Mind your own business
By Poaannua
This is one of my favourite plants, I use the green form on many of my paths where it replaces the grass. This golden one I only keep in small patches as it reverts to green, I think by seeding, but it is not so hardy as the green . It is fun to grow on a window sill where you can watch it hang down from a pot, like blonde hair growing.. The plant growing in it is Euphorbia myrsinites, self sown. I love self sown plants, they know best where to be happy.
20 Aug, 2008
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Does it prefer sun or shade? I need some more ground cover to grow between stepping stones - but it's mostly shady there.
21 Aug, 2008
It's very happy in shady, damp conditions and is very prolific. We also have it growing in pots and we trim it into shape as well. It is really doing well in the ferny grotto at the rear of the pond where it is scrambling over stones. It's great for ground cover as well. I like this yellow version in your photo.
21 Aug, 2008
Just a word of warning - once you've got Mind Your Own Business, you'll never get rid of it. So make sure it's what you really want and in the place you want and be prepared to have a battle to stop it spreading too far
21 Aug, 2008
I totally agree Andrewr. I'm desparately trying to get rid of it. It spreads everwhere. I put it round the pond to hide the edges and now it is spreading all over the garden. Please be warned!
21 Aug, 2008
You are absolutely right Andrew and Sadie.We cut it regularly with scissors to stop it from invading or making a take over bid, but it has got a lovely texture. You have to confine it and restrict its growth, but its good for areas where you want a carpet of green foliage that spreads rapidly.It also looks good growing in between paving slabs or old brickwork paving.
21 Aug, 2008
Quite true about the spreading. It is in my greenhouse and I am regretting it. Marguerite, The picture was taken fom a few feet away, but it is on a steep slope . The green shoots in he middle are of Euphorbia myrsinites. Now listed as a hardy Succulent. It grows from a stump. shooting out new growth every year. The old stems die back in Autumn. The flowers typical Spurge like and greenish yellow.
21 Aug, 2008
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That's a pretty photo, Poaannua. You're so right about self sown plants. They know where to be happy.
Any of us who've struggled to grow a plant in the 'wrong place' unaware that we are providing it with a totally unsuitable environment, know exactly what you mean.
Sometimes when a plant is not growing well, just moving it to a different area of the garden can produce magic results.
21 Aug, 2008