My Roses Dried and "what" is that?
By CatFinch
I let my roses stay on the bush outside until they look almost blown…with the wind and the deer around here, it is a miracle they get that far.
I then cut them and bring them in to dry …..
I am using these hanging clay pots right now for drying as they are handy…and I think the roses hanging on it are pretty.
after they have dried for about a week, maybe two…I take them off the pots and put them in a vase…to let them stand upright. After the vase or vases get full..and I am satisfied with how many I have, I start taking petals of blown roses and putting them in a basket and making sure I shake the basket at least once a day to make sure the air gets through the fall I have nice dried roses and rose petal potporri to enjoy through the winter..then in the late spring it starts all over again.. :)
I decided that the rose still looked so pretty hanging upside down that I should take a shot of it…I did not see these little tiny creatures until I saw this photo on my computer you suppose they are midges?
18 Jun, 2009
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Pretty rose :-) I expect the bugs are little pollen eaters of some sort.
18 Jun, 2009
Thanks Bob..yes I went to the site you suggested ..thank you by the way..really like that site..have give it a thumbs up on my Stumble application...
from what I can tell they are most likely a midge type insect..
very tiny little wings and tiny little legs..have to agree Sid..think they are little friendly pollen real destruction of the rose or plant going on...
18 Jun, 2009
It's still a very pretty rose, Cat! :-)
18 Jun, 2009
Thank you is a favorite...has a wonderful scent too...could not see the silly not have on my reading glasses when I took the cut it...
18 Jun, 2009
Nice blog Cat. Like your rose pics. Do the rose petals still have a scent after drying? As for the little creatures, they are spies sent from the IRS or possibly from an alien planet. Don't say anything in front of them.
18 Jun, 2009
Lovely rose. Great idea to dry the petals.
18 Jun, 2009
they look like thrips. we get millions everywhere when the farmer cuts the wheat. small long thin bodied insects. they get behind picture frame and glass etc. sap suckers but no harm too us.
18 Jun, 2009
The scent on the scented ones seems to never go away really..just gets less and less as time goes by...I toss in all sorts of petals from all sorts of flowers...not just roses..
Don't let your imagination run wild like this a little insecure about the tax folk? lol do you believe you have been abducted by aliens Toto...? you poor thing..Eileen..what did we do with that special jacket?
19 Jun, 2009
It's good to know Seaburngirl...thrips or midges not really a flower/plant pest..thanks..
19 Jun, 2009
I think they are thrips too Cj.....not what you want on your rose blooms.
19 Jun, 2009
What do they do Gilli?
19 Jun, 2009
That's a lovely way to preserve some of the summer Cat :o)
19 Jun, 2009
thrips are sap suckers, so you often find marks on the foliage and a litle distortion to leaf and flower if it is really bad.
19 Jun, 2009
Thank you is a favorite part of my summer...just knowing I will have them still to smell and remember my summer blooms..
19 Jun, 2009
I will have to take a look ..the deer have done so much is hard to tell sometimes...but what there is still good..I will look is raining today...perhaps the thrips will have dispersed.
19 Jun, 2009
I have always been intriqued with dried flowers...still beautiful after they have died. Like their little 'souls' stay stay just a little longer. I used to have baby's breath, roses and coin plant hanging in the garage all the time.
19 Jun, 2009
That is dear Paula....thanks for the thought...I like that the scent stays so long...especially on the petals in my potporri... sweet memories ..
19 Jun, 2009
My new rose is starting buds, can't wait to see what's coming.
19 Jun, 2009
It is fun isn't it? I get anxious to see what each new bud brings...good time of year...
19 Jun, 2009
19 Jun, 2009
I don't understand Cat. Why would you not believe it? I lived with them for many years but can only tell true believers about the experience.
19 Jun, 2009
Why? Toto...are you telling me this?..did I say I was a True believer? LOL...dig-dig-dig-dig-...I know that special jacket is here somewhere..dig-dig-throw-dig-dig.
19 Jun, 2009
Toto, I have no scientific proof but I prefer to believe that somewhere out there.....Are they at your house?
19 Jun, 2009
I was told by the nice nurse not to tell anyone.
20 Jun, 2009
Did the nurse's gills blink sideways?
20 Jun, 2009
LOL....yeah Toto...would did the nice nurse look like...?
20 Jun, 2009
How did you know Weeds? Don't tell me he is your nurse too. What a small world.
He's beautiful Cat.
20 Jun, 2009
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Hmmm yes possibly midges although they rather tiny, can you get a magnifying glass on them and see if they have wings? You may then be able to identify them on a website that was recommended by another GoY member, take a look at
Hope this helps.
18 Jun, 2009