Gardening Planning
Wow, I didn’t realise I’d been away so long! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year, despite the awful weather.
Here in Nottinghamshire we seem to have missed the worst of it, although I’ve yet to thoroughly check what has survived and what may not.
This time next month it’ll be lighter for longer, the early bulbs should start to flower and it’ll only be another month until official Springtime! Well, that’s what’s keeping me going for now :-)
Over the Winter I decided to plan what to grow for 2010.
I made a list of all the seeds I have and ideal planting time, so I could see what I have and organise my seed sowing a little better than I did last year. It was quite a shock to see how many there were to be honest! Subscribing to AG has given me a huge collection of free flowers, so that area is pretty much sorted. The vegetables/edible patch needed some real focus I thought.
I’ve ordered my seed potatoes, onions, shallots and garlic from JParkers; tomatillos, parsnips, sweet peppers and squash were ordered from T&M. I’m looking forward to trying some new stuff this year. Last year we had some great success with carrots planted in flower troughs, so I’ll be getting some more troughs to increase and stagger the yield. The joy of parsnips roasted in honey and tarragon has led to the parsnip order: it’s official: I’m addicted now!
Even though the flower seeds are plentiful, I couldn’t resist ordering some unusuals from Suffolk Herbs: Hemp-Agrimony, Viper’s Bugloss, Purple Loosestrife (for the bees and butterflies); also Musk Mallow, Common Mallow, Self-Heal, Soapwort, Limnanthes and Wormwood.
The propagator will be out this weekend and I’m starting off the chilli seeds :-)
Here’s to Spring :-)
18 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Planting Galore!
Next post: Cherry Tree Survey - Natural History Museum
i hope to have all mine ordred and if not yet planted up at least waiting expectantly :o)
18 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by Reebeesfleurs
- Cherry Tree Survey - Natural History Museum
17 Apr, 2010
- Planting Galore!
26 Apr, 2009
- Sorting out the Borders
9 Apr, 2009
- Spring Tidy
1 Mar, 2009
- Winter Visitor
16 Feb, 2009
- Don't forget the RSPB Big Birdwatch
7 Jan, 2009
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Exciting isn't it Reebeesfleurs, been out in garden myself today cutting few things back that had collapsed like you not sure what casualtys there'd be a few happy surprises, lobelia tupa has shoots didn't think that would survive cold,snowdrops and hellebores have buds, but then my poor corsican hellebore that was huge has snapped under the weight of the snow, was covered in buds too, oh well sure it'll come back, not for this year though, and have lots of baby ones.
Been ordering seeds too, even though I have huge tub full, can't resist, don't know where I'll plant them all but worry about that later,lol, already sowed some corydalis for wood, and ordered some mixed campanula seeds huge packet can't wait to see what emerges there, also dierama and several others, feel all spring like after a day in the garden :-)
18 Jan, 2010