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My New Veggie Patch


By Sid


Well, I’ve finally got there! My new veggie patch is finally planted up and, by the looks of things out of the window, are getting a good watering in (it’s POURING down!)

As you can see, the veggie patch was not looking very promising last month…

But I raided my dad’s garage and found some nice treated timber and cajoled him into building a retaining fence around the patch so that I could level it all out (it was sloping before).

I dug in loads of chicken manure pelets and raked it all out flat. Then I planted:-
runner beans, peas, 100 onion sets, cauliflowers, sprouts, broad beans, spring onions. There are lettuces on the way in the greenhouse and these will be interplanted with the brassicas. I usually do parsnips and leeks, but I think I’m a bit late for these?

Anyway, I got there in the end! PHEW!!

The patch of ‘weeds’ in the top right of hte pic are in fact poppies, so I left those :-)

Can’t wait for things to start growing!

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Its looking very productive.

29 Apr, 2008


Well done! Lots of hard work there. Hasn't it been a dreadful day....I hadn't had time to plant up my stream bank, but I am very glad I didn't, because the stream is UP and my new plants would be half way to Bristol by now!

29 Apr, 2008


I know, Barbara! At least my water butt is now full... I think Grenville and Alan are in Bristol, so they could have caught your plants for you and delivered them back... te he...

30 Apr, 2008


Well done Sarah, wish mine looked as good.
Much of my veg garden needs clearing of weeds and preparing but we are on clay so I have to pick just the right time to work it...... when it is neither too wet and sticky nor too dry and clumpy.
The weather forecast isn't too encouraging for the rest of this week, but hopefully next weekend .....? :-)

30 Apr, 2008


Thanks, Xela. I think I'm very lucky to have the soil I do - it is very free draining and is workable soon after a wetting. I wouldn't want clay!! :-)

30 Apr, 2008

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