor Muffin,I hope he's gone into hiding.Muffins going to be toasted and Tiny , well I hope he's not christmas dinner lol!Mutiny, now why would I want a mutiny! Oooh I can't think!Anyway I'm still no. 2 now aren't I.
15 Dec, 2011
Hi Rose Got Tiny on gas 6 now and if Elizabeth does,nt get out of that hole asap then your bound to be number one. Any way who said you instigated mutiny and i don,t beleive you (LoL). Take care Rose Tony
15 Dec, 2011
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