Another Lovely Family Day in The Garden
We had another visit last week from our Grandchildren Laurs and Stephen and our Great Grandchildren Izzy and Sam. It was a lovely sunny morning so we were able to sit outside.
I did say Sit lol it wasnt long before Izzy and Sam decided to explore !
They headed for the Pond to look for frogs!
Great Grandad couldnt resist having some fun! First with Izzy;0)
Then with Sam!
Lets Play Hide and Seek now!
Off they go first Izzy
Followed by Sam
Lots of Giggling and rustling could be heard behind the bushes
Stephen went on a child hunt emerging with a Squirming Sam
Izzy wasnt very happy being left hiding on her own and quickly followed Stephen and Sam out.
Izzy dosent sulk for long and was soon her happy smiling self again
A big hug from Great Nanna and both went home happy after a lovely fun visit.
Hope you enjoyed this little blog and will join us again next time;0))
17 May, 2015
Previous post: "Happy Birthday Gralew"
Next post: The End Of A Wet and Blustery May
Beautiful family, beautiful garden...what more could you want? :))))
17 May, 2015
Always enjoy seeing pictures of those two charmers - who cold resist those smiles?
17 May, 2015
What a lovely time you all had, such two happy little souls (everyone is allowed a little sulk sometimes!). Glad you all enjoyed such a lovely and lively day :)
17 May, 2015
thanks Stripes, Cottage Karen, Sterogram, and Gee pleased you enjoyed they are certainly a pair of Charmers;0)
17 May, 2015
Glad you had a lovely time with your gt. Grandchildren.... looks as though you all had a lovely day.
18 May, 2015
It never fails to make me smile whenever I see this little pair of monkeys Carole they are such a fun pair I'm glad you had a good day with them , I'll PM you soon we've had a busy time of it recently we also have our granddaughter visiting for a few days she is back from her time out in Austria :o)
18 May, 2015
Thanks Holly we did have a lovely day, othing like little one to keep you smiling;0)
H Amy have missed you;0) look forward to a catchup soon, enjoyyour time with Marriane;0)
18 May, 2015
Izzy and Sam would be welcome anywhere, they are so lovely.
It has been a pleasure to see everyone having such a good time in your beautiful, sun-filled garden.
18 May, 2015
Thankyou Wildrose for your lovely comments;0)
18 May, 2015
What a lovely day to enjoy with the Great grand children, had to giggle a bit at Sam being closer inspection of the frogs while Izzy is reassured by Sam they are both lovely
19 May, 2015
Thanks Thrupennybit They are so special to us and bring so much fun and laughter;0))
19 May, 2015
They keep you young Carole mine do .
22 May, 2015
23 May, 2015
Lovely, happy blog Carol ... your garden is looking fabulous! :o)
27 May, 2015
great moments :-)))
13 Jun, 2015
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You have a lovely garden and 2 happy grand children.....
17 May, 2015