The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Adrianfinland's Garden

Adrianfinland has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Apple Tree (large apples)

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Apple Tree (small apples)

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 5 photos

Bergenia (Elephant's ears)

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Bergenia.
Species: Bergenia cordifolia.

Has been in the garden for many years, and is well established around base of Moss Rock.

A quote from BBC gar...

Birch Tree

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Betula.
Species: Betula.

Cabbage - Savoy - Aubervilliers

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Brassica.
Species: Brassica oleracea.

Heirloom French savoy type is early and large.

Carrot Chantenay - Lonto

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Daucus.
Species: Daucus carota.

Cherry tree

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 7 photos

Genus: Prunus.
Species: Prunus cerasus.

In previous years we had excellent fruit from this tree. 2007 heavily pruned to smaller shape = no fruit. 2008 w...


Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium schoenoprasum.

Christmas tree hedge

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Runs along north edge of garden.


Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Coriandrum.
Species: Coriandrum sativum.

Courgette - Black Beauty

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Cowslip Yellow wild flower

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Primula.
Species: Primula veris.

I thought it was a weed, seems to grow in many places around the garden - but it has cheerful flowers. Turns out...

Curry plant

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Helichrysum.
Species: Helichrysum italicum.

Daisys pink

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Daisys White

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

In a pot by the house door and in a pot by the big rock.

Daisys Yellow

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo


Added on 13 May, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Taraxacum.
Species: Taraxacum officinale.

Friend or foe? Our drinking water comes from a well in the garden, so the only weedkiller is manual.....

Double Flowering Almond Tree

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Prunus.
Species: Prunus triloba.

Purchased from Plantagen.

Dwarf French Bean - Saxa

Added on 23 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Phaseolus.
Species: Phaseolus vulgaris.

Strong variety that can be picked very early. Saxa gives a high yield of 12-13 cm long, round-oval sectioned pod...


Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Fritillaries - 'snakehead'.

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Fritillaria.
Species: fritillaria.

I found this growing at the base of the siren.


Added on 7 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium sativum.

Geranium Orange

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium.

Iris Flower

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Iris.
Species: Iris.


Added on 7 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Lavandula.
Species: Lavandula angustifolia.

Leek - Autumn Giant and Turku Market

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium porrum.

Lettuce - Australian Yellow Leaf

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Lactuca.
Species: Lactuca sativa.

Lettuce - Red Salad Bowl

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Lactuca.
Species: Lactuca sativa.

Lily of the Valley (probably)

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Grows every spring. Lily of the Valley if it shows white flowers.


Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Narcissus (white)

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Narcissus.
Species: Narcissus poeticus.

Flowers in mid May.

Pak Choi

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Brassica.
Species: Brassica rapa.

Pansy / Heartsease

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Viola.
Species: Viola tricolor.

Parsley - Bravour

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Petroselinum.
Species: Petroselinum crispum.

Moss curled type; long stemmed vigorous plants, with tightly curled heads of good colour and texture. Survived t...


Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Pastinaca.
Species: Pastinaca sativa.


Added on 23 Apr, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Pisum.
Species: Pisum sativum.

Grew in propagator then 16 April 2008 planted out in woodend frame with bubble wrap cover. Just surviving the fr...


Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Paeonia.
Species: Paeonia.

Petunia Pink Gramaphone

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Petunia.
Species: Petunia.

Look like Gramaphones

Pineapple sage

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Salvia.
Species: Salvia elegans.

Pink flowers (find real name)

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Plumb tree

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Older tree growing in hedge, younger tree behind garage.

Poppy - White

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Grows wild in the garden - very welcome as its early colour.

Poppy - Yellow

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 2 photos


Added on 23 Apr, 2008 | 2 photos

3 rows planted 17 April 2008 under plastic. Tubers fully chitted from cellar (potatoes we grew last year). Varie...

Rhododendron Other

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Compact. Purchased Plantagen.

Rhododendron Red

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Rhododendron.
Species: Rhododendron Nova Zembla.

Can grow to 2m height. -32C cold hardiness. Blooms May to June

Rhododendron White

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Rhododendron.
Species: Rhododendron "Cunningham's White".

Can grow to 1.5m height. -28C hardiness. Blooms May to June.


Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

We have a huge and well established rhubarb plant / colony near the veg patch which we crop heavily.

Then th...

Rock Cress

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Arabis.
Species: Arabis.

White small flowers above rock garden as a 'blanket'.

Rock Garden plants

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Rock Garden Rhododendrons

Added on 6 May, 2008 | 4 photos

This rock garden area contains a well established apple tree, which we have pruned (quite heavily) in previous y...


Added on 7 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium ascalonicum.

Spinach - Matador

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Spinacia.
Species: Spinacia oleracea.

Spring Onion - Freddy

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Alium fistulosum.

Last years spring onions survived through the winter and now look like baby leeks. (May)


Added on 6 May, 2008 | 1 photo


Added on 8 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Helianthus.
Species: Helianthus annuus.

Seeds grown in propagator then planted out 11 May 2008 along with ungerminated seed direct in soil.

Sweetcorn (Golden Bantam)

Added on 23 Apr, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Zea.
Species: Zea mays.

Planted 23 April 2008 as seed in a bed that last year grew sunflowers.

Forked the ground to allow drainage,...

Sycamore tree

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 11 photos

Genus: Acer.
Species: Acer pseudoplatanus.

European maple or plane tree.


Added on 8 May, 2008 | 7 photos

Genus: Tulipa.
Species: Tulipa acuminata.

These come up every year, came with the garden so don't know the variety. Have to be careful not to cut it w...

Uknown blanket - royal blue

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Fully flowered by end May. Big hit with the bumble bees.

View under balcony

Added on 27 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Views from the Garden

Added on 8 May, 2008 | 5 photos

Okay, this isn't a 'plant', but I wanted to show how the surrounding landscape changes through the s...

Views of the main vegetable plot

Added on 13 May, 2008 | 3 photos