What happened to your stray cat, Hywel?
By eirlys
I’ve been re-reading past posts and now wonder what happened to your stray cat, Hywel?
Our two are 16 in May and sleep a lot. We have said we will not have any animals after these two but I believe when one cat “goes”, another takes its place!
I did feed a ginger, feral cat for some months. I wrote about him in a competition and won a lovely portrait of him, painted on quartz set as a pendant. Strangely The cat disappeared a few weeks after my prize arrived.
Do you think it was his way of saying “Thank you”? If so, has anyone else benefited in a material way?16 Feb, 2013
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Thank you for asking :o)
The stray, christened Smokey by Beryl, came every day from Sep until mid January.
Then he started coming less often, and eating less. Now he doesn't come at all. I don't know why.
I asked a few neighbours, and one of them told me she'd seen a big scruffy black cat further down the road one day, and I think it must have been him. He was big and scruffy.
I wish I could see him just to know he's all right.
Thinking about it though, he's been coming and going, like that, for some years ... I see him lots, and then not at all for several months. Then I see him lots again.
So he might come back :o)
16 Feb, 2013
Maybe he's with his "other family"Hywel
I read a story recently about a lady feeding a stray, only the best food would tempt him......until the day he turned up with a collar on!
She said he still comes but now just gets a little treat.......
17 Feb, 2013
I love cats but I hate it when they kill birds. We have a bird table so I'm glad our former Lager Louts are now spending most of the day asleep.
The "best" cat we ever owned was a Siamese. We hadn't planned on owning a cat at all but when our daughter and a friend turned up with the kitten that was "being bullied" I fell for its amazing blue eyes. Sian was with us for eighteen years and our children grew up with her around.
We were all heart-broken when she had to be put to sleep and I felt so guilty. The strange thing was that night I was awakened by her cry. I heard her twice more when I was awake, (my husband says I must have been asleep), and I just "knew" she was all right.
I will now stand back and await the brick-bats!! :O)
17 Feb, 2013
Blodyn doesn't catch birds. I know that because she brings all her victims back to the house and the garden. They are always field mice and shrews. Never a bird.
A previous cat used to catch bats. She used to sit on the roof and jump up and catch them. I didn't like it when she did that, but it's the way cats are. Nothing to be done about it ... and humans are much worse.
17 Feb, 2013
Next door's cat is only two years old and is a killer. She brings in shrews, lizards, young rats, dead birds, frogs, slow worms, small grass snakes. Useful companion for a "Macbeth" witch!!
We used to have bats here but haven't seen one for a while.
17 Feb, 2013
One of my cats can disappear for hours, occasionally a whole day and I just thought it was enjoying the great outdoors, but i've just found out yesterday from 2 different neighbours that he calls around to their houses and will just walk in if the doors are open or wait patiently until they let him in if the door is closed! they both said they really enjoy having him and making a fuss of him. he hates it if i make a fuss of him and only comes to me if i've got food. lol. cats can be so fickle!
There was a story on some programme of a cat making use of the whole town and he would stay in one house one night then move onto the next house the following night, occasionnaly going back to it's owner! Maybe, Hywels stray cat does the same thing!
17 Feb, 2013
In that case I'm coming back as a very cuddly cat in my next re-incarnation!
18 Feb, 2013
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We did receive a little cross stitch picture of our tabby from our next door neighbours when we moved house. We hadn't known that he used to go round to theirs for a second breakfast. He wouldn't eat sausage at home but apparently loved it there! What a pity your ginger puss moved on, but you have a nice memento of him anyway.
I'd also like news of Hywel's stray.
16 Feb, 2013