problem sorted
By derekm
Hi folks, as some of you may know,I have had some problems with my old laptop missing some letters out in my comments, so last june I bought a memo pad, which I was assured would do everything I wanted to do, well it didn’t do everything I wanted it to do, so wasn’t very impressed with it, especially as it broke down after less than 6 months, however besides the guarantee, I had care plan that was paid monthly, and a long as I kept paying, they would repair it within 14 days, or replace it with a voucher for the purchase price, well they couldn’t repair it in the time frame, so I asked for a replacement voucher, however because it was a voucher for a certain price, I didn’t have to buy exactly the same thing, so this afternoon I went out and bought myself a new laptop, it’s a HP pavilion with touch screen, so it has the benefits of the tablet, with all the benefits of a full size laptop, so hopefully, problem sorted, at last, Derek
28 Jan, 2015
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Hi Tt, I certainly hope it lasts longer than the tablet, 6 months isn't very long is it?, 1 good thing came out of it though, when they printed the voucher, they printed it out for what it would have cost me to buy the same thing today, fortunately for me it was £70 more than I actually paid, because it was on offer when I bought it, so a bit of good luck there' Derek.
28 Jan, 2015
I think you won there Derek!
28 Jan, 2015
Well done and good luck Derek.
28 Jan, 2015
don't eat while sitting at it. the work laptops often get sticking keys and when the IT support come to look they blow air at it and crisps, crumbs, sawdust, compost have been seen to come out of them. [no not mine as I am a good girl].
29 Jan, 2015
Chocolate digestives and Hobnobs,are bad too :o) I use the small nozzle on my vac,to suck out any evidence..Glad to hear you got a good bargain with your now defunct tablet,Derek..I don't fancy a tablet,although I know they are very popular now,,I still prefer my laptop..
29 Jan, 2015
Its always good to hear that someone has gained a bargain, hope you get on alright with the new one.
Derek I'm guilty of getting crumbs under the keys as well, took me ages to realise why some of my keys were sticking at times, never occurred to me until hubby showed me what to do....
29 Jan, 2015
Thank you all for your comments, and good luck messages, I think it may have been caused originally by getting food pieces between the keys, but it didn't help when I tried using a small brush to get it out, I pressed a bit too hard and took the caps of the letters off 2 of them, and couldn't get them back on properly, so after that they never worked properly, [ must remember not to get food anywhere near the new 1 lol]. just spent a few hours trying to come to terms with the new window system. I think I'm getting the hang of it, but I have a half hour tutorial booked for Saturday afternoon, as part of my care plan, so I will have a few questions ready, Derek.
29 Jan, 2015
Hi Sheila, well I've never had 1 tell me that I've done something illegal, but I've done plenty of things wrong, at 1 time when you bought anything electrical, you got an instruction manual with it, so it would be nice to get 1 with something as complex as a computer, but there never is, we of our generation are always being told we should get online, which we are quite willing to do, but it would be nice to have some instructions to follow, considering we were not brought up with computers, I think it's so that whoever tells you what to do, can feel condescending to the computer illiterate oldies, I think they just want a laugh at our expense, so I hope to test their knowledge on Saturday.
Laptops don't even have any software now, that you don't have to pay for separately, so I've paid out £159 for 3 years cover, and an option to renew, and that's where the tutorial comes in, I'm looking forward to it, Derek.
29 Jan, 2015
Hope you get on alright with the tutorial Derek, I could do with a few of those however I'm not brave enough to try anything like that so stumble through at home, my hubby always downloads the full instruction manuals in pdf files for me so I can check when stuck on anything, I have been known to sit with two laptops, book open on one and learn on the other, however truth to tell I have picked up more tips on our goy pages than I have out of all my manuals, the members on here are always willing to help and explain things a lot clearer without having to jump from one page to another all the time....
30 Jan, 2015
Three cheers for Goy once again -
30 Jan, 2015
Hi Sue, when got my first laptop I had to get someone out to set it up for me, and got ripped off in the process, so I just sat down with it and started pressing keys, until I started to get things right, as for pdf files, I've downloaded loads of them, but after I've read them, I can never find them again, I know they're there somewhere, it's just a matter of finding them!!.
Hi Sue[sg], three cheers indeed, Derek.
30 Jan, 2015
Hi Sheila, it' a bit late in the day for that isn't it, when you've already set it up, no I don't think it's you that's thick Sheila, just the manufacturers, Derek.
31 Jan, 2015
H'bird and Derek thats the kind of thing that really winds me up, they do it with most things these days, you only get a tiny booklet and a notice telling you to go online if you want the full manual, I know they say its easier and also eco friendly as it saves paper but its so frustrating, what about the households of our generation who don't have a computer/laptop etc. I know quite a few folk without access to the web, grrrrrrr...
31 Jan, 2015
And I wish they would use words to tell you what to do instead of all those cryptic little diagrams - I know it saves money on translation but I find them quite hard to understand.
31 Jan, 2015
Hi Sue, I didn't even get a small booklet, there was nothing at all, I just had to switch it on and try everything, it's a good job I'd had 1 before, if it had been the first 1 ever, I would have had no chance, and would have probably got ripped off, getting someone in to get me started.
Hi Sue Sg, yes I hate those little diagrams, they don't really give you any clues do they, Derek.
31 Jan, 2015
I do also have a new HP laptop: welcome! :-)
31 Jan, 2015
Hi Katarina, thank you, did you get the touch screen 1?, so much easier than the pointer, Derek.
1 Feb, 2015
No, no touch screen. I had it on my phone. My HP has large screen, just for comfortable reading and writing.
1 Feb, 2015
Hi Katarina, I liked 1 thing about my memo pad, the touch screen, so when I decided to get the full size laptop, I decided to get a touch screen version, it did help that it was in a sale with £200 off, plus the extra £70 I got, so with everything included I only had to pay out another £180, so I was quite happy, Derek.
1 Feb, 2015
It's great that your story has a happy ending Derek. And I'm glad you posted this as it makes me feel SO much better to know that there are others like me. Because I call myself a "techno-prat" my friends are amazed that I can blog! Only on good old GoY of course, because this site and its members make everything so straightforward.
As Sue/Stera says 'three cheers for GoY'.
2 Mar, 2015
I feel so old fashined. I still use my large PC.
Re having to buy all the software, if you change from windows to Linux all the software is free, but it helps if you know another Linux user to help you over the different bits.
2 Mar, 2015
Hi Sue, never even heard of linux, I thought all laptops were on windows, I must be another '' techno-prat, like Sheilabub, my grandchildren call me a ''silver surfer'', must have something to do with the colour of my hair, {what's left of it}, Derek.
2 Mar, 2015
I only know about it because my son used to work in computers (with them not in them actually) . The only snag can be that it doesn't run any of the Windows software. Its run as a co-operative so people write their own software and then make it available on line for nothing. I have Libre Office which does everything Microsoft Office does.
2 Mar, 2015
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Hi Derek ... good luck with the laptop ..
I hope it lives long and prospers ;o)
28 Jan, 2015