Previously answered questions
By ajay
All of you are doing such a wonderful job answering each other’s and new members’ questions that we thought it about time we made it easier to look up previously answered questions. Take a look at the Gardening Questions tab and let us know what you think.
As a starting point we have provided links to previously answered questions by genus and also popular topics. Please do let us know if you have any further ideas.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has been answering questions and also to Jacque and David who have been helping us collate questions into categories.
Happy gardening.
15 May, 2009
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Thanks Ajay that is so easy to use. Brilliant !
15 May, 2009
Thanks Ajay.
15 May, 2009
Brillant, will have some more reading to do now
Mrs Melon x
15 May, 2009
I noticed it today and thought what a good idea. thanks for this.
15 May, 2009
Oh thats brill, thanks!!!
15 May, 2009
Good idea, Ajay and Peter...
and well done to Jacque and David.. :o)
15 May, 2009
Really good idea.
15 May, 2009
brilliant idea well done - I think this will keep me busy as I have so many questions needing answers so I know where to look : )
15 May, 2009
much is easier to use Ajay . but the adverts are bloking out part of the pages...
15 May, 2009
Thanks Ajay......
15 May, 2009
That's a good idea. We can check if the same question has been asked previously. It will save a lot of repeating.
I wish you would do something about this dull coloured background. I find the words don't stand out well and I have difficulty reading them. The green suited me better. And I'm not alone in thinking it was better as it was.
16 May, 2009
mine is green! hope it stays like it is then as i like it
16 May, 2009
Mine is a dull grey/green and the words don't stand out well against it. I could read it better with the green boxes..
16 May, 2009
I agree with Hywel..
I prefer the green boxes. :o)
The background I see is dull grey/blue...
Easier on the eyes when each comment is in its own box, whatever the colour...
16 May, 2009
Or the words need to be brighter so that they stand out against the dull colour of the background.
But both the words and background are a dull colour and it's hard on the eyes.
It would look nicer in boxes aswell.
16 May, 2009
I agree with both Terratoonie and Hywel - I much preferred the green boxes - any chance of going back to the old format??
16 May, 2009
Mines is a Pale Green Hywel/Terry & the Words are Black! Hhmmmmmmmmm very strange :/ Maybe the Lines Between the Comments would help if Thicker Hywel/Terry? I must admit i liked the Blue/Pink Top & how it went that Lovely Green underneth that u see above us now :)
17 May, 2009
A thick line would not make the words stand out any better. The background is a dull greeny-grey and it's difficult to see the words clearly.
Appart from having difficulty reading the words I must say the page looks drab. It's lost it's cheerfulness. :o(
What do you mean by a blue/pink top Jacque ?
17 May, 2009
The Page Starts off Blue & then goes a Lovely Green on this page b4 the Pale /Dull Green ,Then when uv sent a Comment it goes Blue then Pink Then Green& Then Pale Green ! U see after u comment next time Hywel :)
17 May, 2009
I'll try Jacque
18 May, 2009
No - All I see is a dull coloured page with words that don't stand out very well.
18 May, 2009
???????????????? :/
18 May, 2009
Sorry all, we won't be going back to the old green boxes on comments. The blog and question page bodies have always had the green background we now have on comments so we didn't see it as too big a change. Please can you send in any comments on website improvements via the contact us form so we can keep track.
18 May, 2009
I've always had trouble reading the blogs.
I've sent a contact us message.
18 May, 2009
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Hi Ajay/Peter its a pleasure to be part of GOY & to be of a help , Best Wishes Jac xxx
15 May, 2009