The end of another day and about to go!!!!!!!!!!!
By dungy
Evening all,
Yes it’s that time again “the end to another day” and im about to go to my bed “safe and sound” knowing the boy’s (dog’s) are all tucked up in their beds.
(Ive just been watching Mrs Brown’s boy’s)
And as always nearly wet myself at her "or should that be “his” humour.
It’s been a nice day and i hope you’ve had a nice day also.
Tomorrow! “Well”
who knows what the papers will be full of,
It wont be good news thats for sure and the weather forcast here is rain for the next 3 days,
So it’ll be inside gardening stuff.
But i suppose we do have the tv, ie only fools and horses (again & again) or happy hour “jeremy kyle” and the trill of knowing who’s the dad out of the 5 could be’s.
Or who can beat the lie detector machine.
Give me all creatures great and small any day of the week.
26 Feb, 2014
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Oh Dungy!!!! Jeremy Kyle is the one to watch only on a very cold winters morn whilst having a coffee and in desperate need of a laugh....
G'Night,Sleep tight etc' lol....
26 Feb, 2014
Try Channel 4. There are sometimes very interesting programmes on there.
27 Feb, 2014
Hope you slept well Dungy .... just the thought of arms up cows backsides are enough to put me out ... but I can watch repeats of `the last of the summer wine` until the cows come home.
27 Feb, 2014
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Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
Yes forecast rain here too Dungy, yes tv has got worse for repeats and a load of rubbish, as for Jeremy Kyle never watch it, I don't encourage them to put such trash on. Yes tend to agree all news will be bad, never any thing good of some one might of done, then they wonder why we have a negative society.
All creatures great and small I ve seen on a while ago. :o))
nighty night .
26 Feb, 2014