A Very Lazy Day
I didn’t sleep much last night. I’ve had tinnitus ever since January when I was in hospital, and last night it was getting to my sanity. But I’ve been catching up on sleep today using ‘Pink Noise’ on Spotify. It really helps, especially with ear buds.
Anyway, I finally got up and it’s sunny! Yay! I’ve taken a few photos of things that are lovely right now. It’s not much. I’m waiting for a price from a landscaper to start on the back garden. There’s not much I can do until then except buy plants and pot them on. So that’s what I’ve been doing.
Here are a few highlights…
I love Sambucus. Some gardeners are snooty about them. I have no idea why. This small deciduous and very hardy tree has wonderful golden foliage and red berries for the birds. In spring the new foliage is bronze-tinted. It can be pruned hard every year and it will just bounce back. Or you can let it develop into a small tree. Best of all, it loves shade..even full shade. Perfect for my shady borders!
This is a young plant..Hydranngea seemanii. An evergreen climber. Not fully hardy but I grew it in Scotland where it grew well if slowly. It takes a little while to establish like all the climbing hydrangeas, but again, it is perfect for a north wall. Now, an evergreen climber for a north facing wall, full shade, white flowers. What’s not to love?
I have bought a collection of miniature Buddleias for pots from Parker’s. They are tiny, but all alive! The Euonymus was a freebie with an online order from ‘Letsgoplanting’. I was very pleased with all the plants they sent me, and this little one is another shade tolerant climber…result!
My back patio, which will be removed in good time to make way for a brick paved patio going right across the garden with a central circular seating area, has become a temporary holding bay for all my goodies. In the distance you can see the Fatsia which is still growing well!
In the sunnier front garden the Almond tree is now fully out with lots of beautiful pink blooms. This tree cannot tolerate clay, so it will be pot grown. It’s on a dwarf root stock.
Coronilla blossom…such a lovely scent. A plant which is hardly ever not flowering. It tends to rest in the autumn. This one is a baby. The leaves are evergreen. It’s a sprawler and needs support, but it’s so pretty. I love plants with long flowering periods, and those that have more than one attribute. This has it all. All year interest, scent, colour and almost non-stop flowering. The foliage is very pretty. I learned the hard way that this one cannot be pruned hard, but it will benefit from a light haircut. Not totally hardy, so give it some shelter. Perfect for my front door area.
Rosemary. Another wonderful plant for all year around interest, scent and very early flowers. They say it can help us to keep our memory.
Bergenia ‘Eroica’. My hedge was planted leaving a small border on the outside, so rather than complain and have the builder move it, I decided to plant it up with Bergenia Eroica. They are all in flower now and it looks so pretty and gives my house its own identity. Bergenia copes really well with clay, so that’s another bonus. There are nine in this little border. Perfect deep rose flowers and very colourful evergreen foliage.
And finally, the lovely Skimmia Perosa in a tin bath planter. I tucked some little white violas in around it this week.
Looking out on to very wet clay subsoil and weeds at the back is wearing thin now…but I am being as patient as I can be! Yesterday we were advised not to paint the fence as the builder won’t be liable to fix it if anything goes wrong. Nonsense of course, but hey ho. It will get painted in 2 years time….if not before!
24 Mar, 2024
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Next post: Awakening Woodland
Started in my left ear about 3 years ago, drove me bonkers at the beginning but don't really pay much attention to it now, if it gets on me nerves just play music or put on my tinnitus app which has lots of different blanking noises on it, one you get stuck into the garden and occupy the mind it will prob get easier to tolerate
24 Mar, 2024
Thank you both. Yes, you are right Davey! X
25 Mar, 2024
I also have had tinnitus in just one ear and like Davey, have got used to it.
You have a good choice of plants there Karen and guess you are itching to get out there to plant them up.
25 Mar, 2024
I've smiled at your extensive plant list, Karen. No doubt you have an exact idea of where they will all be placed. We were having a wry discussion this morning about where we were going to place the 30+ young acers we have sheltering in the greenhouse at the moment. There's certainly no room for them in the borders so it's a puzzle!
Your teal-coloured pots sound like they will be a good foil for the tile colours. How much ground-planting space will you have?
I like all your plants but have to admit to never having 'got' bergenias. The almond blossem and coronilla looke pretty. Sounds like you are a girl with a plan.
25 Mar, 2024
Karen, I do hope things are easing up for you regarding the tinnitus. I have to admit, I’ve not hear of ‘pink noise’. If it works for you, fantastic! I’ll have to look this one up.
It must be really exciting, starting a new garden!! All the new plants and ideas! Your new plant purchases look healthy, you must be pleased with them. Sounds like a good company too. You’ve some pretty colours blooming right now, and as like Ange, I’m loving your pots!
25 Mar, 2024
Thanks Rose, Ange and Kate. I know exactly where all the plants are going. Some in the gravel paths, some in the beds (there will be four decent sized beds) and some will stay in pots for as long as I am around. I am so excited to tell you that the landscapers are booked for 8thApril!
25 Mar, 2024
Exciting times, Karen, thank you for sharing with us.
I am intrigued by the miniature buddleias and look forward to following their development in your garden.
Tinnitus is a very annoying condition, I hope you soon find ways of overcoming it. Like floaters in eyes, initially it can be very difficult to ignore but in time it will probably become part of the background picture. I hope that happens soon for you too.
The 8th of April will soon roll round, looking forward to seeing photos, be sure to have a camera to hand ;-)
30 Mar, 2024
Sorry to hear you suffered tinnitus still Karen , I had it a lot few years ago , I have no idea why but it did just go , Just be careful to keep sodium levels low . Your plants are great and I wasn't aware Sambucus liked shade , they are great plants . We also have Bergenia, and Skimmia, believe like shade too ? Your wall is great ! Your garden has always been great to see, I look forward to all your conifers too again
30 Mar, 2024
Thank you Xela and Paul. I will try cutting down on salt Paul..it is something I seem to use a lot of. Hopefully it will go away eventually, but it could be a lot worse. Some people get clicking noises and I’m not sure I could cope with that. I have very low pitch humming and high pitch whistling at the same time. There are many worse things.
31 Mar, 2024
I used to get like a noise that sounded whirring and sometimes music. Broccoli, and other green veg really helps fix ear problems due to B12 helping red blood cell production, creating more oxygen around body . Read all this stuff like a nerd :D Maria suffers anemia so we eat loads of it . Certainly helped me, in days I went for takeaway meals I had ear problems a lot ! Hope this does help you .... I do admit I need chicken with veg , can't eat it alone :D
1 Apr, 2024
That’s very kind of you Paul. I can eat veg in soups and raw easier than just cooked. Thank you so much for those helpful ideas.
1 Apr, 2024
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hope the tinnitis has eased for you. It is horrid.
The photos are lovely and some great plants there.
24 Mar, 2024