By daff
There are fights in my garden nearly every day, I think there are 4 families involved, (between me and you … some of them have the same parents, but that’s another story.
When i go out to try keep the peace … they just hide, as soon as i’m back in the house out they come, I’ve been too generous with them, time i put my foot down and just ignored them, trouble it, one of them actually comes and taps on the patio window, cheeky …… how can i resist, I have to go and give more food to the blackbirds and thrushes, The blackbirds are such bully’s with the other birds. The Robin can’t stand the sparrows and sees them off, I don’t know why, but he tolerates the Dunnocks.
It’s very wet out there, and 2 blackbirds squabbling over food.
5 Sep, 2008
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Can't say that i'm too keen on the pigeons either, there a bit of a pest.
5 Sep, 2008
I have a question for you all. When you say Blackbirds, specifically what species is this, in the Eastern US we have about 4 different types of blackbirds plus a couple others out west, and we also have the Starlings which are horrible bullies and pests. I'm curious if this is a similar species to our Red-winged Blackbird.
5 Sep, 2008
Over here the male blackbird is all black with yellow rings round its eyes, but the female are all brown, i have blackbirds in my garden but they get on really well axcept at breading times when the males get a bit nasty with each other, infact most of the birds get on really well with each other, except the starlings, the british starlings seem ok, but in a couple weeks or so the europian starlings jion them and then all the starlings fallout with each other for food, dont mind put i put plenty out for them all,but have to admit when the starlings are not there squabbling with each other i miss them.
6 Sep, 2008
We have a black bird (Mrs) who lives in the front garden and never really comes to the back i think this is because we have two (Mr's) in the back i haven't seen any fighting with them but the small birds seem very playful however i may be getting play and fight confused i have little experience so time will tell.
I was sat with my usual cuppa this morn and we had really really bad rain last night and these 3 poor tiny birds sat on the high fence all puffed up trying to dry out they looked so pathetic but very sweet.They seemed the best of friends chatting away to each other. I really must get a bird book cos i have no idea what things are other than the obvious which you learn as a kid.
6 Sep, 2008
The most frequent visitors to our gardens I recognise, the robins, blackbirds, wren, bluetits etc. The more occasional finches and tits and the rare birds are the ones I would like to be able to identify more easily, but I find by the time I have found the appropriate pages in the bird books the visitors have moved too far away or flown completely. Many years ago the RSPB had plastic window 'cling-ons' for sale at one of their centres. I hadn't the means to purchase them on me when I saw them and have been on the look out for them ever since.At the time I intended to display them on my classroom window, overlooking the bird-table, but now I would put them on the edge of the french windows.
12 Sep, 2008
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- The Blackbird, The mouse
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- Garden Catalogue
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1 Mar, 2008
The blackbirds that visit my garden are very wary - if they fight, they go somewhere else to do it. This is all due to Henry, who for some reason, doesn't like either wood pigeons (good!) or backbirds (bad!) so he chases them whenever he sees them. He leaves the little birds alone and they feed happily on the table above his head when he is in the garden!
5 Sep, 2008