My very best pal Rocky
By 230338
Rocky is now playing dailey on his new playstation. I cannot do wrong it seems as Rocky frequentley appears stuck to my finger during feeding times. Thankyou Dianebulley for your advice it seems he was missing a mid day meal but as you can see he isnt now. I have also put some wheat germ on his seed as i beleive its good for him i am advised. Am not quite convinced however that this new attitude will prevail since a moment ago he tried to abscond with my blooming rich tea goody. If i had wings i would chase him but he just avoids capture. Take care Tony
5 Dec, 2014
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He is so pretty, sorry Rocky I mean handsome!
He is such a lovely colour.
6 Dec, 2014
I like the playstation very much, what a spoilt little bird! I won't let Poppy read this as she will want one - mind you, it might stop her destroying the skirting board :)
7 Dec, 2014
Hi Terra Have decided to stop wheatgerm app as he is so active any way. Rocky has already been visited by santa claus and his toys are in storage . Neighbours and freinds are contributing to his pleasure as the toys can be adapted to fit his new station. Hope crocus is fine Take care Tony
8 Dec, 2014
Hi wildrose Yes he uses his appearance to great advantage with visitors also wildrose. On the other hand he does not hold back on making it clear to me what he really wants and i have a disfigured ear lobe to prove it (LoL). Take care Tony
8 Dec, 2014
Hi Gee19 Poppy looks wonderful, its not often one hears of a skirting board eater though. Poppy would think its a dessert if she got a playstation(LoL). Take care and thankyou for nice comment. Tony
8 Dec, 2014
Ha ha....when O read the first line, I had visions of him playing some kind of video game on a console!!
What a lucky bird to be so well looked after!
9 Dec, 2014
hi Paul Yes i can see your point Paul, But Rocky is,nt quite that good yet. He still thinks Microsoft cloud is part of a weather forecast(LoL). Take care Tony
10 Dec, 2014
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Hi Tony ..
Rocky has such beautiful coloured feathers !
Don't overdo the wheatgerm ...
Playstation looks ideal !
6 Dec, 2014