Garden clothing,
By dungy
Evening all,
It’s been a better day here today “dry but cooler”,
Ive been sorting out the garden clothing ie whats had it and really needs to go into the workshop for use as rags,
But ive a wool hat that i like but it’s always getting caught in the verious thorns and rose bush,
And so i thought i’d take all the buttons off the used garden clothing add them to the box of odd buttons we’ve had for ages and take a leaf out of the pearly queens and sew all these buttons onto the outside of this wool hat,
It will help stop me having a fight with the likes of rose bushes and make the hat a bit more water proof.
Well anyone else doing anything like this ?
4 Mar, 2014
More blog posts by dungy
Previous post: do you use yours in the right way?
Pictures !!!!! Pictures,
Must show us Pictures (of plants enjoying the view)
5 Mar, 2014
Dungy I can spend hours pricking out little seedlings but I'm afraid I have no patience for sewing and that would be classed as sewing, YUK...
My plants like soothing music Scrumpy, Manuel of the Mountains is a fave, the rock music is for turning of the compost or emptying the bins completely, get a good tempo going jobs done in next to no time......LOL...
5 Mar, 2014
Hi Lincslass,
It's funny you saying about "music",
Last year i escaped "her in doors" and went to the garden centre,
while i was there they we're playing a CD. and i thought i really do like that,
It was music about the sea "Dolphins" and waves crashing and then it went on to whale calling each other,
Anyway i bought it and i offten have it on while im in the workshop,
It's the sort of music you never really get fed up with,
Oh i know some will say get a life, but each to their own.
5 Mar, 2014
Thats so true Dungy, it wouldn't pay for us all to like the same things, I myself have a very varied selection, Heavy Rock,Pop, Classical, Musicals in fact a bit of everything really except Jazz and dates from the 50's to todays charts, I have always liked to listen to Glenn Miller since I was a tinytot as my mum liked him and even like Snozzle Durante, now my favourites of today are Lady Gaga, and The Blackeyed peas, I even sing along to One Direction, lol, theres not a lot that I really dislike, have to admit my all time favourite group is the Moody Blues, my choice of music always depends on my mood at the time, one we do like here for relaxing and also time spent in the g'house is Jean Michelle Jarre's Oxygene, you'll probably laugh but when or should I say if its too hot in the summer and I am just sitting, I like to listen to The War of the Worlds.
5 Mar, 2014
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Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
Must admit I do all my gardening in a skimpy bikini with Metallica balsting out of the ghetto blaster as I've found that plants grow better when they see a bit of flesh gyrating to some heavy rock.
4 Mar, 2014