My Succulents
By Poaannua
With all this rain, there is the consolation of the Greenhouse, Conservatory or the Windowsill.

This Crassula made its own way into this pot, no doubt from a small branch broken off. It is nearly hardy but needs only slight protection from the severe frost, so I leave it outdoors for most of the year. I am trying to put a picture of on one of these in flower but , keep getting wrong pictures when I upload. Another of my favourites is Crassula ovata! A strange variety of the popular JADE PLANT. I am looking after my Son’s Dogs and meant to take pictures of their Garden , however it rains every time I visit, or I foget the Camera. It’s raining now.
One of the few plants flowering in the Rock Garden is Campanukla portenslagiana
11 Sep, 2008
Previous post: House Plant too big for window
Next post: Succculents try again
Hi. There are some rogue spaces between the first ! and the start of the address for the picture. If you edit your blog entry and remove those spaces the picture will show. Hope this helps.
11 Sep, 2008
Hi Poaannua,
Succulents are gorgeous. I can't resist looking at them in garden centres, and I often make a purchase. Sedums are among my favourite.
Sadly Iv'e taken several succulents indoors this year because its been so wet.I normally leave them outside for the summer, but this year its been impossible.Our alpine trough is still looking good but I gave it an extra layer of grit earlier this season and its helped to provide extra drainage, so there have been no casualties so far. All the house leeks have survived the wet conditions so I'm very pleased.The Crassula almost looks like a miniature Bonsai in your photo. It's wonderful that it managed to establish itself in the pot.
11 Sep, 2008
I too leave my succulents and a lot of cacti outside all summer, but this year like Grenville I've brought them into the conservatory or into one of those plastic plant-grower things ( sorry don't know the correct name for them ).
It's surprising how low a temperature they'll tollerate in winter as long as they're dry.
11 Sep, 2008
I found the pictures of your succulents on your photos page before I realised you'd made a blog, so I left questions and comments there.
A nice set of photos, Poaannua.
Thanks for posting those.
11 Sep, 2008
Thank you all for comments.. Ajay Thanks for help but it still would't show so have made another blog with picture of Gollum on it.
12 Sep, 2008
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I don't know why the picture of Gollum doesn't appear, it is in my photos. Perhaps someone can tell what I have done wrong.
11 Sep, 2008