And The Winner Is
By AndrewR
Each year, I look forward to seeing the first daffodil into flower. There are some very early varieties, and narcissus ‘Cedric Morris’ is possibly the earliest of them all – I have even had it in flower in the second week of December if we have a long, mild autumn
Just occasionally, Cedric gets pipped at the post by ’Rijnveld’s Early Sensation.’ This looks like a bog standard daffodil, but blooms very early in the season, usually in late January or early February for me
But this winter, a new winner has emerged. Naricssus ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ is a tazettaa type, with several flowers coming from a single bulb. It is not as hardy as some of the other varieties, but can successfully be grown indoors in colder parts of the country. If growing it outdoors, give it a sheltered spot in sun or part shade, in well-drained soil that doesn’t dry out I have planted mine in the lee of a hibiscus where it has grown happily for the past seven years. Today, it opened its first flower, the winner for 2014/5
I really feel spring is just around the corner now.
18 Dec, 2014
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Next post: A Little Love (And A Long Wait)
Nice to see, lots growing here but only snowdrops and a few cyclamen in flower.
19 Dec, 2014
Mine are not even showing any leaves yet!!!! Lovely to see yours though Andrew.
19 Dec, 2014
Ours are still keeping their heads down.....
lovely to think of spring though, thanks Andrew
merry christmas x
19 Dec, 2014
Thats a pleasure to see Andrew..
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2015..
19 Dec, 2014
A welcome early splash of colour,Andrew.. wishing you a merry Christmas..
19 Dec, 2014
I've been checking my gardens where I think the narcissi were relocated, no sign yet. But to flower this early is a definite promise that winter is transitory, though it might feel like it's here forever!
19 Dec, 2014
What a cheering sight Andrew! Our first clump is just showing tips breaking through the ground. Must add a really early variety to the wish list.
20 Dec, 2014
Thank you Andrew, Those wonderful flashes of yellow raise the mood to a new level.
20 Dec, 2014
These are the first I've seen this winter.
It always seems funny to me , seeing Daf's in December as we think of the, as a spring flower. But, a very welcome sight.I've seen a couple of winter blossom trees today, as well....lovely!
20 Dec, 2014
Thats great to see Andrew, we have several showing through but it will be a some time before they flower.......
22 Dec, 2014
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My earliest ones don't come up until March.
19 Dec, 2014