The garden says a hundred words without speaking.
By dungy
Hello earth lovers,
Well im home for my dinner and im staying here tonight due to the bedrooms at the gite smelling of paint,
it’s those wardrobes ive painted,
The doors have to stay open so the air can dry the paint out and so im here tonight,
the weather here has been dry “but” it was black clouds moving over the gite that put me off doing any more hedge cutting,
So i painted the BBQ instead, its one of those brick ones with a big chimney, its now a light tan colour,
I went mad with the paint brush and under-coated the old wagon wheel (we hang small window troughs off it)
thats going to be glossed brilliant white with little blue bits near the centre of the wheel.
After i’d put all the kit away i was driving back to the house when i came to the end of the lane and waiting for this old lady to pass
“she was on the seat high up of a horse & cart”,
Ive seen her lots of times and she always gives a big smile as she tries to hurry the old horse on,
Opposit this junction is an old cottage and there was this very old lady who lived there with her little dog,
Anyone could see this old lady was loosing it, sometimes she’d be in her night gown standing holding her dog in the freezing cold,
Her neighbours looked after her “but” sometimes she’d manage to get out onto the grass outside her cottage and just stand there freezing,
Anyway about a year ago now i was told that she’d died.
And now in only 12 months you can’t see her little front gate we’re she would stand holding her little dog,
The gardens over grown and it’s saying,
“The owner dont live here any more”.It’s strange how a garden can say a hundred words without speaking.
Enjoy your gardening,
Regards Dungy.
4 Jul, 2013
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A pet pony that roamed the fields singing elton john songs? really?Cats uncles? LOL scrumpygrat have you been at the cider?
DUNGY........ I loved the evocative writing about the old lady and her dog, isn't it sad? You should send that piece off to a magazine [having elaborated a bit of course, to pad it out a bit.]
4 Jul, 2013
I do enjoy your blogs Dungy and your style of writing. So sad about the old lady and the dog, I'll probably be like that in another 30 years or so.....
Hope somebody takes over that garden soon and puts it back to rights.
4 Jul, 2013
Isn't it sad to see cottages left to go to ruin. There are so many in rural France.
4 Jul, 2013
Well, Dingy, when you've finished at the Gite, u could go and sort the overgrown garden for the old lady's family.You seem to like to keep busy..ha'll keep u out of mischief! Perhaps you could take Scrumpy with you...he'll keep you entertained telling u about his cat's uncle..ha ha!!!!!
4 Jul, 2013
Morning folks,
And i hope its going to be a good friday for you (As robinson crueso would say)
Paul, ref cutting the old ladies grass for her family!
Thats the point, I doubt if there is any family!
Throughout france you'll see so many properties that your never sure who lives in them or if they've long gone and the property is just left to rot "like at least 6 i know about and one is the top of the range house!
its a shame but as we dont have any real crime in these parts or people just taking over such properties "then they rot" and everyone seems happy to let them rot, "shame" but its a way of life here.
If you have'nt been snapped up by the time your old im going to get you to come and live in our gite and we'll adopt you, So there "no lonley life on your own for you".
5 Jul, 2013
Thanks Dungy, that's ever such a kind thing to say, you've made me smile this morning!:) There are such lovely people on this site!
5 Jul, 2013
Hi sun seekers,
Well im home for a few hours anyway and then its back to the gite for a few hours work,
It's been that hot today i thought i'd better leave the box clipping until it cools down next week "or after that".
Louisa, Ive got to ask,
if the ice cream farm is the one off the A41 or is it at Broxton ?
You've brought back a load of memouries of when i use to go "on a sunday" on one of my classic bikes (1956 A.J.S) to the ice cream farms,
it was a nice run on a sunday or i'd go along to the cannal tow-path towards Nantwich and park the bike and sit and look at the cannal boats going to the locks,
"They say cannal people are friendly and very gentle folk?
Well ive seen some devorces in the making as the man shouts at his wife to get a move on and open the lock gates,
Ive seen one man cause his dog to fall off his boat because he did'nt know how to stop it and he hit the closed lock gates causing the dog to fall in the water,
Yes Louisa you really got me thinking of some of the crazy times i enjoyed eating ice cream and letting the world go by,
Have you been to Beeston castle?
Thats a good day out "they make candles" and you can see a demo of how its done,
REF pics of the gite I'll take a few in a few weeks when its ready for march in time,
(Thats what i call the hand over to the customers)
They're not marched in as such but they are shown every thing and how they work and little things like the fuse box, how the BBQ works, & all the fire/smoke alarms and the telephone numbers for english speaking sos services "doctors, fire service etc, And our home telephone number incase they need us,
I feel its nice to welcome them and mean it.
And the bit they all seem to like!!!
The welcome pack,
Thats a plate of goodies, ice cream in the fridge and two bottles of wine, if we know children are coming we give a little special welcome gift all wrapped up,
Milk tea/bags and coffee (plus loo rolls "very important bit of a welcome kit) are all ready for when we've gone and they can enjoy a nice sit down and a cup of tea or coffee.
Now as long as the admin feel its ok ? I'll sort some pics out as ive said next week.
So its been a hot one today and i can hardly wait to hear from Louise ref the ice cream farm she visited!
So until later on to night, be good and enjoy the end of another working week.
5 Jul, 2013
Dungy, it's a fairly new one on the Holmes Chapel road, called the Seven Sisters Ice Cream Farm. It's only about 3 miles from where I work at Knutsford so it's quick to get to and very convenient. They make loads of flavours from milk from their own herd, and you can get tea/coffee/cakes/scones as well, so even if the weather is bad you can sit inside and enjoy some goodies.
I haven't been to the ones you mention, it's because this is so convenient to go to at lunchtime with colleagues that I'm so fond of it.
I have been to Beeston Castle, but not too recently, Mum and Dad are far too old now to climb up that steep slope!
Looking forward to seeing pictures of the gite, sounds a wonderful place to spend a holiday and the welcome pack sounds very welcoming indeed!
5 Jul, 2013
I am old enough [sadly] to remember ice cream farms too! I grew up in Yorkshire and we used to walk down over the fields to Clayton [then a village and rural with farms all around] every Sunday afternoon in Summer. The only ice cream they made from milk from the herd was vanilla , but it was yellow and creamy tasting, wonderful stuff.That was circa 1956 or so.After we had eaten it, we walked home again , about 2 miles, uphill too most of the way. We children would love this day out [or afternoon] and especially liked poking sticks into cowpats as we walked through the fields [ when parents weren't looking] and picking wildflowers, that wilted and were put in a jam jar to die when we got home.
8 Jul, 2013
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22 Oct, 2008
Reminds me of my cats uncles pet pony that used to roam the fields singing Elton John songs until one day it swallowed a large pomegranate stone and ever since it has been a Jehovah's witness.
We miss the melodic tones of yellow brick road and Daniel, but at least when he deilvers the Watchtower we have a good read.
4 Jul, 2013