Excuse the mess and length of blog.
By 2ndhand
I thought I’d shame myself into getting on in the garden by giving you all a walk round our plot.
Once inside the gate, and past the first hedge, we go up a few steps infront of the house.
The front garden is minimal and quite boring really.
We hope visitors take note and help themselves.
Here the leaves from the 2 large ash trees on the drive, makes the grass look messy, but it’s too wet to mow. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
Through the round window we see the rose garden, the arbour and the boggery over the far side.
The view rises up to the back yard. Along the bank I plant to put a new Lonicera hedge with a border of Hellebores on the rose garden side.
We walk up the new steps from the rose garden up into the back yard.
We can see the summerhouse, and the field grass tended to as a lawn!
The site of the new head being constructed, from widening the border behind it. at the right of the border is a metal arch that leads to the wooden arch through to the plottie beyond. To the left of the seperating hedge, there is a path that goes up the side of the polyt1 and the fruit cage. Wide enough for me to drive the landy about, moving bags of compost etc. The boundary along this track is mainly bramble and the most wonderful fruits.
Here the Ornamental Cherry tree is centre stage with a circle bed round it and a tree seat, that needs sorting. I think what I want to do is get rid of the grass round the tree, widen the border inside and move a couple of the smaller shrubs from the shrubbery, then bark under the seat, but that’s a to think of in Jan.
From the circle bed, we look back to the rubbery under the pylon, and the route to the shrubbery round the back of the summerhouse.
Beyond the circle bed, we can see the main arch onto the ‘lawn’. Overgrown with a Clematis montana and my troublesome Akebia.
Here we can see the ’squiffy arch, the other entrance into the back yard.
Nearer the house, we turn back to see the pond with surrounded couched rockery. And the top of the steps.
Going back to the drive, we go past the house and turn towards the garden, here the squiffy arch can be seen better.
Then we spot the mess, the mountain of Clematis and Akebia hide the pergola. But that’s to be sorted.
Then we look up the plot, Right up the top is the bonfire site, where I’m supposed to building a bank round the fire pit, with turves I lift. Yeah right, I’m barrowing turves up there. That’s why I make features out of turves lifted. The site of the head is a darn sight easier than the new bank.
Here we have walked up past the garden and have reached the ‘Plottie’. A few brassicas and chards growing, not alot else, but I’ve mulched most beds with the hen bedding.
Walking back to the top of the garden along the hedge that breaks the plottie and back yard up, we can see the route to the duck pond.
On towards the top of the plot, we notice 2 hen houses at the plottie boundary. The one on the left is the retirement home for eggless birds and major Rocky. Behind them is the 1st fruit cage, full of rows of raspberries that need tending, a gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes. Polyt1 is used to feed the veg plot in the spring. In winter is houses the hay raked off hubbs field. Inside the plottie between the 2 hen houses is a new fruit cage. Here is where I put my bluberries in pots for the summer. Next year they will be planted inside, they will be mature enough to be planted out.
Here is the third and last hen run. And the orchard rising up the highest point of the plot. 25’ above the house.
The top corner looking back down to the house. With Cardigan bay on the horizon.
Another entrance into Hubbys field, with the maze and duck pond.
The bonfire site, with a small bank. The hedge is all bramble, but as it is north facing, the fruit isn’t terrific.
Here is proof that my son lives with us. Behind his workshop is his disco graveyard, used for spares for both our landy’s.
Through the entrance into Hubbs field we can see the beds dotted around with his shrubs. and the lower corner of the maze.
Turning to the left we look up into the top of ‘Acre wood’. Our bbq site with fire pit. But as I used to have shuttle food, crockery, cushions for the furniture (now moved) in the landy, we gave up and haven’t used it lately (3yrs) but the weather hasn’t been up to much over the last 3 summers.
Here we can see the side of the woods. Mostly beech and alder. A previous owner got a grant to plant the woods, but the last owner put their goats in the wood paddock and quite a few trees have since died. (We removed all the internal fencing of 5 paddocks)
From the bbq site the east side of the field, the duck house then polyt2 are the only things on this side of the hedge I use.
Here the young maze can be seen ‘just’ above the tall grass. In a couple of years the grass won’t grow so high as the maze will be taller and the trimmings will be left to mulch the paths.
We have arrived at the other side of the pond. We could have come direct from the bbq site, stepping over the maze as we walked or down the side of the wood, but the ducks have reduced that path to slime, or we could have walked through the woods, following the path, over a little bridge that crosses a spring.
We can see the top of the wood and bbq site area with the “oh so butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths” ducks and Spike, who loves being photographed.
Then we turn to the house and see polyt2.
walking to the front of the pond, we can see hubbs bain of his life. His Moles. He just can’t catch this one.
