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Here we go!


We’re officially getting started on the allotment on Thursday morning, I’ll be sure to get some photos while we’re there!

So excited! :D

More blog posts by amanda_steven

Previous post: Getting started!



Good luck with it - what an exciting challenge for you.

25 Jul, 2011


I bet your minds working overtime - all those things you need to do. My dad says plant the whole lot in potatoes - this way by next spring you'll turned to ground over twice, once to plant and once to harvest and you'll have your own spuds at Christmas -wise comment I thought.

25 Jul, 2011


I hope the allotment work goes well..
Don't forget the camera :o)))

25 Jul, 2011


Looking forward to keeping track of your progress . . . . .

25 Jul, 2011


Thankyous! I would love to plant some potatoes for Xmas, the allotment manager suggested the same thing :)

Hopefully when we've finished tidying the place up and making it our own, it'll be a great little get-away place to just relax :) ... on that note, I'm very tempted by a table and chairs set I've seen in Morrisons for our plot... but I really should behave now, lol Xx

25 Jul, 2011


Good luck with your allotment. I look forward to seeing the pictures.

26 Jul, 2011


Potatoes are a good idea, as they'll break up the soil for you! Happy planting ... : o )

26 Jul, 2011


Totally agree on the Potatoes...good for sorting out the ground, makes it much more workable...Good luck...and have fun too... :o)))

9 Aug, 2011

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