The End Of A Wet and Blustery May
Cant believe the weather, Sunny,Rainy, cold and Windy! I have just been out with my camera as the sun was making everything look Jewel like, but I only managed 5 minutes and Its now heavy rain again. Any way hope you will enjoy these beauties I managed to snap before the rain had me scurrying indoors!
Choisya Ternata (Mexican Orange Blossom)Lovely for its shiny leaves, Starry Flowers and its perfume!
Thalictrum a Favourite of mine! Love the little round buds that open into lovely feathery flowers.
Chives (From Sandra) looknig so Neat and pretty;0)
Poppies In Bud( Princess Victoria Louise,showing lots of promise;0)
Forget Me Nots and Bugle make a charming combination
A Mingle! very common in my borders lol
“Saxifrage”, These lovely star like little flowers are lighting up the darkest corners everywhere
“Erysimum” Bowles Mauve Is another of my favourites flowering right through the summer;0)
“Dicentra” Love Lies Bleeding, one I could never be without, love the Golden Foliage and the pink Hearts;0)
“Geum” The pretty bright Orange Flowers look especially good growing near the Welsh Poppies, always think of the childhood song “Orange and Lemons”
“Welsh Poppy” A very welcome addition it seeds itself throughout the garden, very pretty near to the Geum, always reminds me of the childhood song “Orange and Lemons”
“Fragari” I always call this one the strawberry plant and love it for its sweet little fruits ad attractive scarlet flowers;0)
“A mingle On The Rockery” The little minature golden Euphorbia as seeded itself all over, but I dont mind it looks so attractive bringing all the other little plants togethe, you may be able to see myAstrantia from Hywel ;0)
Well friends will save the rest of my beauties for another day, Hope you all enjoyed your little visit;0))
29 May, 2015
Previous post: Another Lovely Family Day in The Garden
Next post: A Medley of Stars
Your boarders and garden is looking wonderful wow what a beauty that Thalictrum is love it.
29 May, 2015
Nice colorful garden. I hope you see the sun soon. We've had nothing but warm sunny days.
29 May, 2015
A lovely collection there , Pp .
I rather like the Thalictrum , too . Don't think I have heard of it before .
29 May, 2015
Lovely Corole! Great Astrantia from Hywel! Love the Welsh poppies too.
29 May, 2015
What a lovely mix of colour Carole - my type of garden - I love self seeders - old friends popping up in unexpected places - lovely - sun shining here at the moment - Jane
29 May, 2015
Thanks Thrupenny I love the Thalictrum too, im trying to grow them from seed too;0)
Shirley have you tried growing Dicentra from cutting? I could try and get one going for you if you like? will P. M you tomorrow got company tonight!
Thanks Bathgate I envy you your nice weather;0)
Thanks Driad I could try a cutting for you if you like?
Thanks Karen the Welsh Poppies just seed all over , will try and get one for you;0) I am so pleased with the Astrantia too;0)
29 May, 2015
Thanks Jane could do with a bit of your sun at the moment, but forecast is better for weekend ;0)
29 May, 2015
I hope you have success Carole
29 May, 2015
Lovely plants here and I too love saxifrage with their sweet little flowers.
I love the mixtures in your borders and they look so pretty.
This weather is rather strange isn't it, and evenings are so chilly.
Improving next week I am told!
29 May, 2015
cold and wet here windy with it too. :O( Your garden looks lovely and so much colour.
29 May, 2015
Your garden looks lovely despite the bad weather Pansypotter. We have nothing but sunshine and very dry spring and my garden does not look as nice as yours.
30 May, 2015
All looking very nice carole, not been a very good month has it.. but the plants always seem to shoot up when we've had some rain.....:))
30 May, 2015
Your garden is always a delight to see Carole thank you for allowing us to walk round with you ,now for that cuppa out of the rain Lol ...
30 May, 2015
Hi Wildrose Thankyou for your lovely comment, we have sunshine here today so we have just been out for a nice long walk;0)
Thanks Olive for your comments, the plants do seem to be thriving on this wet weather [wish I was] lol
Thanks Klahanie Sunshine sounds very nice to me, but I can understand the plants need their ration of rain too , to look their best;0)
Hi Holly we have certainly had our fair share of Rain, but hey today is dry and sunny so going to make the most of it;0)
Thanks Amy pleased you enjoyed the walk around my garden, its Sunny today so we have had a nice long walk and Lunch out ;0)
30 May, 2015
I know we needed rain but did it have to be so WET!
going to art group in a downpour like that does nothing for watercolour......or maybe it does ?
your garden seems to be thriving on it anyway ....I love the colours and the mingles....
been bright here too , some cloud but anythings better than yesterday.....more rain overnight and into tomorrow, oh well maybe June will be better, its a gardeners best skill I think.....hope ?
30 May, 2015
You have some lovely Plants Carole. Your garden looks nice and colourful.
I'm pleased the Astrantia is doing well :o) I had forgotten I'd sent it to you lol
I am slow catching up again ... but got here in the end :D
31 May, 2015
Hi Pam hope the rain doesnt wash your Water Colour away! Its rained throughout the night and still raining now, so frustrating when there are plants waiting to be potted up, but June tomorrow hope its a Flaming one ;0)
Hello Hywel not seen you around for awhile hope you are well? your Astrantia is looking great despite the weather its opened up fully now ;0)
31 May, 2015
Just read that a heatwaves on its way....But may wave goodbye quite quickly ?
thankfully I had plastic carrier bags round the drawing board it was you remember that tv ad , think it was for flake....she sat painting poppies in a cornfield in the rain.....
31 May, 2015
Look forward to seeing your painting when its finished Pam ;0)
31 May, 2015
Yes I'm all right thank you. Just haven't had much time lately :)
31 May, 2015
Very pretty flowers, glad you love welsh poppies, they're the only yellow flowers I allow in my garden:-)
1 Jun, 2015
I am sat here going stircrazy listening to the wind howling and watching the willow tree dancing in the rain, a walk was just what I needed Carole even if it was from my armchair, lol, you already know I love a good mingle, my kind of gardening, as always your garden looks smashing....
1 Jun, 2015
I love your mixes and mingles Carole and I hope you have more success than me when growing the Thalictrum from seed Amy kindly sent me some but I can`t see anything yet.
2 Jun, 2015
Hywel Glad to hear you are ok;0)
Hi Lincs pleased you enjoyed your tour around my garden, the weather has been dreadful, I have been popping out between showers, much nicer today though;0)
Hi Phyl good to see you around, hope you are feeling better, My Thalictrum seeds are growing very slowly, but once you have one established they do seed themselves around! good luck with yours ;0)
3 Jun, 2015
So many of the flowers you grow in your garden - I grow in mine. Lovely pictures and a real tour of your charming garden. The yellow Welsh Poppies are now all over my garden and I would not be without them. I first 'acquired' them on a visit to Balmoral in Scotland when bending over a couple of the seed heads and they accidentally came off in my hand and found their way in an old envelope and in my pocket.
4 Jun, 2015
Lol Johnp, its funny that should happen to you its happened to me too on a number of occasions Ha Ha
6 Jun, 2015
I really love this garden, there's a lot of beautiful flowers and makes my day so happy , thanks for sharing your wonderful garden Pansy :-)))
13 Jun, 2015
Recent posts by PANSYPOTTER
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Lovely colourful photos Carole and I am so envious of the Dicentra 'Bleeding Heart' as they will not grow in my garden. The Saxifrage is a beauty ... :o)
29 May, 2015