By 230338
Not A great deal done in the garden but i put some bulbs in yesterday for next year. Its up to nature when they appear but its always exciting for me to see those little green tips break the surface. May try growbags for my Tomatoes next year . Never used them before, also may try those little green pots with no bottoms in also. Would appreciate any advice on both. I have used Alicanti seed but was,nt impressed last year so i would like to use a new method next year . my greenhouse is,nt heated but i have an indoor propagator i use quite a lot for raising seeds in feb to march. Well take care all Tony
17 Nov, 2012
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Persevere with the Tomatos, Tony.They're fairly easy once you get used to it.So many great varieties to choose from, although Alicante usually successful.To be fair, this year was terrible for all varieties of Tomato ! I h ave used grow bags successfully for the past few years but would recommend Tomorite ones.A little more expensive than many but much deeper and better!
17 Nov, 2012
Hi Paulthegard Thankyou input most welcome. Tomorite growbags on my wish list. Take care Tony
18 Nov, 2012
Thankyou Terra am already getting excited about next years plans for my greenhouse and gardens. Take care Tony
18 Nov, 2012
Like you Tony, I've been planting bulbs....come January you can see their noses just poking through, it is exciting isn't it.......:0))
18 Nov, 2012
I get very excited when the bulbs pop up even though some have been in for years, its the start of the new years growth and I love to see new shoots on everything, like a kid with a new toy, lol...
I have used the tomato rings for years Tony,the green ones with the water reservoirs, I pop them into either the ground or my growbags ,depending on which method I`ve decided on, one waters into the outer ring so no problems with overwatering, very safe if someone else is caring for my g`houses when I`m on holiday..
I only took my toms out of my G`house 2wks back, I grew G`Delight, Alicante and Roma Plum this year and still have plenty in a box ripening off, they were all late starting the ripening process this year but otherwise all very good crops.......
18 Nov, 2012
Hallo Tony, I found growbags are not all that successful for me as the roots soon outgrow the bag and they take a lot of watering. I have used bottomless pots for cucumbers successfully , so don't see why they shouldn't work as well for tomatoes. Years ago, Geoff Hamilton used this idea and stood all the pots on sharp horticultural grit. The pots were quite large and these were filled with good compost and then the grit kept wet. I usually plant into the green house border after changing the soil each year with fresh compost so that there is no disease past on from the year before. My favourite , sweetest and most reliable tomato is Thompson and Morgans Sun gold. Hope this helps.
18 Nov, 2012
Hi Janey Yes i put the bulbs in then try to forget where i have put them. In januarey i get a surprize that way (LoL) my good lady says i am a back to front gardener but i really do get some wonderful results . Take care Tony
18 Nov, 2012
Hi Lincslass Thankyou for Tomatoe advice. i will try your method next year as it seems very interesting. Take care Tony
18 Nov, 2012
Hi Rose Thankyou for input on Tomatoes Rose. Never used Sungold variety, will put that on my wish list for next year Some years ago i tried the gravel culter method with some success but this greenhouse has a directional light problemn (Light Deficiency) so i have to plant carefulley. Take care Rose Tony
18 Nov, 2012
I've just read what Lincslass wrote Tony and that sounds a really good idea. I might have to try it myself as we will be going away in June next year and if it works, then my gardening friend shouldn't have to water every day.
20 Nov, 2012
Yes Rose it makes good sense i agree. Advice very worth taking. Thankyou Lincslass. Tony
20 Nov, 2012
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Hi Tony...
Good luck with your bulbs and your tomatoes.
I'm sure you'll get lots of advice from GoY members.
17 Nov, 2012