The Garden in May 2014
By Owdboggy
Thought you might like a wander round the estate.
Pulsatilla albana
Aethionema saxatile
Phlox sublata
Allium nevskianum
Erigeron scopulinum
Oxalis Anne Christie
Ranunculus graminifolius
Aethionema Warley Rubra
Potentilla crantzii
Globularia bellidifolia
Front garden with moss killed lawn
Paeony lutea
By the back door
From the kitchen window
Armeria maritima
Malus John Downie
River bed left side
River bed right side
Hidden garden pool
Hidden garden Camassias
Clematis montana
Staphylea colchica
Staphylea colchica flower
Lonicera tatarica
The Vista towards the Swing seat
Across the Sedum scree
Viburnum mariesii
Yellow border path arch
Across the Lollipop lawn to the bridge
Across the Lollipop lawn to the pond
Yellow border path and Pear tree bed
Gazebo in the wood
Woodland path
Trillium kurabayashii
Hostas in the dry stream bed
Camassia quamash
Across the Sedum scree to the house
From the bridge to the pond
Persicaria bistorta
Wild life pond
Geum Eos
Towards the Summer house
Erysimum Sprite
Geum Golden Joy
Omphalodes Cherry Ingham
From the Summer house back to the pond
Summer house to the Rock bank
Summer house to the Shrub bank
Geum Dolly North
Back to the pond
Vista from the Swing seat
Tree Paeony
Sorbus aria
Bench waiting to be replaced
Dutch Iris
Lamium orvala
Small rock garden
Papaver Fireworks
Geum Merriment’s Blush
Geum Tangerine Dream
Geum Mai Tai
Geum Hetterton Primrose
Bench from the other side
Geum hybrid
Allium karataviense Snow Queen
Doronicum caucasicum
Path from the bench
Gazebo in the Grass
The Pergola
Tulip Queen of the Night
Malus Ballerina
From the Field gate
Work shed from the field gate
Geum Feuerball
Geum Bell Bank
Kniphofia northiae
Gravel garden
Daphne cneorum
Rhododendron species
Alpine house left
Alpine house right
Shade garden ferns
Trillium chloropetalum
Cornus canadensis
Greenhouse left
Greenhouse right
Crevice garden
Raised bed
Auricula theatre
Nursery bed
Rock garden under the cherry tree
Geum montanum(?)
Sweet Cicely
Dwarf bearded Iris
10 May, 2014
Previous post: The Garden in March 2014
Next post: A lot of late June colour
Blooming Spanish Bluebells, you are just an old softie !
10 May, 2014
I always enjoy a tour around your estate Ob, so many areas to admire, couldn't choose a favourite part, I could get lost for hours in so many places...
10 May, 2014
Your garden is a real credit to your hard work Owdboggy. I always enjoy a look around - there is so much too see and admire. Thanks for taking the time to show us around :)
10 May, 2014
I started off choosing favourites but there are too many Its all amazing. Great collection of geums especially Mai Tai and I envy you your John Downie. We planted on at our last but two house but the new owners have removed it.
All this house moving is no good for gardeners.
A wonderful tour yet again.
10 May, 2014
Lovely spot Owdboggy. Lots to see and do :-)
10 May, 2014
As wonderful as ever owdboggy. I never tire of looking at pictures of your garden. The woodland plant is cornus canadensis.
10 May, 2014
Thank-you Andrew. Mind went blank when I was labelling photos. Altered.
11 May, 2014
Absolutely wonderful ... what a wide and varied selection of plants you have ... a real credit! :o)
12 May, 2014
What a smashing selection of plants you have, do you do all the work yourself and post such extensive blogs!
11 Jun, 2014
Just me and my wife do it all. There are advantages to being unemployable, even if the money is not good.
Glad you enjoyed the plants.
12 Jun, 2014
What a wonderful garden . . . absolutely stunning, love it!
14 Jun, 2014
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Such an amazing garden OB I never tire of seeing your wonderful photos it's a real joy and pleasure.
10 May, 2014