A Little Sunshine Works Wonders ;0)
We have enjoyed wall to wall sunshine this last two weeks and suddenly the garden has sprung to life! Colour everywhere from Pots, Baskets and borders, so I couldnt resist going out with my camera to take some pictures, Im afraid I got a little carried away so hope you enjoy and dont get to bored.
First to come the pots [I have lots! 68 at the last count, but dont let that put you off they are mostly in groups around the garden, So off we Go!
The pots contain a mixture of bedding, perennials and plants grown from seeds, no real plans I have just put them together according to colour, structure and size, some of them have lots of growing to do before they start to flower.
This collection is just outside the back door and includes Sweet William , Lavertera, Hollyhocks, aubretia , Sedums, Lavender and Bedding Violas , Cosmos and Pansies.
The next Two Collections are at the top of the steps on either side of the Lawn.including Conifers ,Roses, Aquilegia, Lavertera, Cosmos, Bidens, Petunias and Lobelia and a Strawberry Pot! !
Viola and Fuchsia “Empress of Prussia” a gift from Sandra last year and I now have lots of cuttings from it]
Pansies and Viola and a friendly little Robin;0)
Lily [ Star Gazer] new last year and just look at all the buds!
Phormium and Violas.
Sorbia [Seb] lovely colours in early spring!
The next three pictures give you and idea of the layout and planting on the Patio area.
The bird bath area with London Pride flowering its heart out!
Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum and London Pride
Someone else likes the Sunshine;0)
The Rockery area which we made last year,[anyone interested see blog] Im really pleased how this has filled out its got to be one of my favourite areas.
Closeup of Dodeceatheon [Shooting Stars and Alyssum]
Dappled Sunshine.
The Pond area [also another project made a couple of years back] and another of my favourite areas.
Aquilegia Mckana Hybrids doing very well this year;0)
Thalictrum A Gift from Amy last year, also seeds from Janey also doing well.
Wallflower Bowles Mauve.
Acer Dissectrum Atropurpureum a real STAR*
Chives, so pretty, a Gift from Sandra;0)
Rhododendron A beautiful varigated one.
Frilly Pansies, these have ben flowering since March a birthday gift from a friend;0)
Cottoneaster full of buds [the bees are humming around already]
Peony delavay, also full of promising buds;0)
Heuchera name unknown A gift from Shirley Tulip
Heuchera Frosted Violet A gift from Gee
Heuchera Ginger Ale A Gift from Gee
Heuchera Purple Palace.
View From The Garden Towards The House
Last but not Least a Quick View of My Little Front Grarden!
Thanks for viewing, hope you enjoyed ;0))
11 Jun, 2013
Previous post: A Double Celebration
Next post: "Time For A Party ~Isabella's [Izzy] 1st Birthday"
Thanks Gee pleased you like it, an old Butler Sink sounds ideal for a rockery, you will have to put pictures on when its finished. I always regret leaving my old sink when we left the cottage, they are so hard to find these days and expensive too!
11 Jun, 2013
You have such a beautiful garden Carole, and to top it all up..the last picture finishes off with a beautiful view...well done!
11 Jun, 2013
Fantastic...so much colour ! I love all your pots and the cobble stones.
Our plants suddenly sprung to life a couple of weeks ago with the warm weather but we've had some really cold days recently which isn't helping .Some of the more tender plants are struggling and leaves discolouring! Nie that you've had 'wall to wall' sunshine or a couple of weeks.Hope our summer returns soon as well!
11 Jun, 2013
Lovely photos of your garden. I's full of interest. What a lot of Heucheras you've got, and I'm happy to see your little rockery doing well. It looks really nice now :o)
11 Jun, 2013
What a beautiful garden Pp. think your name should be changed to 'pottypansy' with all those pots Lol. Brilliant, such wonderful photos and the front garden too! Just lovely.
11 Jun, 2013
Wow!, P.P what a beautiful garden you have. No wonder you went mad with the camera! Wonderful pictures. As for the little front garden..I wish I had one half as big, I am quite envious! Everything is looking so good and healthy.
11 Jun, 2013
Thanks Michaela, Paul,Hywel, Grandmage and Waddy,for all your lovely comments, weather has changed today a little rain and much cooler! hope ou all get some sunshine this week;0)
11 Jun, 2013
Stunning selection of plants and pots PP, you have a very beautiful garden, love the heucheras and the acers especially.
11 Jun, 2013
Thanks Louisa I must admit Im a great fan of both the Acers and Heucheras;0)
11 Jun, 2013
11 Jun, 2013
Pansy it looks fabulous both the back and the front gardens are a pleasure to view, your pond and the rockery have both come on so well and it hasn't really taken that long either, I know we were all very disappointed with last years weather but truth to tell our gardens have thrived because of it.
