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Feeder photograph


By 230338


Weather allowed me to take photo. The feeder allows for any size bottle to be fitted and i have found that the large pigeons and magpies cannot cling to the feeder and disturb the little one,s eating. The second snap is of my Acer seed trays in pudding dishes pre-chilling until mid january. I bring them in to my propagator then for heat and germination. Take care are all and enjoy Tony

Seed Feeder

Acer Seed,s in Dishes

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Feeder looks good, Tony, and well done on your seeds :o)

10 Dec, 2011


I've almost bought one of these on several occasions Tony but always decided that really I've got too many feeders already. Some of them I don't use for various reasons but if you say the pigeons etc can't use them maybe I'll get one on my next trip to GC :o))

10 Dec, 2011


I can imagine the starlings in our garden crowding round the rim and leaving no room for the blue tits! Glad it works for you - pigeons can be a real pain. A very ingenious idea, and the round bottle is quite decorative too.

10 Dec, 2011


That looks very good, Tony! Did I see you say that you got the bottom bit from the garden centre? I must have a check around and see if I can find one. As I said before, we have hidden our peanut feeder in a big buddlea so only the tinies can find it, and the bigger ones either can't get at it, or haven't discovered it, they have their own feeders in another area, it has really helped to stop the bullying of the little birds! Tha Acers are getting a good chilling lately aren't they! Who needs a fridge! Is that a rose cutting I see? It's looking ok for now, isnt it, we'll see in the spring! Hope the weather improves a bit for you, Tony, you were starting to sound stir crazy in your previous blog!! Lol!

11 Dec, 2011


Thats such a clever idea Tony and so simple. I will have to try this.Elizabeth ,I would never have thought of hiding feeders in trees or shrubs, thats another good idea , but doesn't the squirrel still find them?

11 Dec, 2011


The pigeons and doves do get very clever in their antics to get to the feeders by balancing on nearby brances, some of them very flimsy. They keep us amused for ages with their balancing act antics!

11 Dec, 2011


Thankyou Terra i now hope the smaller birds will not be disturbed. Take care Tony

11 Dec, 2011


hi Lily2 Yes pigeons and doves can be quite clever as you say. My good lady talked me into getting one since like yourself i was not so sure it would do the job. Now i listen and learn (LoL). Take care Tony

11 Dec, 2011


Hi steragram Starlings here seem to avoid the feeder now. I am amazed at its effectivness. Take care Tony

11 Dec, 2011


Hi Elizabeth Yes indeed you have seen one of my three Rose cuttings but the two you cannot see are from a climbing Rose tree. Experiment is under strict security ,if all three cuttings mature it will indeed be a miracle(LoL). The bottom bit is adaptable Elizabeth for any size bottle i got it from a garden centre and it cost £2-50. So far its done a wonderful job. Blimey whats this about stir crazy? I was going to invite you to my tea party but the other hatters cannot make it. Neither can Rose (LoL). Fingers crossed for the Acer seeds Elizabeth i am still reeling from your going to the GH so early in the morning. Take care keep warm and batten down the hatches its going to be bad again your way i believe. Tony

11 Dec, 2011


Hi Rose Feeder is so far total success. Little birds full belly ,but big birds eating from grass. Its great to see eating and less chasing. Getting set for next season and many new idea,s i want to explore in the GH. First priority now is Xmas. Our lounge is like scene from fairyland. Evan Tiny has a sock hung up on the fire place. Hey hold on thats the sock i lost last may , blooming cheek(LoL). Take care Tony

11 Dec, 2011


I'm so pleased its been a sucess Tony.If I don't hear from you again , have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New year to you and yours.

13 Dec, 2011


hi Rose All the very best to yourself and family Rose also. Trouble is things unplanned seem to happen at this time of year and one cannot be sure of coming on line for sure. Thankyou and have a very nice xmas. Tony

13 Dec, 2011


Ohhhh! Tony! Catch me!! I'm hurtling over your direction! Will this wind ever stopppp! Is that your lost sock I can see through your sitting room window??
Sending pm tomorrowwwwww!

14 Dec, 2011


Good heavens is it a meteor or could it be a super duper dink um rocket approaching at great speed. Golly tis neither ,and such a big hole in my lawn. Yikes an Alien comes from within the hole holding my lost sock up. It must be a gesture of peace. Blooming heck its me number one and hi to you Elizabeth you have just undone 12 months of lawn TLC (LoL). Ok me harty ,take care Tony and Tiny.

14 Dec, 2011


Party Tony , whats this about a party. Who said I couldn't come, I'll be following Elizabeth on the next big gust of wind!

15 Dec, 2011


Hi Rose When you land please avoid my shed Rose and also the hole Elizabeth is in. If you drop in about lunch just come in . Take care Tony

15 Dec, 2011


Ahem? If some kind soul could just give me a wee hand here and heave me out of this hole, I'd be forever grateful! And Tony, if you leave your shed unlocked, I'll have a rustle about and see if I can find something to fill the hole with... now, let's see, a rake... can't do much with that... ummm... Right! A radiator! That'll do for starters, bench saw... heave, in you pop... oh, a radio! Just chuck over the shoulder...ahh yesss, speaking of chucks... just waft the drill in... Ok! Just a wee square hole left in the corner there... what can I find... what can I... Aha! Biccy tin! Tony'll never miss this... Gasp! What on earth is that in your biccy tin, Tony?!!...

16 Dec, 2011


Blimey ive been looted whats a rake ? its a big mistake , then a radiator i need a mediator, flipping bench what a wrench, but not me radio off the patio. What an evil will to pinch me drill my biscuit tin is also in. But the thing in my tin is only miney yes you know its blooming Tiny . Cease her Tiny For fear she fleas i am in the hole upto my knees. Sorrey Elizabeth you went in the wrong shed (LoL). My shed was put in mothballs by a lady who shall be nameless. Take care Elizabeth Tony

16 Dec, 2011


Don't tell me I went into next door's shed again? They still haven't forgiven me after the last time! I'll be straight round to fix everything back up good as new!
Haha!'re on great form tonight! love the rhyming, we'll turn you into a rapper yet! Lol! ;0)

17 Dec, 2011

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