Small space - BIG HASSLES!
By angieteale
Seemed such a good idea at the time to clear out an old area of the garden which measures about 8’ by 6’ and start all over again. It was covered with a triffid bush which covered the whole area and an odd looking tree and some pink flower things which were growing under it. Technical terms galore in this blog I can tell you! I then discovered that the said triffid was actually disguising the fact that the odd looking tree was like the Leaning Tower of Piza, will post pictures to prove it. In amongst all this I found a shrub thing which has not seen the light of day in the 3 years we have been here. Think it is a rhodedendrom (spelling check please??) Anyway long story short what to do with the space now. After 1 million 999,996 ideas we have gone back to idea 1!!!!!! or was it 63. Who cares? Am off to my garden centre tomorrow to ask for a chocolate climbing thing, some bears breeches, a box of sweets, the devils plant, a pretend orange and ask if they have any more of daphnes shrubs left!!!! Wish me luck, oh and by the way the odd looking leaning tree is actually a mahonia! Bye for now xx
20 Aug, 2008
Previous post: Newbie gardener!
Sounds like you have lots of ideas. Hope the garden centre isn't too expensive. Magnolia is a lovely tree, one of my favouries. Looking forward to the pics of how your space develops.
21 Aug, 2008
Gosh, sounds like your overgrown area had some really rare plants. Didn't you know that Pink Flower Things and Leaning Tower Trees are both on the endangered list and should have been preserved for future generations.
Can't wait for the photos. Would like to see some pictures of your full trolley at the garden centre. Your shopping list sounds amazing. Chocolate bears, devil's oranges... or maybe I've got that a bit wrong. lol
21 Aug, 2008
Good luck! Can't wait to see what you come back with! I'd like to see the staff's faces when you ask for some of your wish list!
21 Aug, 2008
Good luck with your new project. Looking forward to seeing the photos when you have replanted the area.
21 Aug, 2008
Good luck at the garden centre, looking forwould to your picture's.
21 Aug, 2008
Welcome to GOY Angie! You'll surely love this site. I had to laugh when I read you "terminology"...sounds a lot like me. Other than the "usuals" when others speak "Technical Names" I'm usually in the dark. I would love it if when someone posts a picture they would include the "common" name for these plants as well as the technical names. Will definitely be looking forward to pictures! :)
21 Aug, 2008
Hi Angie. It's R-H-O-D-O-D-E-N-D-R-O-N from, erm I think the Greek, but don't quote me. Meaning "red tree"! All nice useless information for you. Happy gardening.
21 Aug, 2008
Sorry, 1198, I am guilty of using latin names. I will try to remember to add the common one (if i know it!)
21 Aug, 2008
mahonia are very unusual but i find them a absolute pain as they have very sharp leaves and i am forever pricking myself whilst gardening but none the less a good structual tree .lots of luck with your project.jewells
22 Aug, 2008
lol cant wait to see the photos
21 Aug, 2008