From the lowest corner, diagonally opposite the orchard, we look up the pond. This area is peat bog and ankle deep in water. All the Gunnera and rheums love it here.
Looking up to the drive and house, The rows of tyres with strawberry’s growing in them can be seen, admittedly not well.
This is one of Hubbs borders. We garden differently. He shoves shrubs and ground cover plants into the grass, and they grow, for him.
Here is a pond hubs built this year. He was given the pump, and wanted to make a feature of it. I think he did very well. Beyond is another of his borders with another cow in it. (Not me)
Here we look back at the gate to the entrance of the field and of course Spike again. To the right of the picture is the start of the furniture heap, covered for winter protection.
7 Nov, 2010
Previous post: The cutting side of things.
Next post: Little surprises
You have a lot of land there and my goodness....the grass must take ages to cut when you can get to it. On the plus side you have a lovely duck pond and I can imagine in warmer weather (whenever that is!) it is a pleasant place to relax (yeah, if you have time with all that space to tend!).
Your views are wonderful.....that is a real bonus. How long has your maze been planted up?
Good luck with your ongoing projects.
7 Nov, 2010
That's a lot of garden to get sorted :-/
7 Nov, 2010
How lovely, you have everything but I`m glad its yours, it sure looks like a lot of very hard work..... `
7 Nov, 2010
Thanks everyone. We have 5 acres. but only 2 of them are mine. The OM has a sit on for his field and round the orchard. But the hens, plottie and garden round the house are mine. The maze is in it's second year, all from cuttings about 6" tall.
I mow my grass, it's too bumpy for a sit on. Hence the widening of borders and features in the grass.:-)
The hardwork is trying to keep the 'lawn' and borders seperate. Being paddock grass, it has all the weeds and so much couch grass. Still thats the penalty for buying a smallholding, that no gardener has owned before.
8 Nov, 2010
Gosh what a lot of land but so open if it were me just a suggestion I would make the land by my house a garden then have a special place a little bit away as a quiet place I think it is lovely
8 Nov, 2010
Hi Nana d, The garden is round the house, and yes we do have a quiet place, There's an arbour seat up at the bbq site, but we mever get to sit up there now. (But, the om sometimes snoozes on it, whilst he's supposedly mowing his field.:-)
13 Nov, 2010
What a lovely blog. You are certainly not phased by all the hard work needed to keep this up year on year. The views alone would make it worthwhile for me. I love Nessie, grazing on the lawn. She must be on holiday. LOL
24 Apr, 2011
She's been let go lately and needs a haircut. :-)
26 Apr, 2011
Was she there when you moved in? and what is the plant material - privet ? box?
26 Apr, 2011
No I created her, out of Lonicera nitida. and some chicken wire. She's about 3 now maybe 4.
26 Apr, 2011
I am going to scream in a minute. I wrote a message and forgot AGAIN to add it. That is a good choice of shrub. I am going to ask my daughter to put her thinking cap on, to tame the lonicera nitida in her border. No matter what I do it always looks untidy and out of place where it is. With a bit of thought it could turn in to something very exciting. Thank you
26 Apr, 2011
You' re welcome. It will cut down to any shape, Just make a frame and then cut it smaller than the size, place over the top and let it grow into the shape. But it will need trimming every 5 - 6 wks through the warmer months. You could check out the blog I put on earlier.
27 Apr, 2011
I've had a look, it is a wonderful blog.
27 Apr, 2011
Thank you.
I just do these things then have the work after, but it makes for fun gardening.
30 Apr, 2011
I have also had a look at your website and microwave meringues are new to me but I will have a go.
30 Apr, 2011
I've just checked the recipe on the website, I haven't put on it yet, that you will need to change the paper regularly, as the bits left on will burn. I will add that bit now.
You'll love them and they melt in the mouth too.
1 May, 2011
Thank you.
1 May, 2011
I love your garden!! It is wonderful creative and all that space. And I love the moongate.
Wish I had such a big plot of land to do all that (I work similar to you, add pits and pieces as I go, turning a little piece of overgrown land into a veg and wildlife garden. We have quite a big flowergarden as well, but that is shared between three houses and although it is mainly me who looks after it, I can't really do what I like there as the others like it "tidy", using weedkillers etc, which does not agree with me at all.
Thanks for sharing all your inspirational pictures.
30 May, 2011
You're welcome. The garden has come round in leaps and bounds this year. I will be putting up another blog on it.
Must be interesting sharing a garden. and I will admit I do use a weedkiller, but on a plot this size, we need sommat if only for the paths and drives. But I use the agricultural one. Much more powerful and does the job in one.
31 May, 2011
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29 Apr, 2010
snap 2ndhand we have very similar spaces to look after...and mine all needs mowing and weeding too....i love your arch and your rubbery.....:-)
i love the views to cardigan bay on my way up to abberystwyth...
7 Nov, 2010