Crow & Eagle
By CatFinch
I have come home from Wales and nothing has changed here…
The crows and Eagles still spar in the tree tops.
I got lucky and got to get some shots of this mad crow attacking this very frustrated Eagle..not sure what the crows problem was…He should be careful though as this Eagle may decide he is hungry and get around to “Eating some Crow.”
3 Jun, 2009
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Protecting it's nestlings, I'd imagine. I've watched both crows & blackbirds mobbing the large Red Tailed Hawks around here this spring. Good action shots!
3 Jun, 2009
Yes, it seems crows from everywhere like to mob larger birds. I regularly see crow mobbing the big lazy buzzards round here and a couple of weeks ago I watched a crow mobbing a heron. Wouldn't have thought that was a threat.....maybe they just enjoy it - the hooligans!
3 Jun, 2009
Not sure about the crows...often they want something the eagle has...same with Seagulls ..they will chase an Eagle all over hoping it will drop what it has sparrows on the other hand, I have seen chasing the big birds when they are defending their nests..they are super fierce little firecrackers..
3 Jun, 2009
Flaming crows!! I'm getting sick of them. I have two that visit my birdbath regularly several times a day. That wouldn't be bad if they were bathing or drinking but they come and "wash" their food. They regurgitate seed into the bath and then pick through it and eat some of it again and leave the rest in the bath. They also bring bits of garbage to wash before eating and any scavenged bits of animal or bird or baby birds they have stolen from the nest etc. etc. This afternoon I got home from work and there were two bird wings and a bird leg plus feathers and bits of flesh in the bath. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm about ready to get out the pellet gun!!!!
4 Jun, 2009
"Stone the crow's".
4 Jun, 2009
Lovely photos cat hope you enjoyed your trip.
4 Jun, 2009
Need more bird baths Gilli...Crows have to eat too...sad for the baby birds..but the mama's and papa's have to do a better job of keeping them off and finding better nesting places..survival of the smartest and fittest you's how they learn..
4 Jun, 2009
Thanks Sueb...I did enjoy my trip and horribly homesick to go back..end of July cannot come soon enough....
4 Jun, 2009
Great pics Cat. End of july isn't that far away and at least you have something to look forward to. I'm really pleased for you.
4 Jun, 2009
I do have coming back to look forward too..have lots to do here for now...not as much as I did before..but still quite a bit to get organized..each day moves me has been so hot here...makes me move a bit slower..goodness...looking forward to a cool down that they keep promising...cannot wait to work in the rain on the garden...!!!
5 Jun, 2009
We too have had a hot spell over the last couple of weeks but it has cooled now and today it is raining. The forcast suggests that it is going to get cooler and wetter for the next few days.
5 Jun, 2009
Very hot here. It was up in the high 90'sF yesterday and promises the same today. Everything is very hazy from the smoke of several forest fires which are burning in the province. Not very near to us but the smoke travels. We need rain. Everything is tinder dry.
5 Jun, 2009
It cooled a little bit here yesterday and this morning we have a nice marine layer in...miss seeing the red sunrises..but the cool is so nice.
6 Jun, 2009
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nice shots of the eagle Cat, it looks a big un.
3 Jun, 2009