batten down the hatches
By 230338
Ready for the storm predicted. Patio chairs in greenhouse, My palace checked for security, all looks ok. My two little gnomes huddeled together and protected behind water butt. No wildlife to be seen ecky thump this could be a whopper me hartys!. My plan is to try and work out a direction my greenhouse may take if it launches in the gust. I found one of my polly panels on next doors lawn a few years ago and a pair of my gloves vamoosed from the washing line never to be returned (LoL). Wellys and rain ware on stand by and my trusty torch wound up and fulley charged. Bring it on mr Blow ! this chap is going to stand his ground by yimany. Take care all Tony PS where,s my wings gone ?.
26 Oct, 2013
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Put a brick on your table or move incase it took off.
Keep safe most of all.
Nice neat garden.
26 Oct, 2013
I will be battening down the hatches tomorrow. I just gotta find somewhere sheltered to put everything.
Keep safe.
26 Oct, 2013
I've even booked Monday off work, just in case! Don't want to be driving down country roads if there are trees coming down!
26 Oct, 2013
It has been advised, travel only if absolutely necessary.
26 Oct, 2013
My Hatches are well and truly least I hope they are !We will just have to weather the storm,as they say..and I won't be going anywhere either :o(
26 Oct, 2013
Keep safe everybody!
26 Oct, 2013
I've just checked our local forecast from the Met.and it looks as though it might miss us in parts of Yorkshire,and veer across to Holland etc..wind speed given as 24mph,so let's hope they have got it right..I'm not going to be complacent's still going to be wet all week ..
26 Oct, 2013
That table definitely looks like 'she may blow' captain. We are not so bad up here in Scotland. We lost a much loved fir tree a couple of years ago. (91mph winds) I had just put up a greenhouse too. It is in a very sheltered position so it was OK. Hope your gnomes don't go on safari. :o)
27 Oct, 2013
27 Oct, 2013
Your green house looks quite safe there in between the fence and shed, so hopefully should be ok Tony. I was out in the garden yesterday putting away my tom. house and securing all climbers to their arches, plus securing arches with stakes. Perhaps it won't be as bad as predicted ! Still fine here in Lincolnshire and mild too ! Is this the calm before the storm !
27 Oct, 2013
I shall feel better knowing that those little gnomes are safe and sound tonight even if I am lying in my bed wide awake listening to the wind and the rain and wondering what other damage is being caused!!
There is only so much we can do isn't there and then we just have to stay indoors and HOPE for the best.
Good luck to everyone and to everyone's greenhouses and trellises and slates.
27 Oct, 2013
Rose 1949. This could well be the calm before the storm.
27 Oct, 2013
Thank you all. Hope any damage was kept to a minimum for all. Think we may have just missed the main storm path here. On the other hand that assumption could change any moment. Noise on my Lawn prompted me to open curtains in lounge. Those blooming Gnomes were doing a jig around my blooming water butt ,the cheek (LOL). Take care nice people Tony
27 Oct, 2013
Where I live in South London,the only damage I can see so far is the large apple tree has been emptied all over the floor and the communal electricity cupboard doors were blown open (they were locked) as the wind blew the heavy entrance and exit doors open.
28 Oct, 2013
Well, Alextb, and Tony, I think we may have missed it here! After the rain overnight stopped , it was a calm sunny day. I hope no one else had problems !
28 Oct, 2013
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Hi Tony ...
Keep safe ...
good to see that the gnomes have safe places away from the storms ... :o)))
26 Oct, 2013