Glass/Alpine house 2 (part 2)
By bjs
Same house as before this side plants in and on sand bed first picture general view looking towards the door.
Scottish plenty of last years Hepatica leaves to be seen.
Pink Hepatica
Primula. Gold Lace Polyanthus
Close up
Japanese Hepatica (not a good Picture)
Sweetly smelling Primrose
Double Hepatica
Seedlings from the Paeonia below potted up a couple of weeks ago,originally sown in this sand bed late Autumn 2011 germinating January 2013
Paeonia Cammbandensii about eight years old ,already has small buds showing
12 Mar, 2013
More blog posts by bjs
Previous post: Glass/alpine house 2 (part 1)
Next post: Poinsettia
i just love a bit of indoor gardening on a cold day..:-)
12 Mar, 2013
12 Mar, 2013
12 Mar, 2013
Thanks Brian. I'm not sure which kind Forest Purple is as I haven't looked it up yet.
I've a relative of the Primula Black Lace.... Elizabeth Killelay. Both are beauties.
I'm so enjoying these little tours of your alpine houses. If only!!!!
12 Mar, 2013
So many beautiful plants Bjs...The gold lace Polyanthus is beautiful, it looks hand painted...& the pink Hepatica, lovely...:>)
12 Mar, 2013
Looking forward to Paeonia Cammbadensii flowers. I have never seen this sort of Paeonia.
13 Mar, 2013
I love the pink Hepatica Brian.......your plants look ready to flourish for 2013.
13 Mar, 2013
absolutely gorgeous loved them all :O)
13 Mar, 2013
enjoyed these blogs immensly !
13 Mar, 2013
Added them all to my favs Bjs for future reference, I have two g'houses one of which is wasted in the winter to be honest, seeing all your wonderful plants makes me yearn to try some of them..
13 Mar, 2013
Superb show Brian(and part 1).My peony is looking very healthy.Also,I have the first seedling showing from the seeds you sent, sown on 6th sep 2011 and kept out in all weather.I also have a full pot of N.cyclamineus seedlings,I assume those are the parents,as well as various Cyclamen and some others.
18 Mar, 2013
Phil today is the first day for weeks that the temperature has been high enough to germinate anything here.
So i would say you are ahead of me as nothing of any note has yet shown .
hope that should read 6th sept 2012 !
yes your N.Cyclamineus were from the ones shown.
18 Mar, 2013
I've got 2011 on label but you could be right.I can't remember when you sent them.I may have dated the label on the plant so will check.I have a few things germinated in the cold from the A.G.S. and Witton Lane Seeds,plus your Narcissus and peony.Also your seed of Narcissus rupicola is doing well.
18 Mar, 2013
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Didn't realise that peony seeds take that long to germinate! Lovely photos Brian you're so lucky to have a plant house like this to grow so many beautiful plants in.
12 Mar, 2013