Baskets,Pots and Garden in Late August 2014
Just thought I would give you a quick look around my garden and baskets before the Autumn arrives, still lots of colour out there but also signs that summer is on its way out! most of the plants were from a Garden Centre we visited with Sandra and Russell earlier in the year, I have been really pleased with them and they have put on a lovely show throughout the summer.
Starting first with the Hanging Baskets.all baskets included Petunias, Begonias, Gerainiums, Lobelia and Fuchsia, in a mixture of colours and a variety of species.This group of baskets and Pots are situated at the bottom of the driveway outside the front door, also included are two Euonymus standards and a large Hosta
Now for some views of the garden, the White Margeurites are a gift from Sandra they really bring the neighbouring plants and shrubs to life
The Sedums are starting to colour up nicely now
This one is rather special Purple Emperor and a few Goy friends have cuttings from this one.
The rockery island is getting very overgrown and I will be replacing some of the bigger plants with smaller and more dainty one at the end of the season.
The Rudebeckia was a gift from Michaela a couple of years ago and it makes a nice backdrop to the Phormium and Sedums.
Th Patio area with lots of pots, however not as colourful this year, the Fuchsias although looking healthy seem a little slow in flowering and the Larkspur I grew from seed have been and gone lol
The Acer is doing very well and seems very happy on this little Rockery area
Up the steps now onto the left side of the garden.
You may just be able to make out the Dwarf Standard Holly planted earier this year, its a lovely little corner with lots of pots [pity you can’t see them on this picture
Isnt the Acer lovely in the sun light!
View now of the left side of the garden!
A Jumble in the Jungle comes to mind here [a reminder to me to sort it out in the Autumn lol].
The Pond area to the left is almost covered with plants and foliage, you wouldnt believe it is now home to at least 3 very happy little Frogs ;0)
A closeup of the Little Pond
Looking back towards the house
The front of the house
The garden is quite small but very pretty, there are lots of different varieties of shrubs and plants, but I have managed to be a LITTLE more controlled than in the back garden
Peris,Acer,Euonymus,Heathers, Camelia,Choisya Primula, Geum, Fragaria, Achillea, Sedums, Primula and many more lol.
Im sorry that this blog has grown rather longer than intended I seem to have got carried away;0))
So here are my two long time friends Lovey and Dovey enjoying their 3rd feed of the day and they have appeared to to Thank you all for viewing and hope you have enjoyed the tour as much as they have enjoyed their feeds.
25 Aug, 2014
Previous post: "Simon and Clare - A unique and Memorable Wedding"
Next post: "Our Two little Helpers"
You are lucky that both of your doves have survived. Ours get taken by sparrow hawks all the time.:( garden looks absolutely beautiful, front and back. You've given me an idea for my back door decking too.....the standard euonymus....they will be great all year round, and I can just change the small plants with the season.
25 Aug, 2014
Really enjoyed the walk around your lovely garden it must keep you busy but it's always an enjoyable busy when we work in our gardens :)
25 Aug, 2014
Thanks Marjorie nice to meet you and so pleased you like my garden, its lovely to see the birds in the garden isnt it, Im forever filling my feeders up;0)
Thanks Karen I must admit I am a real fan of standard Euonymus I have five in total now and they are so hardy too;0)
Hi Kidsgran Im pleased you enjoyed the stroll it is really quite high maintenance but it all helps to keep me busy and fit ;0)
25 Aug, 2014
Congratulations. Well done.
25 Aug, 2014
Thanks Diane ;0)
25 Aug, 2014
It is so full of colour still Pansy, great to see even if the summer has started to close down on us all. I loved it, brilliant those hanging baskets, I can never get mine to look as good as that, just do not have the patience with them and forget to water them. lol. Thanks for a lovely tour :O)
25 Aug, 2014
Thank you for the tour of your beautiful garden Pansy .
It's lovely felt as I was in the garden along side you.
Love your doves
We have a family of them visit they pop in and out of the garden it's so nice to see them.
Think there must be a colony of gulls somewhere as they are flying overhead and we never normally see them.
25 Aug, 2014
It's all looking wonderful,Carole,as usual,whatever the season..Your baskets are full of colour,and your Lobelias are so bushy..mine are awful ,but I think it was lack of water while we were away..they look almost dead ! Those Standard Euonymous at the bottom of your drive.?..I always thought they were Bay Trees ! Lol..Glad you are pleased with the White Daisies..they look nice there...and nice to see Lovey and Dovey are still visiting you..We seem to have lost one of our pair of Pigeons,who visited the feeders every day..It looks so lonely on it's own..I called them Jack and Vera..:o) xxx
25 Aug, 2014
Carole your garden is lovely, you have some very nice pots... glad you now have some frogs in your pond.... :))
26 Aug, 2014
your garden is still looking lovely I do think the Autumn has come a little early this year the mornings have a nip in the air at about 7am. Thanks for the walk round your garden most enjoyable.
