Blog No.2.
By Poaannua
I am really pleased to see so many replies to my 1st Blog. and must apologise for not being quite sure how to continue.. Have to search\ around and find suitable pictures of the house and plants. At the moment I am sorting out my Succulent collection. I recently installed a sprayer that turns itself off after any set time. and have over used it some of the Succulents have become too succulent. In the past when I usually forgot to water , these were some of the best items in the greenhouse. The difference this sprayer has made is exraordinary. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS (Soleirolia) hasa gone mad however the Cuttings of trees etc. for which I installed the sprayer are thriving .
Seeing the picture of CALLISTEMON reminded me that I must cut mine hard back, together with the WINTER JASMINE , ROSE FELICITE ET PERPETUE and the white flowered hardy FUCHSIA whose name I always forget. One of the embarassments of the elderly is the forgetting of things one should know well, Particularly so if it is a plant or a Person. I don’t worry too much, because this has always tended to happen with certain names . Sigmund Freud wrote a book about why we do this.
1 Aug, 2008
Previous post: Plants Trees and Bonsai
Next post: Ant Eater
I forget things and I'm only in my fifties. I recently gave a talk and started a sentence "so I set off down the A303 to...". When I started the sentence, I knew the name of the place but by the time I got to mentioning it, it had gone!" (It was Wincanton by the way)
2 Aug, 2008
I'm glad I'm not alone with this memory thing. Had a visitor today who insisted on eating some of the weeds in my pots. HAIRY BITTERCRESS (Cardamine hirsuta) tastes just like Watercress, and I am told is actually offered in one of the big Restaurants.. This is what I call Poppers, it comes up everywhere. She also ate The little OXALIS which has clover-like leaves and a little yellow flower, sharp taste like vinegar.. Another weed with seed throwing capacity. I only just stopped her eating a SUN SPURGE a kind of EUPHORBIA which are all poisonous.. She also ate CHICKWEED the smooth leaved kind., I tasted it but no flavour.
Nettles she said can be cut down when 1ft. high in Spring , dried and stored for medicinal use, exactly what she didn't say.
2 Aug, 2008
Some people eat stewed Nettle tops! I don't fancy them myself. They are supposed to taste like spinach.
2 Aug, 2008
Yes they are delicious Spritz. A friend who is a chef prepared them a while ago, and we were told what they were after we had eaten them, but the taste was absolutely superb and apparently they are highly nutritious.
2 Aug, 2008
I think that the best use for nettles is as a hair tonic/conditioner. Tried it once years ago and it DOES give you shiny hair (maybe that's why I still have some!). I also remember making chickweed and potato souffle at one time, which tasted rather nice.
15 Aug, 2008
Recent posts by Poaannua
- Frozen up
19 Dec, 2009
- The Pyracantha Garage
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- Wisley visit
25 Aug, 2009
- a pleasant surprise
5 Aug, 2009
- A plant for our times
1 Jun, 2009
- Visit to West Dean open Garden
31 May, 2009
I know the feeling! Just say 'I'm having a senior moment' when you DO forget something! Is the hardy Fuchsia 'Hawkshead' ? Mine is in a big post and is in full bloom so I won't be cutting it back yet!
1 Aug, 2008