By Dottydaisy2
Well, yes we do like living by the seaside, and when we moved here thirteen years on June 19th 2000, we had proper Southern weather, ie, wet mild winters, and hot mostly dry summers….which suited us fine, it was goodbye Midlands weather!! and I have to say we were not disappointed, that was until 4 years ago……..
Now look at it, a few inches of snow, I do not mind, what I do mind is bitingly cold winds and severe frosts, and wet, wet, wet, summers, I am not happy, and neither are our plants.
Went out with the camera, just for the record, and after 10 minutes, I thought I had frostbite!! so this is how our garden is coping with the bad weather…
Obviously the snowdrops are quite happy, and the large Vinca and Hellebore, the Acorus has thrived in the wet this year…
Sobaria Sem taking it on the chin, Leycesteria Golden Lanterns should come through, although she is only a year old, Melianthus Major will struggle and will lose all it’s beautiful foliage but will shoot from the ground later…..
The variegated Holly will have no problems, and the Camellia might lose a few blooms, not sure our black Phormium will be too happy though.
Skimmia, Osmanthus, and the Pieris will have no problems coping with the snow……
The Fatshederas and the Ceanothus have a sheltered site. and our Cloud Pruning has some extra protection….
Black Bamboo has enjoyed the wet season, and the urn and Heucheras from last summer still giving 100%….
Potted Tulips ready and waiting…….and our fallen angel looking for a new position…
A small sample from a bitterly cold garden in the soft south, yes, that was a joke!!
11 Mar, 2013
Previous post: coûteux mes chers amis, mais oui.............
I'm feeling for you DD. We're the same here as you've probably already seen. Your poor Melianthus....it's such a lovely plant...I hope it soon recovers. That Acorus looks stunning! Oh, btw, I've had a message from LongAcre...my new babies are en route! I shan't be able to plant them though shall I? lol...they'll have to stay in the greenhouse until I have time and weather to get them in to their new homes. I was going to remove the rest of the Teasels today and take them to the Castle tomorrow, but everything is frozen solid.
11 Mar, 2013
Louisa thanks, I am also hoping for some better weather sooner rather than later........
11 Mar, 2013
Hi K such a pain isn't it, our new Prunus has just arrived, and no way can we put it in, just far too cold.
Looking forward to seeing your new plants, they have some great plants and I thought they were fairly reasonable too... I have so many now waiting to go in the garden, they are starting to grow away in our garden room, could do with a glasshouse or a cold frame, but no where to put either, roll on the better weather, please.
11 Mar, 2013
Hello Dotty..
I hope your plants survive the snow !
11 Mar, 2013
Lets hope they all come through without too many losses Angela ,We have the snow and bitterly cold winds ,I'm afraid several of our plants / shrubs are blackened by the frost some for the second year , it's heartbreaking when you lose a plant you love .......
11 Mar, 2013
Thanks TT, so do I.......Amy it is very disheartening, did you see your Sobaria in my pics? such a brave little plant, but looks to be coping well.
11 Mar, 2013
Same here in Lincs Dd so you might as well stay, we are all sharing, its a weird day, bitterly cold, pond frozen over all day although the snow on the ground has started to thaw in places, trouble is every few mins more snow is falling even in the sunshine, poor flowers are now laying down, I am tempted to pick my daffodils and have a few indoors, something I don't normally even consider, I am more likely to buy a few bunches .....
11 Mar, 2013
Lincs I would pick them if I were you, poor things, they don't know whether they are coming or going, OH has just come in from the cold to say there are icicles hanging from the sheds, now that is a first for us......
11 Mar, 2013
sorry about all this bad weather not great at all, guess it kills of certain bugs and things , a few slugs that were drawn out - you have a lovely garden DD - I would love to get some black bamboo for ours - on wish list for sure. we have Osmanthus never sure if they're hardy but pulled through last year so... love your centre pot attraction with shingle around
11 Mar, 2013
Yes, meant to say, that black bamboo looks fantastic!