I didn't realise you had a lovely view to admire as well and as to the amount of pots you have well GOSH !!!!!! they do look smashing though and I like them grouped together, I can feel a copycat situation arising here , lol...
11 Jun, 2013
Wonderful love everything about your garden back & front .
11 Jun, 2013
Beautiful,Carole..I was just looking, when you rang .you .must be a mind reader ! Lol...Love the Heucheras..so I might be on the cadge again..for a bit of Shirley Tulips unknown,and Ginger Ale from Gee..the one you gave me from Karen's Blackberry jam is looking gorgeous :o).Sorry to hear your Acer isn't doing well..I do hope it survives ok..is it in a shady place? if so,I wouldn't know what the problem is...unless Harry has stood his ladders on it! Lol.
You have so much colour,much more than me yet..mind you,you do have a much bigger garden :o) xx.
11 Jun, 2013
Lovely shots of your garden PP. My faves are your patio area with pots and cobbles , phormium with violas and Lily Star Gazer getting ready to put on a show, pls post a pic once it flowers!
11 Jun, 2013
You have a beautiful garden Carole, and love the view. So many nice things couldn't pick a favourite
11 Jun, 2013
wow, what a beautiful garden, love your heucheras
11 Jun, 2013
Thanks Costas1Lincslass,Kidsgran, Sandra,Sarahm, Ciders, and Taz. for al your lovely comments, most of my Heucheras are gifts from friends, Sandra The Acer is in the the sun, if it does'nt improve I will move it into the shade and your garden is just as beautiful just a little smaller;0)
11 Jun, 2013
Aw,you are so kind,Carole..I just wish I had the room for lots more plants like yours..I think that could be the problem with your Acer..I have my little one in the shade of a north facing wall..and it seems fine..hope you can find space for it ,in your well stocked garden ! Lol
11 Jun, 2013
Loved your blog Pp...Thanks
11 Jun, 2013
Sandra where there's a will there is a way, [I can always Squeeze it in somewhere, or maybe buy another pot!!
11 Jun, 2013
Thanks Motinot glad you enjoyed it;0)
11 Jun, 2013
You little schemer,Carole..I bet you did it on purpose just to have another pot! Buy two,and then you will have 70 of them ! Lol.
11 Jun, 2013
You have me sussed Sandra, but I promise not to buy anymore pots lol
11 Jun, 2013
Love your garden carole, its all looking lovely.. must count my pots lol.... think youve beaten me there :)))
Just been out for a pot count ive got 106.... no wonder they take so long to water.... :))
12 Jun, 2013
Wow Holly and I thoght I had a lot, sounds as if we could go into buisness between us selling planted pots lol
12 Jun, 2013
Carole...your home is so beautifully situated! I really am a little envious of your surroundings, and your lovely steps and sloping garden! Anyway....I see what you meant in your comment to me about 'don't mention the pots'! You have loads! They are all looking lovely though, and I love your Hosta..the white one that looks quite like my whirlwind. it's hard to I'd them because some are very similar, and I'm not familiar enough with the varieties yet! Great to see all your lovely heucheras....especially the blackberry Jam...but they are all looking great, and I love the ginger ale one. How amI going to resist adding that one to my collection?! ;)) thanks for sharing your beautiful haven with us! :)
12 Jun, 2013
A lovely blog Carole :o))
12 Jun, 2013
Thanks Karen for all you lovely comments, I am fond of Hostas too think I may invest in a couple more to start a
Thanks Annell pleased you enjoyed;0)
12 Jun, 2013
I`ve so enjoyed looking round your garden Carole, there is so much of interest its hard to take in so its going on my favourites to be savoured a little at a time.
12 Jun, 2013
Aww thanks phyl so pleased you have enjoyed it;0)
12 Jun, 2013
expect we will have a few more by the end of summer... lol....
13 Jun, 2013
Im trying to resist Holly I forgot to include the pots out in the front garden another 10 lol
13 Jun, 2013
15 Jun, 2013
A garden to be proud of Carole - you can see the TLC that's gone into it. The un-named Heuchera I sent you a piece of has flowered more than ever since I moved it. It now faces West so has sun from before midday until sunset, whereas before it had sun from sunrise until about midday. Definitely worth the move. I have cut so many flowers off for a vase in the house ... wonderful plants ... :o)
3 Jul, 2013
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Fantastic blog, PP, your garden is stunning, so much packed in. I think I will have to copy you and group my pots instead of having them dotted about! Easier for watering too. Your rockery has really done well and looks like its been there forever - I am trying to create the same effect but in an old butler sink :)
11 Jun, 2013