Deep in November, it's nice to remember....
By Lori
for most of this summer I’ve been complaining about slogging around in the bush… well, now is the time to sit back, having done the slogging and enjoy a lovely fire.
The winter has arrived on schedule… usually our first snow comes on or about the 17th of Nov. This year it was early by a few days…but it’s warmed up again and the first skiff of snow is melting away.
I’ve been feeling my creaky age… and the cold makes me wish I could curl up and hibernate. The days are short now and all is dark. Yawn! See you in the spring, friends.
14 Nov, 2017
More blog posts by Lori
Previous post: Summer 2016 vs. Summer 2017
Next post: 2017 deadlines..."I love the sound they make as they go whooshing past!"
Stay warm Lori, and enjoy your hibernation! :)
14 Nov, 2017
That fire looks so warm and inviting.
14 Nov, 2017
That fire, a comfy seat, a good book and some hot buttered toast. That's me settled for the Winter, so, please, move over.
(Where's Rufus?)
14 Nov, 2017
See you in the spring Lori. I think I feel like hibernating too. I love your nice fire.
Enjoy Christmas ! :)
14 Nov, 2017
Im sitting here with a streaming cold...wondering whether to light my fire at 8.47am!
15 Nov, 2017
I went up the hill this a.m. at about 8... lots of limbs down and clutter to clean up. No chainsaw yet, maybe later today. Weather has moderated; it was frosty this morning but it's about 5 degrees C in mid morning... Cutting up veg for a curry and putting the ribs in the oven. Then, when that's on the go, I'll leave it in hub's capable hands and head up the hill again. I might just get it done before the snow!... that will be a first!
Thanks for the good wishes everyone... It's nice to share a fire with friends.
15 Nov, 2017
The joy of the Internet is shown in this blog.
Such a pleasure to belong to Goy.
15 Nov, 2017
That fire looks so warm and inviting Lori, you made me smile, first you are curling up in front of it for the winter, then next day you are back up the hill, beavering away again, you be careful with that chainsaw......
16 Nov, 2017
I'm smiling too, Lincslass! our weather is day it's so cold the next balmy... and all over barmy! I work when the opportunity presents itself...have found that's the only way because all my plans seem to go awry!
Cut, split and piled a huge spruce log, that was caught up in an oak tree. Have been waiting for the right time to bring it down from it's hang up. Now it's piled in the woodbox at the back door. Of all the many things I learned from my dear Dad, Lincs, a healthy respect for the chainsaw is foremost and a sharp eye to the canopy of the forest for "widow makers" is a close second.
I agree, Diane! I've been with GoY a long time, next Feb. it actually will be 10 years! Every now and then I go back to the beginnings to remember all the friends from back then and do a catch up on those still posting. It is a joy.
16 Nov, 2017
So many interesting people we otherwise never have known. Where has John (Pelargoniums) in Canada gone ?
He used to write a very good blog in the winter
And Blue Spruce with his collection of small Conifers ?
Expect they have all grown into six footers now.
We are lucky Hywel, Beryl and Bella soldier on.
Our contacts in New York bring that great city to our desks.
There were also gardeners in Australia whom we havent heard of for a long time.
I miss them all.
17 Nov, 2017
Hi Diane!
I have some GoY members who are also on my facebook now. I see them every now and again and it's good to be able to talk about the rest of life, not limited to our gardens.
I have thought about asking for a reunion... but then again, if members are not there they have their reasons. Things are changing in their lives and perhaps they don't garden anymore... I know my life is a lot different from the town life, more centred on the forest and wildlife. can't stay static...must keep moving.
So, if any of the "old friends" are still on here in another guise, or dropping in occasionally to take a peek, Hello! from over 'ere. Miss you!
19 Nov, 2017
Thats wonderful Lori I am so pleased you had a reunion.
People are so important in the gardening world.
I live in Kettering, Northamptonshire. I would love to meet up with any Goyers at an agreed location in the summer. Travelling in UK is difficult. The rail lines all radiate from London, so a venue would have to be on one of them for a day trip with public transport from the station. Travelling by car is better cross country.
Accommodation is expensive sometimes.
I can get to Eastbourne for a weekend by coach travel.
The seafront gardens are wonderful. Travel insurance is extra unless already covered by existing policies.
Anyone interested please p.m. me. There may be a coach running to Eastbourne from near where they live on June 4th 2018.
The coach firms negotiate hotel bookings for a group which is usually very good. The cost includes travel 2 days but no driving ! There is a 5 day trip to Eastbourne June 4th from Northampton staying at the seafront Cumberland Hotel. I travel with Cloud 9 Holidays who will pick me up by their fleet of taxis and return me home at no extra cost. Half board £390 no single room supplement, sea view £20 per person extra. I will be on that coach !
19 Nov, 2017
p.s. If members going on this trip want to visit some of
the very special gardens in Sussex at extra cost, not on the coach driver's excursion itinery, someone will have to do the organising.
I will only deal with Eastbourne enquiries.
I know this should be on a seperate 'thread' Hywel, but will put it in as a blog by itself depending on the support.
Gatwick is the nearest trans-Atlantic airport.
19 Nov, 2017
I envy you your fire. Since we moved house we no longer have a log fire and I really miss it. I loved relaxing in front of it, making pictures in it and generally just lounging.
Enjoy your cosy winter, Lori. Spring won't be long - well, not very.
19 Nov, 2017
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- ... Autumn 2023
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- *LOL... this is becoming a yearly thing! Hello!*
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- Quick check in... it's been a year.
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- Merry Christmas, one and all!
24 Dec, 2020
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You can curl up and knit, or curl up and doze though!
If I had a fire like that you wouldn't get me to move away from it...
14 Nov, 2017