11 Mar, 2013
I did notice the Sobaria 'Sem' Angela It looks to have grown a good bit :o))
11 Mar, 2013
I think most of us are just hoping that we don`t lose too many of out plants in this crazy sunshine to ice weather.
Like yours my sobaria sems seem to be doing fine bought both of them last year, but my fatsia jap. looks very sad .
I also planted a 9ft Silver Birch jacquemontii "Grayswood Ghost" a couple of weeks back when we had 3days of lovely sunshine just hope it will come thru ok.
11 Mar, 2013
Stroller, I think your Fatsia will be ok. It will probably take a while to get going again, as mine do most winters, but it will pull through :)
11 Mar, 2013
Nice pictures DD....and some of the plants are very forgiving of the weather aren't they, and soldier on!
Boy, it's cold today isn't it? The wind here is also bitingly cold and it's whipping the snow up and causing awful driving conditions!!!!
11 Mar, 2013
Thanks Paul, yes it is cold, even colder than the midlands!! the snow has stopped falling thank goodness, but the forecast is not at all good....
11 Mar, 2013
No, not rising very much above freezing this week in most areas! More snow for us in Essex tonight and tomorrow.
11 Mar, 2013
It was a bitter day here in the Midlands too Dotty. Most of the damage to my garden was done in February last year when the temps dropped to -10 for a couple of nights, it has come a bit later this year. Bloomin' weather :o((
Ps you moved on my 40th birthday in 2000, I remember having a lovely warm weekend in London.
12 Mar, 2013
Annella how funny we moved down here on our wedding Anniversary, it was really hot, and we moved with 3 goldfish and 3 cats , put ice cubes in with the fish.......and had to sedate the cats lol.....happy days!!
12 Mar, 2013
great pics tho .. so hope its good wether this year
12 Mar, 2013
Im sorry its so cold but your photos and flowers look so beautiful, the snow on that camellia look amazing
12 Mar, 2013
I lived on the coast for many yrs, Dotty.
Winds, salt-laden, scouring the skin off your bones, as I recall.
That & the tourists disappearing for another yr, so the place looked like a ghost town. Lol.
I guess the snow decided to have a short break, here in the UK.
14 Mar, 2013
Thanks Cris, lets hope so.......Sticki it is amazing how they survive really isn't it?
Mouldy luckily we do not have too many tourists, it is not a pretty seaside, and the beach has pebbles lol snow gone but now we are having frost at night!!
14 Mar, 2013
Tougher than we think some of them!
15 Mar, 2013
Know exactly what you mean, DD. We've been in the "sunny South" for over fifty years and the weather has definitely changed. Is this what "global warming" really means?
At the moment we are having to deal with parts of the drive being flooded. The water is coming from next door, an old thatched cottage with a country garden that is also flooded. Our neighbour has never had this problem before and neither have we. Oh for some sunshine!
.....at least we have no snow!
16 Mar, 2013
Lived in Gt Yarmouth for 8yrs, Dotty.
Yrs later lived in Bournemouth.
Both sandy, but been to Southend (muddy!!), & Brighton. Very pebbly.
Now I look back, it's surprising the sort of trees, shrubs and flowers that can withstand what the weather throws at them.
16 Mar, 2013
Hello Eirlys welcome, not seen you before, I see from your profile you are in Dorset, we would have moved there, my OH loves Dorset, but all the family are here, we all moved down over the years.......so we would not be any better off, weather wise where you are then? we now have rain lashing the garden, as if we have not had enough !!
Mouldy, as the crow flies we are not far from Bournmouth, have just been catching up with some photos taken last year, I guess I can say goodbye to the hardy Gerberas making an appearance then? cold they might have survived, but, wet no way.......
16 Mar, 2013
Reckn that crow hasn't flew much recently, DD. Lol.
Probably tucked up in it's nice warm nest, waiting for the weather to improve. XD
27 Mar, 2013
Very wise........
2 Apr, 2013
Is that crow on the move yet, DD? ;-)
12 Apr, 2013
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Beautiful photos, hope you get some milder weather soon and that your plants cope with the freezing temperatures till then!
11 Mar, 2013