Gardening where ever I am...
By CatFinch
I will be returning to the UK in one weeks time…While I have been gone and staying on the West Coast of the USA, I managed to plant a little plot of herbs…
I picked them and dried them and now they are called Herbs de provence!
My friend who I have been staying with here in Newport News, Virginia USA tried to grow watermelons….I find that I like the watermelon blooms quite well..The melons were not able to get fully grown. But the blooms were outstanding!
I met Crepemrytle for the first time and have decided it is lovely and am amazed at its ability to with stand loads of heat and humidity!
I did love seeing the gorgeous butterflies on the Butterfly bush in the garden.
Was so very impressed with this American Robin sitting out a cloud burst and thunder storm in the Oak tree in the garden. Bless it..
Found that turtles love to sunbathe and look at their reflections in lakes from fallen trees….. :o)
and This is the new me…I have found the time to take up needle felting, so I created a gardener and her cat..ummm the cat is “me, Catfinch by the way” the gardener is my friend Betty, who I have spent the summer with… Tara for now..soon to be back in North Wales..with GF ~ Catfinch :o)
23 Oct, 2012
Previous post: An American in Wales :o)
Thank you Linclass...I have actually made a cowgirl..but sent it to my Grand daughter along with a horse I hand stitched out of cloth felt for her 6th birthday.. :o) This business of not being where I can really get out and work in a garden, mostly because it has been so very, very hot and humid here, makes for finding things to do inside! Well truth, I took up the needle felting last winter while in North Wales..all the wool there makes my fingers want to feel it! So this is what happens.. am now running to your pages to see what you have been up to!
23 Oct, 2012
Nice to hear from you after a long time Cat :o)
I'm pleased you're enjoying your break back in America. You've found an interesting hobby :o)
23 Oct, 2012
We don`t really know how it feels to be hot and humid this year Cat, lol...
23 Oct, 2012
I know..I have heard about your very wet & cool summer Sue! Here I have been craving such a thing and missing cool to an extreme I had no idea I was capable of! When you step outside and your lungs scream at you to get back in the house where the air is cool and dry enough to suck is bad...June, July and August was in the 100's and very I mean nothing, I will ever plan on partaking in will either be the UK or the Northwest coast of the USA..for me in the summer..short visits in the early spring and very late fall could happen here on this Eastern shore of the USA perhaps...but I am a cool weather bird I fear....
23 Oct, 2012 nice to hear from you, and see that you are doing well...taking in lovely Smokey.. :o) Now that makes me smile..
23 Oct, 2012
How privileged you are to see a Swallow Tail Butterfly - I think that is what it is and an American Robin and a TurtleDove - and all those pretty flowers - wow you will have wonderful memories of your trip - by the way North Wales is a little like Shropshire at the moment - I think - wet - cold and misty - but still very beautiful - have a safe journey
23 Oct, 2012
Hello Marigold 6 :o) I am not sure we have met... yes the Swallowtail is lovely..there were loads of them here..I have been very impressed see the Peacock Butterflies here on goy that members have been posting photos pretty and so many colours! I have been avoiding goy I am afraid as I have had to be away some time now from Wales and get so terribly homesick looking at the garden in the UK. Seeing the little English robin, makes my heart miss a beat . They are so dear to me...I hope I will find myself on goy a bit more and will get to know more of you..thank you for your post! :o)
23 Oct, 2012
Hi Cat, it's great to see you back on here, and to know you have made your home here in the UK, much love to you both! I remember GFs fabulous garden and how he was getting to grips with things, I'm sure between you both, you will have created a fantastic, magical place. Love your pics here, especially the Swallowtail, that is stunning....:)). Take care X
23 Oct, 2012
Hi Janey, Thank you ! We seem to find something to do at every turn..GF has been building his water falls and we took out his old Vanny and built 3 good sized raised garden beds there...we are also installing a new green house next to I can do some winter and early spring veg gardening.. :o) When you can is good!
23 Oct, 2012
looks like you have been enjoying america Cat. so its back to wales, warm fires and winters full of craft projects...Bliss..:-)
24 Oct, 2012
lol..yes Sandra yes..Bliss for sure! :o) xx
24 Oct, 2012
Hi Cat it's lovely to see you back here on GOY , we have swallowtailed butterflies in Norfolk but very few of them ,the only time I have seen one was in France on holiday ! you are going to be very busy with all your planned projects ,I love your felt work it will keep you busy on those dark winter nights :o)
25 Oct, 2012
Hi Amy! :o) There were loads of the Swallowtail here in Newport News, Virginia..they must love heat and humidity..! Yes I have a feeling my lap will be holding wool and felting needles this winter.. :o) such a sweet and simple craft ..
25 Oct, 2012
Recent posts by CatFinch
- An American in Wales :o)
4 Dec, 2010
- Sharing the last garden
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- How grows my garden????
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- Oh! Deer
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- "Shorty's Nursery"...A Washington State Garden Center
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- Now THIS is a Garden...
31 Jan, 2010
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Hello Cat, how lovely to hear from you, I wondered where you were, seems you are flitting back and forth, sounds like you are well and that life is good for you, I like your little representative very cute, when do we see one with you on a horse, lol.
Lovely photo`s Cat, have a safe journey back and looking forward to hearing from you again soon....
23 Oct, 2012