More small things plus another Pain job to sort
By bjs
The first pictures are in the alpine house but these should in theory grow outside, but my garden is not normal to many predators.( might be ok with Scottish as she does not allow slugs and snails to enter her garden)!
This is the first time I have flowered this Codonopsis and quite impressed with the first flower colour, Grows wild in Nepal where it grows on very thin stems up to 3 metres in height,not sure if it does that in the UK.
Growing with it is Lilium Formosanum Var Pricei a large flower on a small plant easy to grow.
Final one is growing outside in a shaded area if you look carefully there is a footpath behind it next pictures show what I woke up to this morning
This is the over night damage by the Badger family as they search for grubs in the wood, rock hard ground must be giving them a lot of problems ,we have been promised rain tonight just hope we get it.
I was well aware that the logs had to be replaced but was scheduled for Autumn .Not a job I wanted right now
Enjoy the first part
12 Jul, 2014
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lovely flowers Brian and oh dear about the badger damage.
Is the lily scented?
12 Jul, 2014
Oh my goodness thankfully we do not have badgers yet around here, although I must confess I do love to see them. Sorry they have made such a mess for you in your lovely lovely garden, those flowers are amazing I enjoyed them. :O)
13 Jul, 2014
What a fantastic size of a Lily Brian. Gosh I am sorry you have badger problems. They can make such a mess.
13 Jul, 2014
Linda the lily is if grown properly (mine are usually drawn) about a 12in high and single flower on the stem.
I don't often see the badgers but hear them grunting and squealing during the night.
it has a scent but I have only detected it early in the morning.
Unlike a hybrid one on the balcony that knocks you over at 5 yards .Will post a picture soon
13 Jul, 2014
Really beautiful Brian. I used to long to see badgers but now I do wish they would go somewhere else! We never see them but I would have plenty to say to them if I did. That damage they've done to your logs is infuriating, but they have to live, poor things.
13 Jul, 2014
What beautiful flowers - the Codonopsis is stunning.
The badger damage certainly is a pain. I hope you got your rain.
14 Jul, 2014
sad to see so much damage. Badgers have claws that make short work of anything other than solid rock
17 Jul, 2014
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Oh ear, that makes my log damage look tiny! do have that gorgeous Codonopsis.
12 Jul, 2014