Is it the same for you?
By Muddywellies
With the arrival of warmer weather, every day in the garden heralds the return of old friends as they emerge in to daylight. Some are more hesitant than others while other that were transplanted in the autumn and promptly forgotten I might add, are making a welcome return in new locations.
Even the birds have a spring in their step. The sparrows are much more readily having frenetic squabbles in the bushes. And for the past two mornings, my wife and I have awoken to watch spellbound as two male blackbirds are at ‘daggers drawn’, dashing too and fro as they assert themselves to the obvious delight of a single female who I’m sure is doing her utmost to encourage them both!
We have about 300 finches, (yes you did read that right). They return each evening around five to our bamboo grove and the din they create before finally settling down is really quite amazing. They’re surprisingly regular so I try not to disturb them if I can. Occasionally though, I do forget something that can’t wait until the next day and must walk past the grove to reach the shed which sets them all off again.
And they really make me feel guilty for doing it!!!
But ever since the garden was hit with -10C and heavy snow during January I have not seen a single mollusc. Not even a trail.
I’m holding my breath. . . . . .
27 Feb, 2009
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yes spring is on its way. as for the slimy ones they are hiding under a brick/stone or log just wating for your sweetest most suculent favourite plant to put tender shoots up then..... .
i moved a brick the other day and there were 50+ snails all piled ontop of each other and they were still alive despite the -10 conditions we had too.
27 Feb, 2009
Oh ! I have moluscs. They ate the new shoots on my little clematis.
And I've seen things I'd forgotten were there. I want to rearrange things this year - plant them in their permanent situations after moving - but I cant remember what's where. I looked back on my GoY photos and was able to work out what some were.
27 Feb, 2009
Got loads of the flipping things they are the bane of my life,. admittedly my fault for providing them with hidey holes.Otherwise pleased to say things are looking good and its great to see the bulbs and flowers opening also we,ve had a good week weatherwise so been able to tidy up............
27 Feb, 2009
Yes, although the weather is dull and cloudy, it's milder, so the flowers are speeding up now - although they are several weeks behind last year! I've been outside every moment possible.
SNAILS.... I hate them - they cause chaos!
27 Feb, 2009
we have sleet/snow forcast for mid next week :-{
27 Feb, 2009
Ifind lots of my plants are coming in to bud or just showing their noses out the ground, its brill is'nt it, as for the birds, i've just watched Mr Blackbird chasing Mrs Blackbird all over my garden, she could'nt eat her breakfast in peace.
28 Feb, 2009
Wow...300 finches...fabulous !
28 Feb, 2009
Just returned from Thailand and while I did see exotic birds and things in gardens and would often gape in awe at the size of the big-leaved palms and at the pineapples coming out of the ground in vast numbers. I didn't see a single 'typical' garden belonging to the average householder that could compare to the sheer range and variety of plants that are commonly found in UK gardens.
Is it the same for you? On a similar note I reckon the same goes for our bird life. The only place where I saw a wide variety of bird life comparable to the numbers of different bird species often found at any one place here in the UK, was in someone's garden who kept them in cages.
Sure, there were wild exotic species of plant and bird alike. But I found myself counting them in ones and twos. So I reckon we should give ourselves a 'pat-on-the-back' and consider ourselves very lucky that our gardens are so diverse and that we have such organisations as the RSPB and such......
16 Mar, 2009
I'm interested in knowing what kind of finches they are, Mw. Green? Gold? Bull? or Chaf? LOL.
Seriously, that really is a lot all in the same garden! We get quite a wide diversity of species, but only in pairs or maybe 4 or 5 goldfinches and up to 7 long-tailed tits. They must like your bamboos.
I love going to Italy (especially) but don't like the sight of caged birds hanging outside the houses.
16 Mar, 2009
Hi Spritz. A few gold, but mainly green with the odd 'chaff' thrown in.
Ah. Beautiful Italy! I lived there for a while around Ancona on the Adriatic and there, wild birds and frequent bird song in particular was something of a rarity when compared with the UK.
One of my employers was a keen shotgun user and he, along with many of his compatriots, had to travel to Ireland and the UK to find sufficient 'sport' as it was so hard to find in Italy (or Spain for that matter).
A wonderful family man. Funny though, I never had quite the same respect for him after I discovered that.
And by heck! Their winters are a damn sight colder than ours here in the UK..........
17 Mar, 2009
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Missing the molluscs ?
I'm sure I can find a few to send over to you :o)
Yes, you're right about the signs of springtime. Amazing to see beautiful bulbs in flower, from where they were hidden under snow not that many days ago.
I don't have 300 finches, but birds do seem to be pairing off ~ Collared Doves, Wood Pigeons, Robins and Blackbirds all in twosomes.
Snails are on their way in the mail to you .... by snail mail :o)
27 Feb, 2009