Third Edition*
This pair of youngsters are Lovey and Dovey’s third brood this year, they are always ravenous and continually pester their poor parents for food. Last week the penny eventually dropped and they sussed out where their parents got their supply of nuts from, they accompanied Lovey and Dovey on their trips for their morning and afternoon visits to be fed. What chaos and bedlam they caused, they wouldnt permit their parents to feed, flapping and begging from them, the nuts and seeds were everywhere , until Lovey and Dovey just flew off in frustration.
This behaviour continued until I decided that I would get the two youngsters on their own and entice them to feed themselves by putting the nuts right in front of them, they were not the least bit frightened of me and eventually started to feed themselves, that is until Lovey and Dovey arrived and then they would resume their begging antics. After a few days they began to arrive on their own and are now regular visitors too. I have taken a few pictures so you can see how tame they are.
Lovey and Dovey have not been seen for a few days just hope they are not planning another family lol
Introducing Lovey and Doveys 3rd brood, they seem to spend most of their time, when not eating in this Conifer
Jnr 1 is first to inspect the menu on offer
Very quickly joined by Jnr 2
Both tucking in now
At first they found it difficult to hold the nuts in their beaks, so I chopped the nuts smaller and that seemed to do the trick;0)
After finishing their meal they both settled for a snooze in my garden chairs! They visit every day now, but if their parents show up they both revert to the begging behaviour again lol
Hope you have enjoyed this little blog as much as I have watching and recording their behavior;0))*
4 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Hi Goy Friends!*
Next post: Problems with Goy*
I too love their names you ve given them lovely to be able to follow them, just like kids play pester hoping to get more lol they have just revealed that birds don't naturally know how to make nests they have now found out they learn from their parents a study done in a university, wondering how much that cost, I could of told them for nothing lol
4 Oct, 2011
What a lovely blog Pansy love them we used to have two collared doves visit our garden last year but have not seen any this year. Hope you keep seeing Lovey and Dovey for a long time:)
4 Oct, 2011
How lovely to have the babies coming again,Carole....and to be able to get so close to them must be fascinating to watch them ..wonder if they will follow you to the 'Western' when we next meet up? Lol.
5 Oct, 2011
Maybe Lovey and Dovey have gone off for a romantic weekend break! - Best Western were offering good rates. lol... Delightful blog PP, really enjoyed it
5 Oct, 2011
really enjoyed that blog carole, we have doves visit our garden but as yet i haven't seen them bring their families.
5 Oct, 2011
I really enjoyed the blog Pansy and the photo`s are smashing, hope you don`t want a sitdown as that looks like a takeover bid, lol, guess mum and dad have taken you on as babysitter.
My doves are busy so think they are feeding as well, they do get quite tame after a while and the cheeky ones that visit here spend ages on the feeder staring back at me through the window, especially if they need a refill, I spend ages watching them and now know where the nest is.....
5 Oct, 2011
Enjoyed this blog, Pansy. I have a pair who come to my bird table regularly and I love watching them. They are so elegant! This pair has been around for a long time and I find I worry if only one appears on the bird table, because usually if there is one, the other is never far away. No sign of dove youngsters, but plenty of young sparrows and goldfinches still, after months, doing a bit of begging, as you say.
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks Grandmage, Sixpence, pleased you like their names!
Thanks Nana, Dovey as been back again this morning with his two offsprings, think this is a sign that Lovey is on the nest again lol will have o stock up for the winter ;0)
Thanks Sandra hope they dont follow me to The Great Western they may end up on the Menu lol
Thanks Poppy, Lincslass and Ojibway, It is lovely watching the birds in the garden pleased to hear that you all have Doves too.
5 Oct, 2011
Oh perish the thought,Carole..they are more worthy than
being part of a "Pensioner special "...and there wouldn't be enough meat for Harry and Russell ! Lol..I don't think they want to be reminded of that one at the Foxhouse,!!!
5 Oct, 2011
Lovely pictures lovely blog, lovely pair of collared doves.
5 Oct, 2011
Id forgoton all about that one, they were a little lean with their portions wasn't they lol
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks Olive pleased you like the doves and the blog;0)
5 Oct, 2011
aww carole so cute and lucky you, i never see babies with my doves, they are back with me but alone as always, this is great for you, cheeky little tikes hahaa :o))
5 Oct, 2011
Yes they were very lean,Carole..positively anorexic,I'd call them,although you didn't fare too badly.:o))
5 Oct, 2011
Carole we have some just like yours they have beeen with us for as long as I can remember in fact the little group is getting so much bigger it's difficult to tell who belongs to who , this week they have been in the habit of asking for supper it always coinsides with us having our dinner at about they come to the window and then we have to drop everything to see to them there's usually about 8 of them , it's getting to be a lot to feed but like you we get so much fun out of watching them that it makes up for it , when we have been out and then come home they actually swoop over our heads and 'shout ' at us , do yours do that ........
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks Sandra's and Amy
Sandra Lovey and Dovey are very good parents but usually when the young get they chase them out of the garden very territoral;0)
Amy yes mine do swoop over my head and even peck my shoes if I am ignoring them!
6 Oct, 2011
arr maybe that why i havent seen my young, thanx carole .
6 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog, Carole ... I love the way they allow you to get so close to them ... I only have to step outside and 'my pair' of Collared Doves fly away ... : o (
12 Oct, 2011
Sorry I'm late Carole . . . just catching up. A smashing blog and photos too. My favourite has got to be the youngsters sitting on your chairs - brilliant! :-))
21 Oct, 2011
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How delightful Pp. and i love their names!!
4 Oct, 2011