Putting the presure on.
By dungy
Evening all,
Its been a really hot one again today a perfect day for using yet another garden tool we never see or hear anything about on the gardening tv programs,
“The water pressure washer”,
Ive been cleaning the moss off the patio slabs and giving the pool slabs a freshening up clean,
This is one of the tools I was talking about when i said gardening has moved on so much in the last 10 years and the machines that are here to make life safer and do those jobs that once took for ever to do
“ie removing moss from concrete / tiles”
etc are now a piece of cake if you have the tools, and the likes of these power pressure washers come in all sizes and all price range.
The one i use is a small one and cost under £50 to buy it works off tap cold water and electric, very easy to use but really gets good results, and moss is just blown away.
(you can use chemicle cleaning agents if you want but i never have the pressure is enough to remove both dirt and moss and even the weeds that get between the slabs)
You can use these washers on statues or garden concrete furniture to remove weather growth etc.
Ive been on this power washing all day and i’ll finish tomorrow and thats it for another 12 month and the slabs look like the day they wer’e first put in.
It’s time now to get the patio furniture out and here in this area open the pool up,
I was talking to our nearest neighbour today and she was saying how far behind she is with the garden work so im not alone in that score,
The sun really brings the best out in us all “even the dogs seem full of life”.
Well tomorrows another day and ive a lot of gardening plans to think about (what to do first)
Hope you’ve all had a good day and for those who’ve never thought of making the task of moss removal or slab cleaning quicker and a hell of a lot easier i hope my remarks have given food for thought,
Happy gardening to you all,
6 May, 2013
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Hello Louisa,
And thanks for your reply.
thats fine for you, "But what about the people who have problems getting down to use "good old elbow grease,
the people in wheel chairs who would like to do as much as they can!
Is it not a good thing that we've moved along now with these modern tools,?
wheel chairs can be moved around without the aid of a helper and the people who for no fault of their own have to be restricted really do feel they are holding their own when it comes to spending their time keeping active & doing their own thing.
Women also have the need for modern tools to keep their lives moving along it's not as you've said only "Men" seem to like these power tools.
This is what i was talking about when i said the tv programs ref gardening are not showing the verious tools that would help a lot of people who like yourself dont know about them.
The lack of a water point and electric in your garden is infact the old fashioned way and for you at the moment thats fine,
But should your health change and you can no longer get on your knee's or bend down you may thank your lucky stars that for a few pound you can have an extension lead and a hose pipe that will fit to your tap and help you carry on gardening as do so many disabled people. (what would you honestly do if you could no longer continue to garden? how would you spend your time?
Now ref waste when it comes to water!
why dont you collect rain water as i do,
It falls off my greenhouse roof & shed roof down the gutter into a drain pipe and then into a 1000ltr container ready for use, cost nothing and i never worry ref watering my garden, or hose pipe restrictions.
A lot of gardeners now have tanks dug into & under their gardens, the water is again collected via gutters etc and for the sake of a pump electric or manual you have free good rain water.
Both these methods are modern and as i say the old fashioned ways are not always the best ways.
Enjoyed talking to you.
Regards Dungy
6 May, 2013
Very interesting blog, lots of power tools here to help me in both house and garden, good job really as I am the only one interested in gardening and its quite a big task, admittedly its also my favourite pastime which does help..
Hubby has treated himself to a pressure washer Dungy so perhaps I'll coax him to play with it and get the moss removed from our driveway, lol....
14 May, 2013
Hi Lincsass,
Please please get him to do your drive and you'll see the moss just wash away,
Im sure one or two folk on here think im some sort of nutter when i tell them about this or that but im only trying to let them know that what ive tried is just that "Tried & tested and works.
One of the garden people im very interested in helping to continue gardening is the people for one reason or an other can't do gardening task as they once did,
And now because of tools etc getting better can and do make a lot of task so much easier and quicker to do.
Im not a rep for any company, I dont get payed for my efforts but i do get a nice feeling thinking ive given something back and maybe "Just " maybe helped some person enjoy and use their daily time spending it doing what they once did but cant do those things the same way as they did in the past.
So you get your other half to have a play with his new toy and clear your drive (and you and me know his aim is the same as our aim "just that his is with a pressure spray.)
Nice reading your reply Lincslass.
Regards Dungy.
15 May, 2013
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This is all very well if you have access to water and electricity in the garden, I have neither as the garden is seperate from the house! I'm not keen on all this new fangled equipment in the garden, I prefer to do things the old fashioned way;)
A lot of men seem to like these power tools though, I use good old fashioned elbow grease to get moss off paving slabs and the like and my method also provides good healthy exercise and conserves water which in summer we're sometimes short of:)
6 May, 2013