Your wish is my command
By AndrewR
A few people have asked about the plants pictured in my blog ‘Better Than Christmas’. So I have listed what I got and where they came from.
Order 1 – Pottertons Nursery, Lincs
Convolvulus cneorum
Small, sun-loving shrub with grey leaves and white
Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Both pink- and white-flowered forms of the native
Cheddar Pink
Gentiana acaulis
Both dark- and light-blue forms of the Trumpet
Gentiana verna
The Spring Gentian. Mat forming but often short-
Lithodora zahnii
Dwarf shrub about a foot tall with pale blue flowers
Primula sikkimensis
Moisture loving candelabra primula with yellow
Smilacena stellata
Starry white-flowered perennial tolerant of dry
Trillium luteum
Yellow-flowered plant for moist, acid soil in shade
Trillium viridescens
Ditto with flowers yellow-green and red-purple
Tropaeolum tuberosum ‘Ken Aslett’
Borderline hardy scrambler with red-orange flowers
growing from small tubers
Uvularia grandiflorum var pallida
Pale yellow-flowered woodlander for moist soil
Uvularia perfoliata
Similar to above with stems growing through the
leaves (like eucalyptus gunii)
Uvulaia sessilifolia
Similar to U.grandiflorum but slightly taller and
flowers are greenish yellow
Zaluzianskya ovata
Dwarf shrub for a sunny well-drained spot with white
flowers like a campion
Order 2 – Hillview Hardy Plants, Shropshire
Gazania krebsiana
Orange-red daisies on a dwarf plant for sun and
well-drained soil
Nerine filifolia
Silmilar to N.bowdenii but with very narrow foliage
Phlox paniculata ‘David’ and ‘Newbird’
White- and red-flowered border phlox
Tulbaghia species
Small South African bulb for sun and well-drained
soil, flowering in late summer/early autumn
Watsonia laccata
Pink/red flowers on a bulb of borderline hardiness
Watsonia pillansii hybrid
Ditto with flowers peach, orange or red hues and
Watsonia zeyheri
Ditto with orange flowers
Order 3 – Beth Chatto Gardens, Essex
Lunaria rediviva
Perennial honesty with lilac-white flowers
Eryngium variifolium
Short sea holly with white-veined leaves
Primula pulverulenta
Moisture loving candelabra primula with red-purple
Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’
Form of cow parsley with purple leaves
Codonopsis clematidea
Scrambler for the alpine bed with pale blue flowers
with a foxy smell
Butomus umbellatus
Flowering rush to grow in standing water
Iris pseudoacorus var bastardii
Pale yellow-flowered form of the native Yellow Flag
Allium obliquum
Ornamental onion with yellow-green flowers on two
Foot tall stems
Order 4 – Trevena Cross Nursery, Cornwall
Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’
Hardy-ish protea for full sun in well-drained soil
low in phosphates
Lomatia ferruginea
Australian shrub with ferny foliage and red and
yellow flowers. Needs well-drained soil
Leptospermum scoparium ‘Martinii’
New Zealand shrub with tiny leaves and pink flowers.
Probably the hardiest of the family
Hakea lissocarpha
Another small Australian shrub with white or pink
flowers. Full sun and well-drained soil
Callistemon viridiflorus
Yellow-flowered form of bottlebrush
Pseudopanax ferox
A joke plant! The common name is the ‘Upside Down
Dead Stick Tree’ which gives you an idea of what it
looks like
Watsonia pillansii
Another watsonia with bright orange flowers
Order 5 – Great Dixter Nurseries, Sussex
Berberidopsis corallina
Red-flowered scrambler for moist, acid soil in shade
Smyrnium perfoliatum
Self-sowing biennial for shade with yellow-green
flowers, often mistaken for a euphorbia
Thladiantha dubia
Vigorous yellow-flowered scrambler related to
Verbascum chaixii ‘Album’
Hardy white verbascum
Clematis ‘H.F.Young’
Large blue flowers on a plant only reaching two
Metres. To be trained over a variegated euonymus
Clematis viticella ‘Royal Velours’
Deep velvety-purple flowers from late summer to
early autumn. Reaches three metres. To be grown into
a gold-leaved sambucus
Clematis x triternata ‘Rubromarginata’
Clouds of scented, small white flowers with red
edges from mid summer. To scramble over herbaceous
Clematis texensis ‘Etoile Rose’
Pitcher-shaped pink flowers from mid summer. To grow
into a purple-leaved physocarpus
Order 6 – Burncoose Nursery, Cornwall
Clematis forsteri
New Zealand clematis to two metres with scented,
greeny-white flowers in mid spring
Dendromecon rigida
Spreading shrub with yellow poppy flowers over a
long period. Needs the shelter of a south-facing
wall and thick mulch to the roots to get it through
the winter (I hope)
Olearia phloggopappa ‘Combers Blue’
Upright daisy bush with blue flowers in spring
Phormium ‘Platts Black’
Dwarf phormium with very dark leaves (suitable for
growing in a pot)
Pieris ‘Little Heath’
Dwarf variegated pieris
Podocarpus x ‘County Park Fire’
Southen hemisphere shrub grown for its fine,
coloured foliage. This one has salmon-pink growth in
spring turning reddish-orange in winter and is
fairly dwarf. Full sun and well-drained soil
Order 7 – Long Acre Plants, Somerset
Anemonopsis macrophylla
Looks like a refined Japanese anemone. Woodland
plant flowering in summer
Aquilegia canadensis
Sun-loving aquilegia with red and yellow flowers
Geranium ‘Ivan’
Like a dwarf form of G.psilostemon with the same
loud pink flowers
Geranium pratense ‘Alba Plena’
Form of the native meadow cranesbill with double
white flowers
Lysimachia paridiformis car stenophylla
White-flowered loosestrife
Patrinia triloba var palmata
Woodland perennial with bright yellow flowers in
late summer
Primula chungensis
Moisture loving candelabra primula with pale orange
6 Apr, 2008
Previous post: Eeeeekkkk!
Next post: And the winner is...
That's really helpful, Andrew. Thanks very much for going to the trouble to list them all.
6 Apr, 2008
fab collection off plants andrew are a lot off them fairly maintenance free which is what i could do with, dont seem to have enough time to keep my garden in order.
Will you be adding photos off your Wisteria this year my old mans got a sinensis its about forty years old now and the perfume of it is fantastic pity they dont last very long.
Keep up the good work andrew all the best.
6 Apr, 2008
I work on the principle of right plant, right place. Do your research first - what conditions can I give a plant and how much space can I give it? Then browse the catalogues and find what the options are. Finallyconsider how these will look around its surroundings and make a decision. If you want to add in other criteria, such as low maintenance, do this at the planning stage - saves a lot of work and heartache later.
And yes, I hope to put photos of my wisteria on here when it is in flower.
6 Apr, 2008
Thanks Andrew for taking the time to post the list - very interesting. I shall look for the Somerset Nursery to see if it's near-ish to me....Always like browsing!
7 Apr, 2008
What no garden centres (choke) Andrew?
8 Apr, 2008
Garden Centres I can do anytime but most of this list is unusual stuff that is only available by mail order. And of course Wisley is only half an hour away....
8 Apr, 2008
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Wow Andrew this is an amazing list and I`m sure in your hands will make a wonderful display. Wish I knew what they all were - off to google to get some pictures!
6 Apr, 2008