Soil improver disaster
By amsterdam
I ordered a cubic metre of soil improver to go on my back border before planting it up after drastic cut back of over hanging neighbours hedge. So I start to shovel it into my wheelbarrow and pushing to back border at back of my garden. Something shiny catches my eye… what do I find? A three inch long metal bar. Not a good start. Then I continue spreading and come across plastic, glass more metal, pieces of fence panels and lots of chipboard with white oil paint on it!! It took me 4 hours on Sat & 4 hours on Sunday to spread the stuff on most of my borders. Attached a photo of just a small fraction of non-organic matter I ended up hand picking out of the soil. Am so disappointed as my last supplier was half price and their soil was like black velvet! This new company cost twice as much and wasn’t a scratch on previous company. Sadly the farmer is too poorly to supply me with his lovely soil. I emailed them with photographic evidence & they have agreed on a full refund. Now hoping the soil was ‘cooked’ properly so no weeds appear all over my borders next spring !!
28 Nov, 2022
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pressed like as it is a good blog not that I liked your poor soil!
At least they have refunded you. It will be soil from an area where there has been clearance ready perhaps for more building. It annoys me that people try to get away with this.
28 Nov, 2022
Very disappointing and has happened to me. But I always carefully went through it looking for buried loot. The only thing I found was a statue of Saint Joseph the patron saint of all things that have to do with real estate. Those who are selling their homes would bury this statue on their property in hopes of getting a quick sale which is probably why it turned up in the pile I ordered.
28 Nov, 2022
That's terrible, I'm glad you're having a refund. I don't know why they thought of selling stuff like that, you'd think it would be inspected first. I hope you don't get any weeds.
29 Nov, 2022
I gave a like as appreciation for the blog, it acts as a warning when choosing who to buy from, pleased you are getting a refund Amerstam, its so frustrating when that kind of thing happens, I have found that compost can be full of rubbish in recent years so I'm careful when buying that also.
29 Nov, 2022
Yes I have learned my lesson! Next job is to plant up border but with frost forecast, it’ll have to wait a while.
29 Nov, 2022
Interesting blog. I ‘m glad you took a photo & requested a refund, definitely deserved it. Looking forward to seeing your border once it is planted up.
1 Dec, 2022
Ams, how disappointing for you to find all that rubbish within the sol improver. I have had compost in the past with solid lumps, string, plastic etc. and never bought that brand again. So pleased you were refunded.
3 Dec, 2022
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That's a shocker. It looks more like the spoils of an archaeological dig! What a disappointment! Not much sign there of quality control. But I'm glad they had the grace to fully reimburse you, Amsterdam.
28 Nov, 2022