Snow use
By 230338
Yes the snow arrived today. Covered my conifers, hid my Acer’s,disguised my shed into a snowball and last but not least sent the little birds into their nests. Normally one hears the wildlife chirping ,but alas no sound broke the silence. Lock on GH and shed iced solid. I was glad i had filled bird feeders yesterday although my fingers nearly fell off. But today it was dare i say it just like a white Christmas and very pleasant on the eye. My Lawns were like icing on a cake but it wasn’t as cold as yesterday. Very picturesque really and i suppose one of natures wonders to admire. The aroma of roast chicken and aunt Bessie,s roast potatoes came from the extractor vent and it was time to retire to the dining room . My good lady and company and of course Tiny in his cage all looking my way probabley thinking " he is barmy". That said i enjoyed being barmy for a few moments honestley. Take care ,enjoy ,and keep warm. Tony
18 Dec, 2011
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That dinner sounds very good!
Did the snow stay long? We had a few flakes but they disappeared after an hour.
18 Dec, 2011
Lancashire is covered in ice Sticki
18 Dec, 2011
Was that forecast?
18 Dec, 2011
There was snow this morning at had frozen over by 10am lovely bright day though.
18 Dec, 2011
It's a strange thing snow, until it's actually lying deep in your garden and covering the roads it's easy to forget just how much it affects everything.
It's cool here but doesn't look like snow.
18 Dec, 2011
It's not barmy, Tony, it's lovely to have some snow so near Christmas! As long as you have nowhere to go of course, then it gets a bit icky!
Are your poor Acer seeds still frozen solid? I hope they don't come to any harm when they defrost, I suppose as long as they defrost slowly they'll be okay?! You keep warm too Tony!
19 Dec, 2011
We've just had our first snow of the winter.... I had a hospital appointment friday last and drove home, in the dark, through a blizzard; it was quite scary.
I had a dental appointment this morning (I thought I'd get all the medical stuff finished before Christmas) but the roads have all been cleared, so no problems.
Christmas shopping over; logs brought down to the house; Let the weather do its worst!
Merry Christmas from France....
19 Dec, 2011
hi Stickie Snow appears to have gone now. Dinner was fab and the atmosphere was great. Christmas cannot come quick enough now as i feel a song coming on. Enjoy Tony
19 Dec, 2011
im sure it would be fine if you sang before christmas tony!!
19 Dec, 2011
HI Expats And a very merry xmas and new year to you also. Am glad the med problems are over so you can enjoy the Turkey(LoL). Take care Tony
19 Dec, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Yes i did not venture onto the highway. The meal and company was very nice but my good lady got the good end of the cracker. The end with the joke in i mean. Snow all gone now and we went mobile today. Acer seeds are ok at present Elizabeth soil in trays very hard i wonder what may germinate as it can take 6 to 9 months for results after heat application. All is fine . Cannot wait for the xmas knee,s up. Take care Tony
19 Dec, 2011
Hi Pimpernel Yes its slippy under foot in places. Take care Tony
19 Dec, 2011
Hi Stickie I,ll bet your saying that because your in Worcestershire and i,m in manchester (LoL). Take care Tony
19 Dec, 2011
You're a little higher up than me I think Tony...Not much but it makes a difference.
19 Dec, 2011
that wasnt in my mind tony!!!
will you be carol singing around the north??
19 Dec, 2011
Hi Pimpernel Blooming heck i don,t like the sound of that. I am 5ft 10 but after half a days gardening i kind of stoop to 4ft or less(LoL) Surely your bigger than that ?. Take care enjoy Tony
19 Dec, 2011
Hi Stickie Thank You but the north pole would be more appropriate i think. Take care enjoy Tony
19 Dec, 2011
19 Dec, 2011
Tony entertains the polar bears!!!
19 Dec, 2011
Hi Stickie Well that was a short singing career i had forgot the Polar bears (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
19 Dec, 2011
230338, Thanks for best wishes. The hospital and dental appointments were just check-ups so no problems.
No turkey this year; we're having Christmas day on our own (for a change) so we're having Guinea fowl (stuffed with 'fois gras'); That allieviates the need for 'cold turkey', 'turkey rissoles', 'curried turkey', et al...
Last night it rained heavily and the snow has all gone...Yipee!
Merry Christmas.
20 Dec, 2011
Oh and I so wanted to hear you sing Tony! Now if I sang , all the windows around here would break, its not pleasant! No snow here, in fact its a bit milder at the moment.After being snowed in for 4weeks last year ,we stocked our cupboards , stocked up on bird food and piled the coal bunker up as high as possible, thinking that if it happened again, we'd just hibernate!lol.So here we are , not cold and no snow! Happy Christmas.
21 Dec, 2011
hi Rose If you heard me sing Rose then your family probably would have left the house pronto (LoL). Its usualey the way to prepare for the worst then we get sunshine. Its quite mild here now and the birds are back on form. I fixed my dodgy computer then the DVD recorder went dodgy so i fixed that and tonight our sky HD box went on the blink. Its to be replaced Friday pm. At Xmas we always get gremlins. I am going to ask Elizabeth to give me an address for one of the little people to put a lucky spell on our Electrics. May be off line as of tomorrow until after xmas Rose but will be back next wed. Take care merry christmas to all and sit back and enjoy if the familey will let you. Tony
21 Dec, 2011
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