Some modern sprays work to well
By dungy
Hi folks,
well its the end of another day, rained most of it and the TV full of repeats and that euro/song contest, no football and apart from some very interesting replies to yesterdays blog ive had a very “un-gardening day”
But being the nice person i try to be i took one of my older neighbours to the local supermarket as she cant drive and her daughter is working the grave-yard shift (nights) “she’s a nurse” and needs her sleep during the day.
Now i’ll be honest here and tell you i hate shopping in supermarkets,
I cant stand people who decide to block the isle’s so they can gather for a chat, And the dirty looks as you try to get past, plus the crashing of trolly’s into my heels and the then “sorry”
And when you get to the pay out and something hasn’t got the correct bar code on it and the till girl phones up to get an assitant to find out why the bar code wont work and the people behind you give you that look that says it all “hummmmm a man again”
Well as the neighbour went around the shop i found i had a feeling,
“A nature calling feeling” and i didnt know then ’But i was about to have two very new experiences,
(1) As this was a brand new mixed toilet, One had to go to the information desk and ask for a key!
On asking i was asked if i’d lock the door after use and return the key!
(2) Better things we’re about to come,
Now “ladies” men have a special wall mounted loo for urination use, and once the man has got himself ready he continues to look up at the cieling and do his thing,
No problem here “You may think”
But this being a brand new state of the art loo a surprise was about to happen,
Some how this loo knows when the man has finished and as he’s re dressing himself this modern state of the art loo “lets out a bloody big spray of water to clean the basin”
You have no time to turn away and you get a nice soaking that looks like you need a visit to spec-savers or your aim is all wrong.
As i returned the key the girl on the desk look at me (not eye to eye) and said with a smile,
“Did you find our new toilet to my liking”.
Yes i’ll be glad when the wet weather dries up (and the front of my trousers)
Good gardening to you all and good night.
18 May, 2013
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More blog posts by dungy
Next post: Birds need feeding still.
But you dont see many weeds growing!
Urination helps kill weeds,
And you dont get half drowned with secret hidden wall sprays.
19 May, 2013
the new toilet sounds alarming! at least you'll be prepared next time!
19 May, 2013
Hello Louisa,
Ive been thinkng about you a lot since your a visitor to one of my old gardening hunting grounds "Bridgemere"
And what i wanted to pass on is two really very good places within the chester area that are really well worth a visit,
Is near Neston on the wirral,
Honestly these gardens will take your breathaway, you can enjoy a walk through the gardens and they have a shop and cafe, but on a nice day they're well worth a visit and little Neston is a nice safe area to visit.
The other place is a garden centre called "strikes" its in mannor lane Hawarden near mancote deeside,
This is a good size garden centre with a really good range of stock at good prices, cheaper than Bridgemere but smaller,
they have a shop for all sorts and a cafe and again in a good safe area with parking, "well worth a visit"
I made a few good friends with the staff there because i almost lived there at one time.
But if you fancy a nice sunday drive have a think about both these places you wont be sorry you went.
Ref this poisoning animals I agree with you Louisa, I couldnt and wouldnt do that to any animal,
I did once upset a chap who took great depth in telling me how he couldnt understand people who leave all they have when they die to animal rescue centre's etc,
He asked what i thought of people who do such stupid acts,
I told him i prefer my dogs to a lot of people ive met in my life so far,
And i mean it, my dogs wouldnt do you any harm and two of them really did have bad starts in life thanks to humans, At times im amazed they have any time for human company.
But anyway Louisa, have a think ref those two places and enjoy this lovely weather we'e having.
Regards Dungy.
19 May, 2013
That's very kind of you to think of me Dungy, I know Ness quite well, my brother used to take me there sometimes, but I've not been to Hawarden. Having said that, there's a Strikes GC in Winnington, about a mile or two from me, and one in High Legh, a bit further away but we go there once a year. I go to the Winnington one quite a lot because it's so local and I can get there on foot. I looked Hawarden up on Google Maps and it's a fair drive, I'm not great at driving, but next time I'm in that area I'll look out for it. I occasionally go to North Wales, and it's in that direction.
My favourite GC for buying round here is Morrey's Nursery in Kelsall, very reasonably priced, good healthy plants, very helpful knowledgeable staff. If I want a good day out I go to Bridgemere, but if I want to stock my garden I go to Morrey's!
Are you having lovely weather today? It's very overcast and dull here, looks like it's about to rain all the time, but it hasn't rained yet.
19 May, 2013
Hello again Louisa,
Morreys "yes"s i know it very well i once telephoned then to ask if they could supply me with box for my bedding and border area's as my supplier had let me down 'he was at beaston'
And they said yes no problem if you let us know the amount we'll have them ready for you,
I asked any chance today "it was a saturday and my only real day off work ,
ERRRRR yes I think that'll be fine "how many'
400 i replied, (not expecting them to say ok)
But do you know Louisa they had the lot ready that day at 4 pm.
I cant remember the lady's name i delt with but she was a really nice person and i delt with them for a long time after that.
Ref the weather here, It's done nothing but rain for the last couple of days,
As the norm i wouldnt be on the PC, during the day as ive the outside garden things to do
But i honestly cant get near anything.
Thank goodness footballs on later this evening.
Regards Dungy.
19 May, 2013
yes that's exactly the kind of service I'd expect from Morreys.
Football, yuk, give me F1 any day!;) Enjoy the match.
19 May, 2013
The French are always saying the English cant cook.
Then they are griping because we cant speak their silly
I am glad I live in England where gentlemen (that should be a capital G) know how to behave properly in public
19 May, 2013
ahhhhhhhhh but Diane,
The english Gentlemen pay road tax and the motorways in the uk are a mess, known as the longest parking area in the uk "M1/M6/ & the M25" Fuel is cheaper, mot; every 2 years instead of yearly, local phone calls free,
the french to be fair have excellent motorways, you dont see many road works and you do have areas off the motor ways 'with toilets" and grassed area"s for resting and picnic's. (and we dont pay road tax)
The french dont take sitting down being told you will do this or that, if they feel its a rip off then they'll do something about it, No stiff upper lip here.
Food!!! They know how to cook and can't you just smell it!
20 May, 2013
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6 May, 2013
Thats the French for you. When I went over there I got fed up seeing men urinating by the side of the road, or anywhere they fancied, without even going behind the hedge. Apparently its the done thing, to show the world your willy.
19 May, 2013