By balcony
I was commenting on a post to Scotkat when I finishes posting I caught sight of the labels of the Fuchsias I’ve bought & planted in hanging baskets hiding beneath my computer monitor. I had just been describing the flowers on the standards & as I was looking at the labels I noticed one seemed very much like the unknown one I’ve been growing for many years on my balcony. As I can see it through the balcony door window I compared the picture on the label with what I was seeing, then I got up & took the label outside to compare it to the only flower that is open at present & tra la la, drumroll, please ….. it seems very much like Dollar Princess! :))
This is the label of Dollar Princess
This is the Fuchsia I think maybe Dollar Princess
Here is the standard on the table in the corner of the balcony at the end of October 2007 which I think may be Dollar Princess
I hadn’t read the backs of the labels till now & it looks that I did right in planting Thalia in the centre of each basket, but then reading the other labels it seems that Dollar Princess & Snowcap are equally suited to the be the centre piece of a basket.
Two of the new ones I planted in the last basket will spoil the look of five identical baskets! One, Hawkshead, I may have to remove as I’ve read in another place that it can grow up to 4ft in one year! If that’s the case it may very well crowd out the rest of the Fuchsias in the basket.
Another it seems is a trailing Fuchsia, it’s called Eve Boerg. Very pretty according to the picture but then I don’t know of an ugly Fuchsia!
23 May, 2009
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I'd be surprised if Hawkshead grew that fast and high!
Mine grew to about 2'6" last year, it died back in the winter and is coming back now.
23 May, 2009
My Hawks head in the old garden grew to about 4 or 5 ft every year. I always had to cut it back. But it was in the shelter of a high wall.
I don't have it in this garden because it grows too big.
24 May, 2009
After your comments I shall definitely take it out of the basket! I had to buy Hawkshead & Eva Boerg as the stall didn't have the same five that I had bought the week before. :( The problem now will be finding a place to put it! It may even crowd out the balcony as it's only about a metre (3ft) wide!
25 May, 2009
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4 Feb, 2008
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
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No me neither balcony, one of my favourites, i have a Delta Sarah i have made into a standard, trouble is last year it blew over and knocked off the growing tip so it'll not get any taller, but its covered in leaves now so am hoping for lots of flowers (i got it as my daughter is called Sarah)
23 May, 2009