By 230338
Hi janey, terratoonie,sixpence,rose and libet. Apology to you for my being unable to show you the many wonderful photo,s i had hoped to put on goy from my holiday in the USA. My general rule was if it moves i want to Photo it. Unfortunately our Samsung digital camera is not in our luggage and my good lady and i are hoping the last hotel will get in touch or better still return it to us. Great familey embarrassment. Take care Tony
4 Sep, 2012
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Oh Tony.....so sorry to read this....I do hope the hotel has it safe there, hope the holiday went well too...fingers crossed for you.....
5 Sep, 2012
Oh thats awful Tony. I would be really upset if I lost mine. Photos are precious aren't they! Can't you get in touch with the hotel yourself? I hope you get it back. At least you will still have your memories. Of course, you could always go again! Hahaa! I passed on your little message to Elizabeth. I can see her smiling now!
Rose x
5 Sep, 2012
thankyou sarahm for suggestion but luggage was packed previouse lunch. We used camera day before at hotel. Keeping fingers crossed for its recovery. Take care Tony
5 Sep, 2012
Hi Janey Had some great shots for goy on it. Hope it is found soon,we had familey snaps on it to. Thankyou for concern take care Tony
5 Sep, 2012
Hi Rose Hoping to hear soon about camera. Hotel investigating situation. Not likely to go back in the near future unless we win lottery or get call from Elizabeth to state that she has found oil under my shed floor boards (LoL). New camera to buy this coming weekend. Lost without it . Take care Tony
5 Sep, 2012
Oh , thats a good one Tony, I'll have to pass that one on to Elizabeth! Its a shame about losing the photos though.
6 Sep, 2012
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ahh, what a shame Tony, photos are precious, so hope it turns up. Could it have been left at the airport?
4 Sep, 2012