no wildlife!!
By andrea_g6
i love wildlife in my garden, but of late the wee birds, squirells etc have disapeared, i have a bird table which all that comes r crows and seagulls, my garden backs on to woodland so no lack of wildlife to encourage into the garden, i also have a wee pond which after taking out the algae is lovely n clean but all the wee insects r gone, bird boxes, bug hotels the lot, i have it, but nobody wants to move in, any suggestions, or is it just the time of year/weather/cats any suggestions would be appreciated.
9 Aug, 2012
Next post: not black??
I have loads of birds, butterflys, wasps and bees...but I have only seen the frog once this year.....last year he was always sitting in my little pond.
10 Aug, 2012
I think that you are right when you say that the birds are moulting, getting fresh new feathers after the frantic weeks looking after the young, there should be lots of natural food in the garden at the moment which is probably better for them and will teach the young what to look for.
they'll all return when the weather goes cooler I'm sure.
We have a resident toad in the gh.....I,ve put him out but he always returns so I leave him alone now.....what I couldn't believe yesterday was a tiny tiny newt on the soil in one of the tomato was so pale and tiny it must just have hatched.....I left that alone as well
10 Aug, 2012
What a shame. I hope the wildlife returns soon. Maybe it will be better in winter when they're looking for food and shelter.
10 Aug, 2012
thanks guys for ur words of encouragement x
10 Aug, 2012
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Someone said something about the birds re- feathering at this time of year, I think, although they are still visiting us. We had a spell where there weren't so many birds but that was a couple of months ago or more. It sounds as tho' you have the perfect conditions to attract wildlife. We have no frog/s this year even though I made them a pond which is much better than the dustbin lid which last year's resident adopted!
9 Aug, 2012