My garden without my yorkshire terrier pup.
By Justvera
Today I just can’t care that my greenhouse might dry out due to lack of water.Without Dax behind me,or running around like mad with excitment,my garden is suddenly of no importance.
Yesterday,my ten month puppy (Dax) fell down the well of a two story staircase., whilst we were visiting a house my son- in law-is restoring. The top flight of stairs which led to an attic space,was unfinished,and Dax had run up those new stairs to investigate .The yell was my first indigation ,and with shock I saw him falling down the well to the bottom.
He lay quite still and unmoving at the bottom,having hit the last step edge.
A vet in Gloucester saw him immediatly but unfortunately had no Xray equipment,but assured us that no bones were broken.He gave him inflammatory and pain killer injections.By this time Dax was awake ,but quiet and just sad eyed.It was obvious that he could not stand up,he just lay still,unmoving.
We were on our way to ‘Westonbirt’,A beautiful Arboretum in Stroud. and it was only the third time for Dax to be having a car ride. Previously he had been nervous in a car,but yesterday he was fine,and we were happy to be taking him for a family trip,to a place that he could enjoy.A long way from Worcester,and we were combining the trip with a stop off at Gloucester to see the house which is being restored.
This trip being a ‘fun day’ for the birthday of my daughter,and nothing more that could be done for Dax,I insisted that the day should continue as planned and so we eventully arrived in Stroud with me nursing Dax who was still quiet and not showing any sign of pain.
The three electric invalid chairs were awaiting for us oldest ones,the gardens are really something with the Rhododendrons at their best.
The picnic with the birthday cake,and everything else, was good,even the wine out of the plastic wine glasses!,but poor Dax just lay looking at me,he seemed to be relaxed and was not showing distress.
I stayed downstairs with him last night,and every-time I moved he was looking at me.
He was Ex-rayed this morning at the local vet in Worcester. He has no broken bones but has damaged his spine.It could be bleeding in the spinal column and bruising is causing him to be unable to use his back legs .
The vet is keeping him ,treating him with steroids and watching for other signs.I am told that four or five days will show if he will recover.(He COULD recover)
He is not insured,and I am told that after this ,if he has not improved greatly,a CAT scan ( £1500) will be needed and then further surgery .
How can I care about my plants and greenhouse now ?
19 Jun, 2013
Previous post: Reason for losing our bees
Next post: Dax. Great News !
He's young and strong I hope and pray for some improvement bless him x
20 Jun, 2013
Vera, what an awful thing to happen, poor Dax. I hope the vet has some good news for you this morning, at the very least that Dax had a comfortable night and is responding however slightly to his care.
20 Jun, 2013
Oh Vera, I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. Poor Dax. I will be thinking of you, your family and Dax and keeping everything crossed that Dax will recover. It's understandable that everything else diminishes in importance. Pets become so much part of the family. Please let us know what happens as soon as you are able to.
20 Jun, 2013
I have just been talking to a nurse friend of mine and telling her about poor Dax - she says that often the shock and bruising to the spine will give the impression that the injury is worse than it really is. 48 hours should see some improvement, especially if the vet can prevent swelling of the spinal column. We both have our fingers crossed for you. Please let us know how he's getting on.
20 Jun, 2013
What a dreadful experience. Poor little scrap - its heartbreaking not to be able to say things to him that he understands. Hoping he does recover.
20 Jun, 2013
Vera I do feel for you, as a pet owner I know how distressing it is to see a much loved pet ill or in pain, lets hope and pray that little Dax is only badly bruised and is still suffering from shock, it sounds like a very nasty bang to the little fella's spine, a prayer winging its way to him in the hopes that rest and the medication will be all that is needed and that he is on his feet soon, xx .
The vets fee's are very expensive and I have been so thankful that I do pay insurance for mine......
20 Jun, 2013
I also wish you luck and hope "Dax" pulls through,
Ive four dogs all rescue dogs all came back from "hell" thanks to human's who are in my mind pure evil people and when you see dogs such as our four being the result of cruel people it makes you tighten up and just do all you can to give them their remaining years "good ones"
But when it comes to the likes of DAX getting hurt when he's a loved dog, then we all have to both hope all works out for the best.
20 Jun, 2013
That is so sad, and such a worry for you. I hope Dax makes a good recovery. I understand how you feel, and hope everything will work out well. x
20 Jun, 2013
Same here.
20 Jun, 2013
Oh my. That is so sad. I can empathize being a pet owner myself. I hope everything turns out well and that Dax recovers ok.
21 Jun, 2013
Oh no how awful for you and Dax, I hope he recovers soon :( will pop back for updates fingers crossed...
21 Jun, 2013
Please keep us informed.
22 Jun, 2013
Recent posts by Justvera
- Dax is recovering
28 Jun, 2013
- Dax. Great News !
23 Jun, 2013
- Reason for losing our bees
23 Apr, 2010
- Bees Lost
23 Apr, 2010
- Bee inspection day
26 Aug, 2009
- Bees,My latest addition
21 Aug, 2009
Hello Vera
Such a shock for you with Dax having the accident ...
I hope he gets stronger every day and will be able to use his hind legs again.
Yes, vet bills are very expensive these days ..
I will pray for your little dog ...
Sending positive thoughts for a full recovery. xxx
20 Jun, 2013