26 Aug, 2014
What a beautiful garden Carole, you certainly have green fingers everything look very strong and healthy. You have an excellent eye for what looks good together. Your Collared Doves seem very tame, have you managed to get them to feed from your hand yet, I understand that given time they will do so. Thanks for the tour, I've really enjoyed it :)
26 Aug, 2014
Thanks Olive I am pleased with my baskets this year the Petunias have been non stop flowering and the colours wonderful, I am glad you enjoyed the tour;0)
Thanks for your comments Scotkat The doves have been coming for a number of years now and are so tame, they fly to the door every time I pass the window!
Hi Sandra [We are nearly strangers] I will give you a ring after tea;0) I do love the white Daisies they do light up the borders and give a nice cottagey feel. Also all the basket plants we bought from Gordon Riggs have been great non stop flowering;0) All my dwarf standards are Euonymus and areso easy to maintain;0) shame you no longer get visits from Jack and Vera perhaphs they are too busy raising young ones, Im sure they will be back soon.
Thanks Holly Im so pleased about the frogs, when the weather was very warm a couple of weeks ago they kept coming to the surface and its so nice to here they croaking in the evening;0)
Pleased you enjoyed your stroll around the garden Teds;0))
Hi Waddy thanks for your lovely comments, the Doves are very tame they come two or three times every day and as soon as I step outside they fly to me, I havent tried feeding them by hand [dont fancy any little accidents lol] but Im sure they would feed from me given the chance;0)
26 Aug, 2014
Absolutely beautiful, Pansypotter. Just went to my favorites.
27 Aug, 2014
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful :)))
So many plants, and all in tip top health !
27 Aug, 2014
Aww Thanks Klahanie Im so pleased you like it enough to put it on your favourites;0)_
Thanks to you too Hywel a lovely comment ;0))
28 Aug, 2014
You really do have a lovely garden Pansy, its obvious how much time you must put into keeping it that way, your baskets are an absolute picture, mine have been very disappointing this year, don't know why, I don't think I did anything different but they never seemed to fill out, its strange because the plants in the garden are from the same seed and they've done me proud and still going strong, I'm going to blame the compost and the fact that I left them alone twice, lol, you do have a lot and with all your pots it must take ages to water them, everythings still looking green and healthy, no falling leaves or straggly plants there, I really think its weird that my garden has the autumn look about it and yet my sedum unlike yours are still at the green stage.
My doves are always asking for food as well, although not as tame as yours, probably because I'm always accompanied by my garden mates so here they have to wait until the boys follow me indoors, its nice to have our faithful visitors in the gardens..
28 Aug, 2014
Thanks Lincs for all your interesting comments, it is strange about your baskets it must be something to do with the compost, I have only used B&q all purpose compost with a little growmore, they are really good this year , much better than usual!
It does take me quite a long time watering but I do enjoy it I find it quite relaxing and an opportunity to see whats doing well and what needs attention! Lots of splitting and cutting back to do in Autumn, my plants do seem to respond well to if there's a gap put me in it lol but its not something I would recommend as it increases the amount of work in Autumn [ but my next door neighbough gets lots of freebie plants and cuttings;0) ]
Your Sedums will be in all their glory when mine are finishing, you must put a picture on to show me , Happy Gardening;0)))
29 Aug, 2014
Your garden is absolutely colourful....and I don't think it was long enough!!
30 Aug, 2014
How kind of you Jane such nice comments Im so pleased you enjoyed it and didnt think it too long ;0))
30 Aug, 2014
Hi Carole, finally I am getting round to the last of the August blogs, can't believe it's the first day of September today! Your garden is fabulous, so many interesting plants, different foliage and heights and the baskets are wonderful! A real credit to you. :o)
1 Sep, 2014
Thanks Shirley been trying to tie in a clematis on the fence today its really sprawled and tangled its self up, I think I may have to resort to cutting it right back otherwise if the wind and heavy showers return it will br really battered about!
2 Sep, 2014
Oh I hate doing that, as they can be either brittle or sappy can't they? The times I have carefully untangled Clematis, only to cut completely the wrong stem off! Good luck with yours. :o)
2 Sep, 2014
This is another blog that has just come to light.....I think my computer had a bit of a hiccup at the end of August!!!!still better late than never!It doesn't matter what time of year it is Carole, your garden is always a delight to see,colourful and full, not a jumble at all.:-))There are so many things I like, too many to mention, love the dark sedum.The one you sent me is flowering well at the moment,and I wonder if you still want a cutting of Heuchara Midnight Rose? if so I have a cutting, not quite ready to send yet though.
30 Sep, 2014
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What a lovely garden. A lovely variety of plants and lots of colour still remaining in your beautiful hanging baskets.
I wish my ring neck s were as polite as yours. Today the birds have returned to the garden including blackbirds,sparrows and tits.
25 Aug, 2014